Home > Making It Right(57)

Making It Right(57)
Author: Helen Wilder

“You’re right though. I haven’t been very fair to you but I do love you. So much. Take me home.” He looks at me as if I’m crazy, not understanding.

“You are home?” He questions.

“No, I mean take me home to Sydney. Now.”

“What?” I think I shocked him.

“I mean it, no more waiting, I don’t want to waste any more time.”

“We’re doing this? You’re a hundred percent sure?”

“I’m a thousand percent sure.” I give him a massive grin.

I don’t believe I have ever seen a larger smile than the one I get back in response. His whole face and eyes have lit up. I observe so much love being reflected back at me I need to swallow the lump of emotion in my throat. His warm hands caress my cheeks. One of this thumbs running across my lower lip.

"Oh, Lana.” Kiss. “You have just made me so fucking happy."

Taking me by surprise he pushes me down on the mattress, I squeal and start laughing but quickly stop when he covers my body with his naked one, his mouth captures mine, his tongue immediately darting out and seeking entrance which I gladly and willingly give.

I run my hands along his muscular back, reaching down I rip the towel off his waist throwing it across the room.

In less than ten seconds he has me completely naked, I think I heard something tear and then he’s thrusting and pushing his way into my body, trying to get as deep as he can, my head and back arching back as pleasure shoots throughout both our bodies.

“I need you.” He groans as I feel him pull out before slamming back in.

All the worry and stress of the last few hours have had our emotions all over the place, we need this life affirming connection with each other.

“Please, Nick.” I need more. I need to feel him everywhere, to consume me.

“I love you.” He pants across my throat.

“I love you.”

I have a tight grip on his biceps grounding myself to him as I match his movements, our eyes locked on each other communicating so much without words. His thrusts start off wild, his hips crashing into mine hard and fast as he takes me, in and out hitting the magic spot within. Using his hand he lifts my knee, hooking my leg across his hip and lower back giving him greater access to move more freely and deeper yet.

Grabbing the back of his head I pull his face to mine kissing him deeply and pouring all my love for him into it. It’s passionate and needy. With our tongues duelling he slows down, prolonging our lovemaking, barely moving and giving me the friction I need. I groan in frustration.

"Please!" I beg, I need to cum, I'm so close.

He rises up on his knees, pulling my hips up with him then speeds up once more, in and about with a punishing rhythm, I feel him grow even thicker telling me he's close too along with his heavy panting and grunts. His hand comes between us where his fingers plays with my clit pushing me closer to the edge and as soon as his teeth take a hold of my nipple and bite down I'm gone, I’m flying as immense blissful pleasure shoots out from my core causing me to forget where I am for a brief moment.

"You feel so fucking amazing, all I need is you, baby," he grits out through his teeth.

We both climax, exploding at the same time, calling out garbled versions of each other's names. My body has a tight hold of him inside me continuing to squeeze him not wanting to release him just yet. We continue to kiss gently, getting our breathing under control as he softens and slips out of my body.

Lying spent in his arms, my head on his chest I listen to his steady heartbeat while he plays with my hair. Looking around my bedroom I’m going to miss this place but I’m going where I’m meant to be, where I’ve always belonged and where my heart was left behind.

“Come on, let’s eat and get back to our daughter.” Nick says with a kiss to my head as he gets up from the bed.



Chapter 33






Three weeks have passed since Charlotte’s accident and the scariest day of my life. Nick has been here with us the whole time refusing to leave without us again, not now that we’re returning with him. Charlie is her usual happy self and there seem to be no lasting effects. The stitches in her head were removed yesterday and the graze on her cheek is all but healed. We kept her home for the first week from school since Nick was here to look after her while I was at work and I felt better knowing she was at home with him in case anything happened.

The best part has been having him in my bed, cuddled around me, feeling content and safe under the covers without having to think about him leaving and counting down the days of when the three of us will be together again. If I’m honest with myself, each time he got on that plane I had a fear that something might go wrong and he won’t make it here or back home, however I won’t need to worry about that again, at least not until he needs to take a business trip somewhere.

We sat down and talked after Charlie was in bed the day we brought her home from the hospital about getting us all back in Sydney and how quickly it can be done. If Nick had it his way, we would have left the very next day. Only one more week left and we’ll be locking up this house and moving our lives to the other side of the country.

When we told Charlotte that we’re moving back to Sydney with daddy for good, no more leaving and traveling, she stared at us with her big wide grey eyes, not moving, I think we may have shocked her or she didn’t quite believe us. Once the news sunk in she let out a loud screech which I think was supposed to sound like the word ‘yes’. She hugged us both so tightly around the neck then rushed into her room and started packing her dolls one handed into her back pack.

Going into work on the Monday after Charlie’s accident and knowing that I was about to resign had my stomach tied up in knots. John has been so good to me and I feel terrible leaving him so suddenly with less than a month’s notice. I recall my hands shaking as I knocked on his door first thing in the morning, no point in putting it off and working myself up even more.

“Morning, Alannah.” He greets me happily looking up from his computer screen.

“Morning, John. Can I talk to you for a minute?” I sit in the chair in front of his desk.

“Certainly, what’s on your mind?”

“This is really difficult for me to say because we have become friends outside the office. I have enjoyed working here with you and appreciated the chance you took on me when you hired me but I have decided to move back to Sydney. I’ll be leaving in three weeks’ time. I know it’s short notice, I’m sorry but I’ll help you try and find a replacement for me.” He looks at me with a kind smile.

“It was bound to happen eventually. Don’t feel bad about it, Alannah I knew this day was going to come sooner or later when I learned who your ex and Charlotte’s father is. Who keeps Nicholas Moore waiting?” He jokes. Well, me apparently. “You have truly been an asset to me, and I know my wife and the girls will miss the two of you. Keep in touch.”

“Thank you and we will. We’ll be back to visit my mother often so perhaps we can organise for the girls to have a play date and catch up.”

Most of the large and important things have been sorted out. I’m going to keep the house, considering that Nick bought it and we will be coming back to visit my mother, it gives us a place to stay, Nick has already looked into a company to maintain its upkeep while it sits empty. It would have hurt to let the house go, Charlotte spent the first years of her life here and it’s full of memories for us when it was just the two of us. My car, which Nick hates so much, I’m leaving with my mother to sell.

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