Home > Creeping Beautiful(62)

Creeping Beautiful(62)
Author: J.A. Huss

His eyes are narrowed down into very thin slits. “What about her?”

“Let me just explain that the reason I’m asking is because Indie has told me some things and she brought up Angelica’s name. That’s it. That’s the only reason I’m asking. OK?”

“So ask.”

“Is she working?”

His eyes open wide again. “Angelica?” He laughs. “No, brother. And she’s not for hire, either.”

Both of my hands go up in defense. “I’m not looking to hire her. It’s just… Indie. She’s… she said that Angelica came to her with a job. She said they’re working together.”

James leans back in his seat. His whole posture changes, becomes more relaxed. “She’s mistaken. Angelica lives at home still. She just turned eighteen a few weeks ago and she might have big dreams about all the possibilities her new adult status might bring, but…” He chuckles a little. “Yeah. That’s not gonna happen. She’s about as normal a girl can be after spending her childhood being trained by the Company.”

I let out a long breath. “OK.”

James nods. “That it?”

“Yeah. That’s it.”

“You having some kind of trouble with Indie I should be aware of?”

“Nothing we can’t handle.”

“Well, excuse me for saying so, but you don’t seem too sure about that, Adam.”

“We have a system and it’s been working… OK. So far. But she took off for two weeks and we didn’t know where she was. Then she fed me this story about Angelica and I just… I already knew it was bullshit but I had to hear it from you. You understand, right?”

“Believe me, I get it. Not a single fucking day goes by that I’m not looking at Angelica with a critical eye. Is she being aggressive? Did she just look at that person funny? I have to know where she is every minute of the day or I go insane. And if she disappeared for two weeks…” He shakes his head. “No. I would not deal with that very well. Did you try to trace her?”

“She’s… good at what she does.”

“I can imagine. No clue, then?”

I shake my head. “But we have Donovan, you know. He’s been treating her this whole time. I don’t know if Angelica had a trigger word—”

“Fuck, no.”

“—but Indie does. Did. Maybe still does.” James just stares at me and I get nervous again. Not for me. But for Indie. Because he could… he could decide Indie has to go. He could decide she needs to be put down. He could decide this little family we’ve made over the past ten years is now over. “Donovan was training in PSYOPS… before. Ya know? And he’s good. He’s got it under control.”

James folds his arms across his chest, clearly not convinced.

I stand up, my drink untouched, needing this meeting to be over. “Thanks. I appreciate you coming all this way to talk to me. I need to get going now.”

He nods, but doesn’t get up or say anything.

So I turn and start walking.

But then he calls out, “Don’t forget about my first warning, Adam. That was not a suggestion. It was a command.”

I stop. And for a second I don’t understand what he’s talking about. But then I catch Misha’s eye across the room and remember.

Get rid of her.

James Fenici just told me to get rid of Misha.

“And listen,” he calls again. This time I look at him over my shoulder. “It’s a hard lesson to learn, but not everyone’s worth saving, Adam.”

I nod my head and then keep walking. Straight out of the bar. Right back to my truck. And then I drive all the way home trying to figure out how I’m gonna tell McKay that Indie is sick.






After Adam’s call I go inside to check up on Donovan and Indie. See how dinner’s coming. Let them know we can eat outside if they want.

They’re both in the kitchen. Donovan must’ve bought beer when he went to the grocery store because they are both holding green bottles in their hands. Indie is sitting on the kitchen island facing Donovan, who is leaning against the counter next to the stove.

Both of them are laughing when I walk in.

Indie sets her beer down, hops off the counter, and comes over to me, slipping her arms right around my waist as she leans into my chest.

I watch Donovan for a reaction. He meets my gaze and shrugs.

I grip Indie’s shoulders and push her back a little. “What was that for?”

“Just… you.” She glances at Donovan. “Both of you.” She looks back at me. “But I’ve hugged him already so it was your turn.”

Hugged him. Sure. “Is dinner ready?”

Donovan opens a cupboard, grabs four plates, and sets them down on the counter. “Just waiting on you. You wanna set the table, Indie?”

“My old job is still mine, I see.” But then she must count the plates because she lifts one of them up. “Are we expecting Adam?”

I say, “No,” just as Donovan says, “Maybe.”

“Which is it?”

I shake my head. “No. He texted me. He can’t make it.”

Indie makes a little pout face, something I have not seen her do in many years. “Well, that sucks.”

“I thought you wanted to kill him?”

“What? That’s crazy, McKay. What the hell is wrong with you?”

Donovan and I both glance at each other, eyebrows raised.

He breaks the silence first. “Go on, Indie. Set the table. We’ll bring out the food.”

“You guys just want to talk about me, don’t you?”

I ignore her and open the silverware drawer, grab enough for three people, and then close it with my hip and hand it all to Indie. “There you go.”

She smirks at me. “I can take a hint.” She leaves. I wait a second, then follow her to the front door and peek out to make sure she’s going to the pavilion.

Donovan is already behind me. “What did he say?”

“He said he’s not coming until she remembers what really happened that day.”

“How’s that gonna be helpful? We need him here when she remembers.”

“He knows that. He just doesn’t care.”

I turn to look at Donovan. He’s running his fingers through his dark hair. “Well, fuck. Now what?”

“I guess… I guess we lead her through it, Donovan. Have a session with her.”

“Hypnosis? Or just a regular one?”

I shrug. Because this isn’t my area. “Whatever you think is best.”

He lets out a long breath. And for a moment I get this sick feeling in my gut that he’s gonna refuse. That Donovan Couture has had just about enough of this little distraction called Indie, and he’s gonna wipe his hands and walk away.

I’m ready if he tries. I’m ready to block him. Talk sense into him.

But I don’t have to.

He nods. Sighs again. “OK. Then hypnosis. But we should eat first. Give me time to think about how to best handle this because it’s been a long time, McKay. I would never have called myself a PSYOPS expert, but it’s been a long time since I had to think about it.”

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