Home > Dismount(7)

Author: Lucia Franco

This was news to me. I felt bad for Sophia. She seemed like she had a gentle soul with good intent, yet she lived with so many regrets she still dealt with on a daily basis.

"He was going to leave her until Joy came barreling along and played the perfect part." She sounded remorseful and a little envious. "I don't blame her, though, and I don't hate her. She fought dirty and won."

I, on the other hand, had a fair amount of animosity toward Joy. She didn’t just fight dirty, she kicked a dead horse and anyone else who stood in her way.

"I wouldn't say she won if you're here," I said.

A momentary twinkle lit Sophia's eyes, then she said, "Joy never loses."






I frowned and pulled the thin blanket to my chin. I was so cold and the chills were making their way down my arms.

How could Joy win if they were divorcing? I had so many questions I wanted to ask.

"Why are you telling me this?"

Sophia expelled a heavy breath. It made me wonder if this was harder for her to talk about than she let on.

"My parents were dedicated churchgoers and lived by the Bible. Well, my mom still is, my father passed away years ago. They had reacted in a similar fashion as Frank did with you, except they kicked me out. I was suddenly homeless and pregnant. I only had my sister, and she was sick.

"I know I'm not in any position to tell you what to do or to give you advice, but I want you to know that if you ever need someone to talk to, or a place to run, I'll always be here for you. I remember being your age like it was yesterday. The heart wants what it wants."

She looked at me and I felt like I was staring at myself. It was no wonder Joy hated the sight of me. I must've reminded her of Sophia every day of her life.

"What I'm trying to say is I want you to know you don't have to go through this alone. What happened in my life caused me to fall into a horrible depression I thought I was never going to climb out of. I don't want to see that happen to you. It's a lonely place to be and can destroy you mentally."

I nodded and relaxed into the bed, trying to get comfortable. Over the course of the last year, I'd been in and out of depression and I hadn't even known it until Kova pulled me completely from the black hole I'd been stuck in. He had forced me to face the facts. At the time I hated him for it, but it had also made me love him more because it was what I’d needed in order to move on. That was the day I’d carved a letter into his chest.

Dad would never see it through my eyes no matter how strong I made my case. What hurt the most was knowing nothing I did or said would ever change how he saw the situation. He automatically took me for a victim.

Tears rested on my eyelids. I sniffled. "I don't know what to do. Kova didn't hurt me. He didn't force me to do anything. I swear he didn't take advantage. I know I probably sound young and dumb, but it's the truth and Dad will never, ever believe me. Now Kova is in jail for rape, and Dad wants me to go home with him to rot."

My nostrils flared. I tried to hold back the emotional baggage that came with the territory, but I couldn't. My heart had been ripped from my chest and my future destroyed in a matter of minutes. I wished I had never answered the door.

"Maybe you should take some extra time off for you," Sophia suggested lightly. My brows rose. "I think you have a lot going on and need some time to yourself. I did some soul searching after I lost everyone I loved. Frank, you, my sister…even my parents. I'd been kicked out and I was so alone and scared. I hardly had any self-esteem. I wish someone had told me if I focused on myself right then I'd live a happier, longer, fuller life." She paused. "I was too upset to realize that. The most important thing in your life right now is you. That's the only way you're going to get better."

Sophia looked toward the door and back at me, then leaned closer. "I probably shouldn't tell you this"—she dragged her teeth over her bottom lip—"but I think it would help rest your mind." My brows furrowed at her hesitation. "Konstantin isn’t in jail for rape. He was arrested for assault."

My jaw plummeted to the floor. "What are you talking about?"

"You have to understand your dad is devastated. People act on emotion first and think later, especially when the situation is dire. Frank only told the police Konstantin attacked him. You're not involved in any of it."

My jaw was still hanging open. I was speechless as a new wave of nausea turned my stomach.

"I don't understand. Why would he let me believe Kova was charged with rape?"

She gave me an apologetic look like she was torn down the middle. "He's your dad, Adrianna. I think if he had it his way, Konstantin would be locked up for the rest of his life." Her eyes roamed my face. "I think rape is easier for him to accept rather than think his daughter willingly slept with someone he trusted…and then got pregnant."

My eyes dropped down to the bed. She was right, and I was sure I'd probably act the same way if I was—

No. I let out a breath. I let that thought go. I couldn't go there.

"I'm going to see if I can get him to think about dropping the charges. I think down the line he'll regret it."

I didn't say anything. I wasn't sure how to respond properly.

"I think he needs to be reminded of how it was for us," she continued. "Then ask himself if he'd want that for you. I'm not saying I agree with your actions, but the situation isn't black-and-white either."

"He's going to say it's not the same thing. He'll never see it like that."

"I can try, right?"






Dr. Kozol stood before me as he looked over my chart. Dad had called him in as soon as I was admitted.

"I highly recommend bed rest until you leave for your next gymnastics meet. You're burning the fuse at both ends. All you're doing is working against yourself," he said, sounding like my dad.

My eyelids were heavy as I looked up at him. I just wanted to go back to sleep.

"I know," I said. "I'm going to. My arm hurts really bad anyway. There's no way I can even do a cartwheel right now."

His eyes bore into mine and he lifted a brow. "Do not take Motrin for that. If you're in pain, or something is bothering you, I need to know first. Not all medications are safe for your kidneys."


"You're in pretty bad shape right now." He flipped to the next page. "Luckily, your kidneys have leveled out since you were admitted. As for the miscarriage," he continued, and my cheeks heated with embarrassment. "Again, bed rest is an absolute must. If you don't heal properly, you'll develop scar tissue and risk your chances of conceiving in the future. Your body could work against you, causing a flare up on top of that. Anything is possible when your immune system is compromised, as yours is right now."

"She'll get the proper rest she needs, Doctor." Dad reassured him.

Dad made it sound like I was going to be on bed rest for the rest of my life. I’d already decided I couldn’t spare more than five days, and even that was pushing it. I was hoping by then my arm wouldn't hurt as much.

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