Home > Between Heaven and Hell(7)

Between Heaven and Hell(7)
Author: Erin Trejo

“Something else?” Benny sighs before bringing his eyes back to mine.

“They want you to take a test to see if she is truly related.” I press my hands together in front of me in prayer form before leaning my face against them.

“Where is Nikolai?” Benny opens his mouth to speak when the door flies open yet again.

“Since when did it become a goddamn non-necessity to knock on my door!” I roar but when I look up, I see the look etched across Nikolai’s face. Judging by that look, I will overlook this little indiscretion. “Just the man I was looking for. What is this shit Benny’s spouting off about?” I ask, looking him in the eyes. Nikolai has been a part of this family for many years before I became Boss. If anyone knows the inner workings of our lifestyle, it’s him. He’s an asset to me. We work closely to one another.

“Sorry, Cord. It looks like he is being truthful. I reached out to the social services woman and there is reason to believe that your father had an affair. This child may indeed be a Vitale.” As if I needed the extra stress in my life, this is outrageous.

“That doesn’t surprise me at all. My father was a weak bastard. What are the plans? Why am I being contacted in the first place?” I don’t care about people anymore. My father was a piece of shit, which was no surprise. He could have multiple children out there in the world, none of that holds any meaning to me. I’ve closed off on an emotional level. I take what I want when I want it. I use what and who I can to my advantage. This isn’t a non-issue as far as I’m concerned.

“Her mother passed away and she is in need of a home. Preferably with family.” Shoving out of my chair once again, I stand, sliding my hands into the pockets of my slacks.

“Preferably with a family? Do I come off as the family type?” I ask. Benny chuckles but this is no laughing matter. If they would have brought this to my plate a year ago, I would have welcomed it with open arms. Now? It’s another burden that I don’t need.

“I assure you that you are no family man, Cord. I’ve known you since you were born. I’ve watched the monster that you’ve become. But I must say that if your uncle instilled one ounce of value into you, it’s that you never walk away from family.” I remember my uncle’s words as I heard them so many times before.

“Your father was a coward. Your mother, she was your family. In this life the only ones we can depend on are family. It’s the basis of what we have built. We may not always like that family but in the end, they share our blood.”

His words echo through my head like the pulse that beats in my heart.

“When do we do this test?” Nikolai grins slightly, knowing that I will respect my uncle to the fullest regardless of if I like it or not. I don’t have it in me to let him down.

“In a few hours.”



Chapter 8



I climb in the limo oblivious to anything that happens to be going on around me. As if I don’t have better things to attend to, now I am in the middle of this he said, she said drama. I keep my gaze out the window as we travel deeper into town to take care of this matter. In my opinion, there shouldn’t even be a matter.

“What are your thoughts on the situation with Midas?” Nikolai asks, pulling my attention to his. I mentally thank him for his attempt to keep my mind off this test and child.

“There is no situation. He will run what I tell him, and it will keep his sleazy ass alive,” I casually inform him. Nikolai nods his head before I return to stare out the window. Solemn times like this, I wonder what my life would have been like if my uncle were still alive. Where would I be? I wouldn’t be in the position I am now, that much I know. But where would I be? The limo comes to a stop as I let out a sigh in frustration. This is more shit than I care to deal with today, on top of my other meetings.

The door opens before I slide out, adjusting my suit before looking around the area. I haven’t been to this side of town in a very long time. There’s nothing over here for me. If you see me over here, you can guarantee that there is some kind of situation that I’m tending to. Angelo holds the door to the building open before motioning for me to move inside. I’m immediately hit with the smell of mold and complete filth.

“Mr. Vitale. I’m Ronda. I spoke with your people about the test.” Nodding my head, I extend my hand to the small chunky woman.

“It’s a pleasure to meet you. If you don’t mind, I’d like to get this taken care of in a timely manner.” Pulling my hand free of hers, she nods.

“Follow me this way.” Her attitude has changed in the mere seconds that I’ve been in here. It doesn’t change the fact that I want to get this over with and be on my way.

“Take a seat and the nurse will be in shortly,” she says before leaving the room. I take a look around the dilapidated room before I opt for the small chair in the corner. I let out a breath of frustration when a woman comes in, turning her back to me almost immediately.

“I’m Ava. I will be drawing your blood for the test. It typically takes around four weeks to get the results back, but I see here you ordered it be rushed. That should come back in a week or so.” I listen to her speak but when she turns to face me, I gasp.

“The eyes of an angel.”

The words fall from my lips as a whisper. Those are the same eyes that have haunted me for a year. The eyes that only my dreams have held. How are those eyes hers? How is this her?

The woman looks at me strangely after what I said. I can’t say that I blame her, it was strange.

“May I?” Gesturing to my arm, I remove my jacket before rolling the sleeve of my dress shirt up my arm. She squirms under my gaze, but I can’t pull my eyes away from her. It’s her. The girl with the eyes of an angel. I would remember them anywhere. I watch her as she works at finding a vein. So meticulous and professional.

“You’re going to feel a prick,” she says. Her little fingers move with ease as the needle makes its way into my veins.

“Are you ok?” Her eyes come to meet mine and I’m lost. I’m in enamored with her. I give her a slight nod before she looks back down at my arm. The air is trapped in my lungs, thoughts swarming my head. Pulling the needle free, she holds pressure before reaching across me for a bandage.

“Excuse me.” Her words are a whisper, but her scent intoxicates me. I inhale deeply taking in all of her that I can before she pulls back.

“Sorry, we only have pink bunnies.” Her smile is infectious as she places the little pink bandage on the area.

“Real men can wear pink bunnies,” I assure her with a grin on my face. She laughs lightly, making my cock twitch. So perfectly made, her long blonde hair and those piercing blue eyes. I want more; I want to see more of her. I want to know what makes her tick. What excites her? This is unusual for me to even give a shit about a woman. When she starts to pull away, I reach up and grasp her hand in mine. Her eyes move to lock with mine before I lick my lips.

“I want to take you to dinner this evening,” I blurt out. She narrows her eyes as she lets that sink in.

“I can’t. I have to work.” I can see the way I affect her. It’s the same way I affect most women I come in contact with. That lust, that intrigue but with her it’s different. It feels different.

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