Home > A Sea of Smoke(32)

A Sea of Smoke(32)
Author: Karen Lynn

“Hey Jake, can I see you in my office?” Jonny gestured to him, his mouth set in a grim line.

Jake nodded, handing a beer to a guy. He took a deep breath and began weaving his way through the crowd of customers lining the dimly lit corridor. Jonny held the door open for him, slamming it shut once he entered. He slumped in the huge arm chair behind his desk and motioned for Jake to take a seat.

“It seems these meetings are becoming an unpleasant habit, Jake,” Jonny grumbled.

Jake had no idea what was going on. He stiffened, waiting. Jonny took his time, slowly lighting a joint, dragging, and handing it to Jake. With some uncertainty, he took it, hoping the effects would be instantaneous.

“So, Jake, it seems you and Jenny don't get along too good out there.” He stared at him.

Oh, that's what it’s about! Jake grunted, rubbing his suddenly irritated eyes. “I keep my distance.”

“We were wondering if you instigated that little incident just now…” Jonny leaned back, the chair creaking loudly under his weight.

“What? I have no idea what you're talking about!”

“I think you do. A couple of people said they heard you telling him to do it...”

“That's bullshit, Jonny! Maybe if she was working instead of fucking around with Ben none of this would've happened!” Jake was losing it. He stood up, shaking with anger.

Jonny popped up now, his face raging. “That's not your business, Jake! I pay you to do your fucking job, not supervise!”

Jake’s chest heaved, his breathing erratic and stressed. He envisioned grabbing Jonny by the throat and hurling him against the wall, but struggled to regain his composure. “Look man, I always mind my own business. I had nothing to do with that. Someone is lying.”

“So now you're calling Jenny a liar. Jake, I know you have your issues with your girlfriend being married and all...”

At that moment everything clicked. So that’s where Jenny got her information from. Jake’s arms tensed. In one quick, reflexive movement, Jake’s fists clenched and he lunged forward. Jonny leaped out of the way, smashing into a large table. Several china vases toppled over, crashing to the floor. Jake froze, snapping back to reality. His arm dropped to his side, but he was still shaking.

“Don't bring her into this!”

In a temporary state of shock, Jonny swiped his hand across his watery eyes, took a long gulp and returned to his chair. Without taking his eyes off of Jake, he gave his greasy hair a couple of nervous pat downs and eased back. But Jake couldn't sit. He was way too agitated. Still panting, he shifted his weight anxiously from one foot to the other.

“Calm down, Jake. We're just having a conversation here.” He beckoned him to sit. Finally letting out a reluctant groan, Jake fell into the chair. An uncomfortable amount of time passed. Jonny finished off the joint and started fidgeting.

Jake knew something was coming that might not be pleasant. On instinct, his hands gripped the edge of his seat.

Jonny abruptly stood up. “I think you should take a break, Jake—clear your head. Sort out your priorities...” He wouldn’t look at him.

Jake wasn't exactly sure what he meant, but didn't want to drag it out any longer.

“Are you firing me?”

Jonny couldn't avoid his eyes any longer; they were burning through him. “If you can't find a way to co-exist with Jenny, then yeah. For now, just go home. Think about it.” He shuffled closer to the desk drawer, his hands out of sight.

Jake’s eyes narrowed. For a brief moment he stood emotionless, running Jonny’s words through his head. As soon as it processed, he nodded, turned and walked back into the club. He didn't stop, say a word, or look at anyone at the bar, just kept walking until he hit the street. After a quick glance over his shoulder to confirm there was no one behind him, he picked up his pace down the block to his truck.






Succumbing to Gina had to be one of the biggest mistakes Logan ever made, and there had been no shortages of them. Their brief sexual encounter in her car wasn't worth all the aggravation that followed with Kristen. Just when he thought she'd forgotten, or at least forgiven him for what she believed he'd done, she started up again. Sunday was an endless stream of arguments, crying bouts, and ultimately making up. Or so he thought. To make matters worse, Gina's renewed pursuit was in full gear with endless texts and voice messages.

When Kristen announced that Alicia was coming over for a walk, he almost applauded. Until she arrived. Suddenly the sight of them babbling non-stop stirred up strange and uneasy emotions. He found himself taking Kristen’s hand and urgently pulling her aside. “What about going for those art supplies you wanted. I'm free right now.”

Kristen wrinkled her forehead. “Why now? We're going for a walk. Then we need to set up a work schedule.”

“Because... I just remembered.”

“Maybe afterwards then.” She started to back away, but he wouldn’t release her hand.

“So now you're choosing her over me?” It just came out. He could hardly think through the uncontrollable tremors surging through his body into his head.

“What? I knew it. You are jealous!” Her eyes sparkled.

“So! I have a right to be.” His eyes were wild and he wasn't about to give in.

“You shouldn't be. I'm not fucking her.”

Her seething words repelled him. He knew where she was coming from and didn't want to go there. Without another word, he dropped her hand and walked away from her.

For a few minutes he sulked, listening to them ramble on in the other room. Just as they were about to leave, he returned to the living room, dangling his keys around noisily to catch her attention.

“Where are you going?”

“Out!” he snapped, sauntering into the hallway without closing the door behind him. As he waited for the elevator, he turned back to look at her. A despicable smile spread across his face at the sight of her wide-eyed face staring back at him.




She needed to sit down and take deep breaths before they went for their walk. Alicia had a worried expression as she handed her a glass of ice water.

“You shouldn't let him get under your skin like that, Kristen. That's exactly what he's trying to do, you know.”

Sinking further and further into a state of despair, Kristen found herself caving. Unable to stand it any longer, she leaned her head on Alicia’s shoulder. “I know. He always gets to me one way or another. I hate it!”

Alicia smiled, rubbing Kristen’s arm, anxious to console her. Kristen's phone interrupted the momentary serenity. With a frustrated sigh, she checked it, sure it was Logan planning to beg her some more.

“Oh shit! It's Jake!” she flew out of her seat unsure if she should talk in front of Alicia, but unable to stop herself.

“Kristen. I have to talk to you.”

“What's wrong?”

“Jonny fired me Saturday night.” In his mind, that’s exactly what happened. There was no way he could be around Jenny without losing his temper. His loathing of the two of them had spiraled out of control.

He started to speak again but she cut him off. “—Why? What happened?”

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