Home > Lawful Mates(3)

Lawful Mates(3)
Author: Liam Kingsley

I tensed as they got closer, and the air seemed to thicken with an awareness of Percy’s presence with every approaching step. When they reached us, Tuck wrapped his arm around Jamie, and I forced a smile, stepping back so they could see the cake.

It was only then that I noticed the other cake on the table. I’d been so distracted by my wolf going crazy that I’d been entirely focused on ignoring both him and Percy.

“The cakes are both lovely,” Jamie said, breaking the tense silence.

Percy narrowed his eyes as he studied the cake I’d brought. The cake I’d spent hours on, wanting Amy, Tuck’s seven-year-old daughter, to feel just as special as the new baby. Half of it welcomed the new baby, the other half congratulated Amy on being the best big sister in the world.

“Perhaps if you hadn’t been late with the cake in the first place, I wouldn’t have had to go get a second one. But it seems you weren’t able to be on time,” Percy said, his voice clipped and full of disdain.

I blinked, my mouth dropping open. Did he seriously just say that? Anger bubbled up in my chest. I wasn’t one to let my temper get the best of me, but I’d worked damn hard on that cake, wanting to make it extra special for the entire family. So what if it had made me a little late?

Before I could think better of it, I whirled on Percy and crossed my arms over my chest and bared my teeth. “At least I showed up and didn’t flake out on my best friend at the last minute like someone has been known to do.”

Jamie cursed, and Tucker groaned, but it barely registered.

Percy turned slowly toward me, and for a moment, I almost regretted the words. But then I remembered that I was just speaking the truth. Why should this jackass get some special pat on the back for bringing a premade cake when he couldn’t be bothered to be there for his friend when it really counted?

His hazel eyes blazed as he glared at me. “I happen to have a job that doesn’t allow me to be at everyone’s beck and call at all hours of the day and night.” His voice dripped with condescension. “It’s what happens when you’re in high demand.”

I scoffed and lifted my brows. Wow, this guy was a piece of work. On top of being a total flake and a shitty best friend, he had to be one of the most arrogant men I’d ever met. In high demand? Who did he think he was?

A muscle in Percy’s jaw ticked as he continued to glare at me, obviously even more annoyed. And I couldn’t help it. I felt the urge to push him further.

“Then I’m surprised you were able to make time in your busy schedule to come and see Addison today. Tell me, does being in such high demand mean this is the first time you’re even meeting him?”

Percy tightened his hold on the infant almost imperceptibly, and I could tell I’d hit a nerve. Good. It wasn’t like me at all to act like that, but I was a total emotional mess on the inside. Apparently, that made my asshole side come to the surface. A side I hadn’t even known existed. I guessed it took a real jerk like Percy to bring it out.

Tucker opened his mouth to say something, to defend his friend, no doubt. But I’d had enough. My wolf was still restless, and I didn’t want to turn what was supposed to be a happy event into a shit show. Without another word, I spun on my heel and stalked off. I was barely aware of Jamie following after me. All I knew was that Percy had me tied up in knots, and I didn’t like it one bit. My wolf had to be wrong. That was all there was to it. Because there was no fucking way this man was my mate. Nope. My wolf was mistaken.

Jamie caught my arm as we neared the edge of the crowd. “Easton, wait. Please.”

I turned to him, trying to compose myself because today was not about me. I forced a smile. “I’m fine, Jamie. I’m just feeling a little claustrophobic in this crowd.”

An obvious lie, one I knew he wouldn’t buy because I thrived on large crowds and parties. I loved to be in the middle of it all—typically the life of the party, the friendly, outgoing guy who always had a good time.

Jamie gave me a knowing grin. “Don’t bullshit me. I see what’s going on. Do you want to talk about it?”

I pulled my arm out of his grasp. “There’s nothing to talk about because nothing is going on.”

“Don’t even try to go there with me, East. I know you better than anyone. And I know exactly what’s happening.”

I shook my head. “No. You’re wrong.”

Maybe Jamie did recognize what was happening, but it didn’t matter. I was growing more and more certain with every passing second that my wolf was wrong. Yes, I’d heard how wolves reacted to their fated mate. I’d seen it with Jamie and Tuck. But it wasn’t guaranteed that Percy and I were mates just because my wolf was going a little crazy. Nothing was certain unless the alpha knotted the omega. My cheeks burned at the thought, and I felt that pull of desire in my belly once more, but I ruthlessly shoved it away. No fucking way. That was never going to happen, certainly not with Percy because I’d never let him close enough to find out.

It wasn’t that I didn’t want a mate. I actually loved the idea of love. I’d spent years of my life trying to find the kind of love my parents had, only to be hurt or disappointed time and time again. But in all those years of imagining a perfect future and finding my mate, I never would have expected it would be with a man I didn’t even like. Which was precisely why my wolf had to be wrong about Percy.

Jamie looked like he wanted to argue with me, but I was done talking about this.

“Look, it’s your special day. Go enjoy being with Tuck, Amy, and Addison. I’m fine. I promise.”

He didn’t look like he believed me, but just then, Tucker called out for Jamie to join him, saying he wanted to make a toast to his mate and their family. I breathed a sigh of relief and gestured for him to go, needing a moment alone to compose myself, but Jamie just grabbed my arm and hauled me along with him.

When we reached Tucker’s side again, I grimaced. Percy was still right there. But I made a point of not looking at him. Or I tried my best, but my wolf continued to paw at my chest, putting me on edge. I couldn’t help but notice the way Percy was so gentle with Addison as he handed him off to Tuck. Then Percy reached down and ruffled Amy’s hair as she joined us in the circle we’d made in the crowd.

How could someone who was such an ass be so good with kids? It just didn’t make sense.

Percy glanced up at me as if he felt my gaze, and I quickly averted my eyes. It took every ounce of self-control I had to maintain an aloof expression and not look back at him, even as I felt him staring once again.

Tuck began his toast to his mate and his family, but I barely heard the words. In fact, I barely registered much of the rest of the party. I mingled and tried to make conversation with everyone as the day wore on, trying to just be the friendly, outgoing guy people expected me to be. But it felt like a superhuman effort, and by the time the party was winding down, I was exhausted.

Finally, people started to leave, and I found a quiet place around the far side of the house to just be alone for a minute. Some godfather I was being, sneaking off like this. But I didn’t know what else to do. I was wound up so tight. All my effort had gone into ignoring my wolf, avoiding Percy, and acting normal so I wouldn’t ruin the party. Today was supposed to be about Addison. Yet all I’d been able to think about was Percy fucking Rivers.

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