Home > Rival Sisters(44)

Rival Sisters(44)
Author: Louise Guy


Maybe. I’ll think about it. But I’ve hijacked this thread. Sorry. BrownDog40 was asking for advice on how to confront her husband. Any thoughts, LizaE?


Just listen to him. Let him cry if that’s what he needs to do and try not to be too judgemental. He’s messed up in more ways than one, but if you love him, you’ll need to look after him now. You don’t want to lose him altogether. From what I’ve seen in chatting to people, addicts aren’t honest. There are very few stories of people who lost everything and their spouses or partners knew all about it. They lie to cover their tracks or are dishonest to start with, like your husband hiding his investment. He’ll be humiliated and quite possibly distraught when you talk to him. He’ll most likely deny there is a problem. You’ll need your evidence, the investment statement, to present him with and I guess try and do it with as much love for him as you can muster. Show him that you’re there for him and will support him through this. I don’t want to alarm you, but a lot of people who get into difficulties consider taking their own lives.


My research has been scaring me. That’s why I’m here asking for help. It’s terrifying when you read the statistics. Forty-nine percent of people attending GA say they’ve contemplated suicide.


Wow, that many?


Yes. That’s a global statistic, but in Australia it is believed one gambling addict a day commits suicide. It’s not all online gambling. Poker machines are one of the worst culprits. Did you know that while we only account for 0.5 percent of the world’s population, we have a fifth of the world’s poker machines? No wonder so many people are in trouble. It’s so irresponsible of the government. But then they make $5.8 billion a year from it, so you can see why they’re not rushing to stop it.

Nat smiled at BrownDog40’s message. She’d get along well with Hannah. She bet if she asked Hannah anything about gambling addiction, she’d have all the figures at her fingertips too. She wondered if BrownDog40 was a risk advisor?


Lol! You certainly know your stats!


A lot of research. I wanted to find out as much as possible before I talk to my husband. I’m a facts and figures kind of person. When something’s out of my control, I think it gives me a sense that if I know enough about it, I can help control it in some way. Not sure on this occasion it will be any help to him, but it helps me.


I’ve got something that could help you BrownDog40. Would relax you and make confronting your husband a lot easier.

BBrooter? Who was this? Nat was enjoying talking to the other two women and had forgotten that their chat was public.


What would that be?


Hold on. I’ll post a pic.

Nat waited, and seconds later a photo appeared on her screen of an enormous, very erect penis. Her hand flew to her mouth, a horrified laugh mingled with a gasp erupting from her.


Want some? It’ll take your mind off that husband of yours. Turn you into a nasty wife.


You’ll be shut down any moment, you arse. Have reported you to admin.


Bye ladies, that’s my cue to get going. Thanks for the chat.


But BrownDog40, we can do it doggie if you want. I bet you’ve got huge tits . . .

Nat closed the chat room screen, shaking her head. What an arsehole. Lurking in a chat room waiting to hijack conversations in such an offensive way. It was a shame; she’d felt a sense of relief being able to talk to the women about her problem. While neither of them were gambling addicts, they were still dealing with it in a big way.

The next morning, Nat’s original plan to sabotage the job interview at Endeavour Trust went out the window the moment she entered the not-for-profit organisation. The energy and vibe were infectious, as was Col Fletcher. The human resources manager was in his mid-forties and came across as one of the most contented people Nat had ever met. He spoke about Endeavour with a passion that she admired and desired to feel herself. He’d been with the organisation for five years, having previously worked for Qantas. It had been a big change, mainly when it came to salary, but one he didn’t regret.

‘You come with glowing references from Pip,’ Col said. ‘Some incidents she mentioned are a little more colourful than others, of course.’

Nat blushed.

‘But we won’t hold any of that against you. We’re looking for passionate people who put the client’s needs above and beyond anything else.’ He winked. ‘And funnily enough, the reasons for dismissal from your previous job confirm that you go all out in that regard. Of course, we have the same guidelines as Benedict’s as far as not taking clients home, but the fact that you put your own job at risk to help someone says a lot about your character.’

Nat grinned. She couldn’t believe what got her fired from Benedict’s was working in her favour here.

‘If you’re up for it, you can start Monday.’

Nat’s mouth dropped open. ‘What? Are you giving me the job? I didn’t even bring in my résumé.’

‘I trust Pip’s judgement, and I can read people pretty well, Nat. You’re someone who’s given an amazing amount to the community in your previous paid and volunteer positions. You’re a good person and, aside from everything else, that’s what I’m looking for.’ He pushed a piece of paper across the table. ‘Here are the employment conditions and salary. I’d say it would be on a par with Benedict’s, or possibly slightly better as we have a little more in our budget than they do.’

Nat glanced at the figure. It was indeed more. Six hundred dollars a month more. Living at Phyllie’s meant her current expenses were minimal. With this type of salary, she’d be able to pay off her debt comfortably within the next six months, if not earlier.

‘What do you say? Are you coming on board?’

Nat nodded. ‘Definitely. Thank you for the opportunity. I won’t let you down.’

Col stood and held out his hand to Nat. ‘Welcome to the team.’

Nat’s smile was wide as she pulled up in front of Phyllie’s house and got out of the car.

‘You look happy.’

She turned to find Leon walking towards her. Her heart raced as he approached. Get a grip, Nat, he’s just coming to say hello and he’s off limits.

‘Good news?’

She nodded. ‘I was offered a new job. It’s with a company that’s doing amazing things in the community, so I’m really happy.’

A delighted smile spread across his face. ‘That’s fabulous, Nat. Really terrific. I’m sure you’ll do a fantastic job.’

Her smile slipped, causing concern to flicker in Leon’s eyes. ‘Did I say something wrong?’

She shook her head. ‘No, it’s just that I have a track record of doing the wrong thing and getting fired. I just hope that doesn’t happen this time.’

‘Don’t let it happen.’

Nat laughed. ‘It’s not that simple.’

‘Yes, it is. Anytime you know you’re about to break company rules, go and see someone higher up the ladder than you. Ask them what you should do. It shows you’re taking initiative and looking for a solution when one might not already exist. Believe me, it works. No one’s going to fire you if they see you’re genuinely passionate about making a situation better.’

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