Home > Dismount(24)

Author: Lucia Franco

Coming down on the second rotation, I waited until my toes were parallel with the bar and I released my hold. The bar ricocheted violently behind me as I twisted two times with a straight body to complete a double twisting double layout. This dismount was one of the hardest dismounts to complete. It required a straight body going against pressure, and I'd worked endlessly with him to perfect it.

Spotting for the ground, my arms came out in front of me. Feet together, I landed on the mat with only the tiniest hop. Before I could raise my arms, I heard Kova yell his excitement, followed by Madeline shouting. I smiled from ear to ear as I saluted the judges, then I ran off the podium to my coaches. I hugged both and waited with them for my score to post.

I went into this routine with a different mindset than I had vault. I let myself go, living in the moment and loving the sport that had captivated my heart from a young age. I didn't hold back. I didn't worry. I just let my body feel.

I knew it had a lot to do with Kova. It was always him. He sensed my reluctance, my fears, my worries. I had to wonder how I would do without him by my side. I'd like to think I'd perform the same, but honestly, I wasn't sure.

I pulled my buckles back and slipped my grips off.

"How's your arm?" Madeline asked.

"Killing me," I said, panting. "It was the reverse grip and the back giant that did it. I thought I was going to end up tearing my shoulder all the way down. I'm going to need to ice it tonight to compete tomorrow."

"I'll make sure you have everything you need when you go into physical therapy."

Luckily, I had brought a small bottle of Motrin with me. I planned to pop six pills the moment I got back to my hotel room. I couldn't tell anyone, though. I'd probably get yelled at, but this was one of those desperate moments that required it.

I exhaled a heavy breath. I had no idea how the hell I even got through that routine.

"Thanks, Madeline," I said when the crowd erupted.

We glanced at the black screen high above us and looked for my name. With only a few deductions, I was still in second place with a large margin separating me from third. I couldn't believe it. I stared, afraid it would all go away if I blinked. Falling on that first vault was going to cost me today, but I knew in my gut going forward I'd excel from here on out. That was what I hoped anyway.

"Fantastic," Madeline said, smiling. "Keep it up."

She pulled her notebook from under her arm and strode away, writing in it as she did. Probably making a note of the items I'd need for therapy.

"How do you feel?" Kova asked. His hands were clasped behind his back.

I peered up at him and lifted one corner of my mouth into a smile. "Aside from my dangling dead limb, I feel good. Really good, actually. More confident than before."

"Good. I am glad. You should be happy while you are here. You earned it. Pack up and let us move onto beam."

Kova turned to leave, but I called his name.


Anxiety swirled in my blood. I should've waited, but I had to say something. It was stupid to feel this way when I'd been alone with Kova before, but I was too nervous to ask him to meet me tonight. We hadn't had a chance to talk and I really wanted to. We needed to.

I bit my lip, and his eyes fell to my mouth. "Do you think we can talk tonight?"

Kova drew his lower lip between his teeth. "Come on. Let us go."

A blush crept into my cheeks. I felt like a weight had been lifted from my chest just asking that simple question.

The balance beam had passed much quicker for some reason, thank God, and now I was on my last event—floor. Fortunately, I was still in second place after beam. I'd only had a few wobbles, but nothing to knock me down to third place.

Madeline was rubbing my arms, warming me up. She bent over so she was eye level with me and took my hands in hers, shaking my arms out.

"I want you to go out there and have fun, you hear me? Smile and show this arena who you are and that you're a force to be reckoned with."

My cheeks flushed. Sometimes I was shy. "I'll try."

"No, you will do it."

I giggled. "All right." I was high on life right now and really, really happy. I felt like I was bursting with sunshine, something I hadn't felt in a while

She let go of my hands and said, "You're up! Knock 'em dead."

I saluted the judges, then walked up the steps and onto the blue carpeted spring floor. This was a favorite event of mine. My classical routine had a lot of spunk and charm woven through it that had been choreographed specifically to fit my personality and aptitude. It was a lot of fun to perform, a total crowd pleaser where fans of the sport clapped their hands and joined in.

Right before I stepped into position and took my stance, I glanced over my shoulder and searched for my good luck charm.

He was already looking at me.

That was all I needed.






"So," Avery said, drawing out the word, "how’d you do today? Tell me everything!"

I chuckled at her excitement.

"I need to know if my bestie is going to the Olympics so I can tell everyone at school tomorrow. Then I'm gonna book my ticket so I can watch you in person."

I smiled, my heart beating with so much love for my friend. "It was unreal, Ave! The crowd was so loud the entire time, and there was this big extravagant opening to introduce the gymnasts today. The lights were turned down low while this video montage played above. Each one of us walked onto the floor one by one waving to the people while these huge smoke bombs in red, white, and blue erupted behind us. The announcer said which state we were from and the gym name. We were given matching USA sweat suits too. I can't wait to get a free minute to watch the replay." I hadn't realized how cool the introductions were until I told Avery. Funny how it was a blur until now. "As for the team, I'll know tomorrow. I have one more day of competition, and that’s when the team is picked."

"Shit." She groaned. "I must've gotten the days mixed up. I thought it was today. Anyway, that sounds so damn cool. I wish I was there to see it. I'll have to check before I go to school when it'll be on television so I can record it. Make sure you tell me ASAP after tomorrow. Do you think you'll make it? I think you will."

That was the million-dollar question.

"I think I have a good chance, but I'm trying not to get my hopes up even though I'm dying to make it." I chuckled. "I may have placed at Worlds and other major comps, but you just never know. There are so many amazingly talented girls here too. My coaches think I have a chance."

"You mean Madeline?"

I perked up. "Oh, my God. I didn't get a chance to tell you. Kova is here."

"Shut the fuck up!" Avery gasped.

"No, I know. I couldn't believe it myself when he showed up at the airport."

"No shit. Did your dad flip?"

"No. I'm not sure of the details just yet, but my dad knew Kova was coming. He just didn't tell me. Can you believe it? Kova just showed up at the terminal and sat across from me."

"How did he look?"

"Like a wreck, honestly. Horrible. He looked like he hadn't slept in days."

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