Home > Lawful Mates(2)

Lawful Mates(2)
Author: Liam Kingsley

He stared, frozen in place, just as I was. I noted his straight nose and chiseled jawline, the high cheekbones, and full lips. His blond hair was cropped close on the sides but left a little longer on top. If I’d been able to think clearly, I would have thought he was the most gorgeous man I’d ever laid eyes on, but I was having trouble functioning.

Tuck’s sharp laugh broke the trance. “No fucking way. Oh, this is rich. Well, Easton, allow me to introduce you to my best friend, Percy. Percy, this is Jamie’s best friend, Easton.”

I’d figured as much, but I was seeing this man in a whole new light. And I wasn’t sure I liked it. At all.

As if on autopilot, I extended my hand toward Easton, some part of my brain remembering my manners.

“Hi,” I said, barely able to form the word. As much as I wanted to, I couldn’t look away from him. It was like he was drawing me in.

And when he echoed my greeting and reached out to take my hand, my wolf seemed to howl inside me. It was like a jolt of electricity raced through my body as our hands made contact, and my mind raced as fast as my heart as I tried to process what was happening.

No, no, no… It couldn’t be. There was no way. No fucking way.

But as much as I tried to deny it, the truth was right there smacking me in the face. That was exactly what it had been like when Tuck had found Jamie—his fated mate.

But I didn’t want a mate. I didn’t even want a relationship. The few times I’d tried, they’d all failed spectacularly. My career had always come between us, and I’d resigned myself to the fact I was married to my job and that a relationship wasn’t in the cards for me. I’d actually come to appreciate that.

Yet this guy was rocking the very foundation of the world as I knew it.

“Well, this should be interesting.” I barely registered Tucker’s words because all I could hear echoing in my mind was mate, mate, mate.

And I knew at that moment, whether I liked it or not, this man before me was most definitely my fated mate.









My world was definitely tipping off its axis. I held Percy’s hand in mine, unable to let go as I stared into those hazel eyes that seemed to shift between green and amber. I was mesmerized. Unable to look away.

The emotions pouring from my wolf were hitting me so hard I felt like my knees were made of jelly. My mate. This man—Percy, Tucker’s best friend, was my mate? If the reaction my wolf was having to him was any indication, then he was indeed. And I had no idea what to do with that knowledge.

My ears buzzed, and my heart pounded, and I could barely think past that one word that changed everything. How was it possible? And what was I going to do about it?

Vaguely, I heard Jamie snicker and mutter something that had Tucker chuckling as well, but I simply stared at Percy.

His hair was the darkest brown, slightly wavy, his thick brows and scruffy beard just as dark. His bright eyes popped in contrast against his tan skin. And his body… He was huge. Broad and muscled, but not stocky. A perfect blend of raw power and lean strength. I barely suppressed a tremble at the sudden pull of desire low in my belly.

“Easton.” Jamie snapped his fingers in front of my face, and I realized I’d been in a total daze, staring at this guy. I glanced quickly at Jamie and then flushed at his amused expression. Yeah, there was no way the three of them hadn’t noticed my bizarre reaction.

But I still couldn’t seem to focus completely. It was like my mind had been hijacked by my wolf. With no small effort, I forced myself to not look back at Percy but to keep my gaze trained on Jamie.

“Sorry, what were you saying?”

Jamie’s lips twitched. “I was saying that you should probably go put the cake down before you drop it and ruin it.”

“Right. Okay. Yeah.” I turned on my heel and forced myself to walk away, even though every instinct in me balked at the idea. My wolf whined and pawed at me, insisting I stay by Percy’s side. I shoved him back down ruthlessly. I had to get my head on straight before I made a total fool of myself.

Jamie followed me as I made my way to the cake table, but my attention was still on Percy. I could feel his gaze boring into my back, right between my shoulder blades.

“You okay?” Jamie asked softly, though there was still a hint of amusement in his voice. Like he knew exactly what was going on in my mind.

I spared him a glance. “Fine.” Then my eyes betrayed me—my gaze drifted back to where Percy and Tucker were still standing. Yep, he was still staring me down, though the look on his face wasn’t pleasant in the slightest. A stark contrast to the gentle way he held Addison to his chest.

I huffed out a breath then turned my attention back to setting the cake on the table and removing it from the box. However, my wolf continued to pace restlessly—whining and pushing for me to return to Percy. I could barely believe my wolf was reacting to Percy like that. Percy Rivers was my mate? Percy Rivers, of all people! I laughed out loud at the idea.

“Are you sure you’re okay?” Jamie asked again, his eyes full of concern. “You look a little…”

“A little what?” I asked, forcing a smile, though I knew my best friend would see right through it. Still, I didn’t want him worried. “I’m fine.”

“Uh-huh,” he said, looking back toward where his mate and Percy stood.

I couldn’t help it. I glanced toward them as well, still finding Percy’s gaze trained on me. I quickly turned back around and fussed some more with the cake.

Though this was the first time I’d met Percy, I’d heard enough about him from Jamie and Tucker that I didn’t have a very high opinion of him. Especially from the things Jamie had said. Like how Percy consistently blew off spending time with Jamie and Tuck. Some best friend Percy was. I couldn’t imagine not being right there with Jamie through some of the most important moments of his life. Yet Percy had blown off dinner invitations more than a couple of times over the past months. I knew that firsthand, having been there when invited.

Tuck and Jamie had both wanted their best friends to get to know each other. But every time, without fail, Percy had some excuse not to show up. Usually because he was too busy with a crucial case, working at all hours of the day and night. Tuck seemed like he was used to it and often made excuses for Percy. But I just didn’t understand it, and I was pretty sure Jamie didn’t either. When you were someone’s best friend, you were supposed to be there for them, to support them, to show them love, to give them what they needed as they worked to build their life, and it rubbed me the wrong way that Percy couldn’t be bothered to be there. What kind of friend would blow someone off time and time again with some flimsy excuse about work?

I worked hard, I had long and exhausting days, but I’d never let it keep me from being the friend Jamie. As far as I was concerned, Percy was a piss poor excuse for one. Yet he’d shown up today and was holding little Addison with a fiercely protective loyalty that anyone could see. Maybe there was another side to him. Maybe I was writing him off too quickly.

I dared another glance back at Percy. Tucker was saying something to him, and Percy nodded, seemingly reluctantly. The next thing I knew, they were walking toward Jamie and myself.

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