Home > Jilted Jock(21)

Jilted Jock(21)
Author: Rebecca Jenshak

“One of the guys asked about you once. Said he’d seen a picture of you on Chance’s social media or something and wanted to know if he could get your number. I thought Chance was going to punch him just for suggesting he was good enough for you.” Finn shook his head like he was remembering it. “Can’t say that I blame him. If you were my sister, I’d be protective, too.”

My face heated with the sort of compliment. I put the steaks on a plate and Finn took over seasoning while I wrapped potatoes in foil. “Chance always wanted to keep me from dating his friends. The first time I admitted I had a crush on one of them – I was probably only in fifth grade or so – he freaked out and told me I was never ever to date his friends. That he’d make sure they knew I was off limits. After that any time any of his buddies were over, he’d get pissed if they even said hi to me. I mean hello, it’s not like they were interested in Chance’s skinny, awkward little sister. Most of the time guys, even my own age, were just nice to me to get to Chance. He was always popular, the guy people wanted to know and be friends with. Even before he became Chance the soccer star.”

“I see you were as clueless back then as you are now?”

“How do you mean?” I asked.

Finn studied me for a long moment. Blue eyes searched for… something. “You’re beautiful and interesting, and your brother was right – none of those guys were good enough for you.”

My face flamed and I couldn’t even squeak out a thank you.

“Are we ready?” he asked, completely unfazed like he hadn’t just given me the nicest compliment I’d received in… forever.

Finn carried everything while I walked behind him feeling a bit ridiculous with empty hands but enjoying the way he was such a gentleman. Richard had manners, but he had less of the alpha must-do-all-the-manly-things way about him. Don’t get me wrong, I enjoyed that he didn’t treat me like I was incapable, but Finn didn’t either. Finn had a way of swooping in and taking a load off in a way that was just sweet. And Finn wasn’t sweet. Maybe that’s why it felt that way. He was so rough around the edges that when he did something, no matter how small, it made it feel more important than it was.

Chance and Aubrey were excited to see us. Even more excited when they realized we’d brought food. Chance and Finn took over grilling and I sat down with Aubrey. She’d abandoned a glass of wine and poured us both coffee.

“You know it doesn’t bother me if you drink.”

She smiled maybe a bit sheepishly. “You always say that, but it just doesn’t feel right. Besides, that wine was going to put me to sleep by eight.”

Chance and Aubrey never kept much booze stocked in their house. A bottle or two of wine and a few beers max. It made me love them just a little more for how much they respected me and the lengths they went to show me. I knew that I’d never be magically cured – addiction didn’t work that way, but I didn’t feel an ounce of temptation when Chance and Aubrey had a beer or glass of wine in my presence. They drank so responsibly. Especially since CJ. When I did crave a high, it was the out of control feeling I wanted more than anything.

“Does Richard ever drink in front of you?” Aubrey asked.

“Rarely and only if we’re out at a restaurant or an event or something and he never has more than one.”

“He’s really good to you.”

I nodded. “He really is. He’s already lined up an interview for me in New York. I go on Friday.”

“What?!” she squeaked, voicing the surprise and panic I’d felt at first. “What about your job here? Will you move right away? Oh my God, I’m not prepared. I thought we’d have months yet.”

“I don’t know. I thought so too. Listen, can you please not tell Chance yet? He’s going to flip.”

She groaned. “You know I’m the worst at keeping things from him. He sees through me. He knows when I’m hiding something.”

“You two are ridiculous.”

That made her smile. “He’s going to be devastated.”

My stomach sank. Living near Chance these last few years had meant everything. I was already a little devastated myself.

“You guys can visit, and I’ll come back – you know I can’t go too long without seeing my favorite nephew. It’s time for me to get on with my life.” I motioned toward her abandoned wine glass. “You can have your wine without worrying about me falling off the wagon.”

Aubrey reached over and placed her hand over mine. “You know that our not drinking around you has nothing to do with worrying about you falling off the wagon, right? Don’t get me wrong, I do worry about that, but only because I love you so much. You’re the strongest person I know. We don’t drink in front of you because we want you to know that you’re more important to us than that. Your comfort and your sobriety… your happiness.”

I was fighting back tears. God, what was I going to do without her?

I shook my head and squeezed my eyes shut for a moment. “Let’s talk about something else. I might bomb the interview and be here another six months.”

“Not likely, but I’ll give you a pass. Besides, I want to hear how it’s going with Finn. You two seem to be getting along nicely.”

“Who would have thought?” I laughed lightly.

Chance and Finn came in with the food shortly after. My brother was all smiles. Finn made Chance seem younger somehow. Maybe it was just Finn’s youth or the way he reminded Chance of when he was playing soccer.

Chance was happy now, that was obvious in the way he interacted with Aubrey and CJ, but I’d bet he missed soccer and being part of a team. He didn’t really talk about it.

“You want something to drink?” Aubrey asked Finn. “We’ve got wine, beer, coffee.”

He glanced at me before answering. “Water would be great.”

Aubrey looked to me.


Finn and I sat on the opposite side of the table from Chance and Aubrey, CJ in a highchair next to his mum. With Finn sitting in Richard’s usual seat it was all a little surreal. I had to stop myself on more than one occasion from leaning closer.

Once everyone had their plates filled, Chance spoke to me around a mouth full of steak. “Finn and I were talking about going to that little hole in the wall Chinese buffet on Saturday. I know how much you love that place but hate going by yourself. You in?”

“Oh.” Aubrey looked down when I glanced to her for help. “I’m going to be out of town this weekend.”

Chance’s eyebrows pulled together. “You’re going to visit Dick so soon? He was just here.”

My palms sweated. Aubrey was right, my brother was a secret ninja.

“I have an interview on Friday.” I took a bite of my potato and tried to act casual.

The table grew quiet until all I could hear was my own chewing. Even CJ was silent.

“The headhunter working with Richard to staff the New York office had a job and, well, it sounds perfect. It’s just an interview.”

“That’s great,” Chance said with a tone that said the opposite. Aubrey elbowed him and forced a smile.

Finn scooted his arm along the table until it touched mine. I glanced up to find him offering a sympathetic smile. I took it and I didn’t break the contact for several long seconds as I soaked up any reassurances I could.

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