Home > Adult Virgins Anonymous(37)

Adult Virgins Anonymous(37)
Author: Amber Crewe

‘Your charming brother-in-law was just telling me about his girlfriend,’ Kevin announced loudly, causing Freddie to sit bolt upright, meerkat-like.

What? What was he saying?

‘Girlfriend?’ David asked, peering around Stella, a sceptical look on his face.

Freddie stared directly at Kevin, who gave him a cheeky wink in return.

‘What are you doing?’ Freddie hissed.

‘If you’re not going to sort out your problems yourself, then maybe you need a little helping hand,’ Kevin said under his breath.

‘Is Kevin right, Freddie? Do you have a girlfriend?’ Stella asked in a way that made Freddie think she was disappointed.

‘Oh, it’s nothing,’ Freddie replied. ‘Really, it’s actually nothing.’

‘No, go on then. Tell us,’ David urged.

Freddie looked around the table at the other couples he had barely even had a chance to chat to. He wasn’t even sure if he remembered their names.

‘Just a girl. It’s new. It’s not serious or anything.’

It didn’t feel good, implying that Kate was more than she really was, but if it meant Stella would stop trying to matchmake, then maybe it would be worth it.

‘Where did you meet her?’ asked David.

‘Online,’ Freddie said, not daring to look his brother in the face. He was certain that David could tell when he was lying.

‘What’s her name?’ pressed Stella.

‘Kate,’ Freddie admitted. He turned to look back at Kevin, who was looking at him happily. The bastard.

‘What’s she like?’ Jemima asked, joining in. Freddie wanted the ground to swallow him up.

‘Nice. Tall, not as tall as me. Blonde. But a dark kind of blonde? She’s nice.’

‘Come on Fred,’ David laughed. ‘Sounds like you’ve conjured this woman from thin air.’

‘She works at an art gallery.’

‘Oh, like a curator or a conservator?’ Evie asked.

‘No, nothing like that.’ Freddie’s face was so hot now, and he was sweating so much that he could feel it pooling at his lower back.

‘Well, why don’t you bring her to your parents’ anniversary party? I’m sure they’d love to meet her,’ Stella suggested.

Oh, no. No, no no.

Freddie looked at Kevin, hoping he would provide some sort of escape plan. Kevin looked as if he was enjoying himself far too much to do or say anything helpful.

‘Oh, I don’t think that’s a good idea,’ Freddie attempted. ‘It’s still pretty new and everything.’

‘Worried that we’ll scare her off?’ said David.

Yes actually, Freddie wanted to scream. Then he realised David thought he was lying.

Don’t think this is weird, Freddie messaged Kate later as everybody was getting ready to leave. But I was caught texting you and now my family know about you.

Not weird!

No, you don’t understand. He sent the message too quickly, and then didn’t know what to say next. Again the three dots as Kate attempted a reply. They appeared and disappeared several times.

Is everything OK? she asked.

Don’t worry about it. I’ll tell you later. It’s funny, actually!

Freddie shoved his phone away again, feeling strange, but he wasn’t exactly sure why.

‘So, you’re definitely not gay then?’ Stella asked once nearly everyone had left. The table was empty apart from them.

‘No,’ said Freddie, looking down at his sneakers.

‘Why didn’t you say something?’

‘I didn’t think I had to.’

‘Well, that was the whole problem. You let me assume. You let everybody assume. And now I look like an absolute fool in front of my colleagues.’

‘I don’t think . . .’ he started, before David came over.

‘You should bring this Kate,’ he said. Then, when Freddie looked confused, he added: ‘To the anniversary party.’

‘I really shouldn’t,’ Freddie replied.

‘No, please do. It would make Mum and Dad so happy to see you with a girl. Make that your gift to them?’

This wasn’t a request, Freddie realised. But a challenge.

‘Kate might be busy.’

‘Well, I’m sure she has enough time to sort her schedule out.’ He paused, thoughtfully. ‘You know, if Kevin isn’t your type, you could just say.’

‘He’s not my type. He is very much not my type. I like girls.’

‘In which case, we’ll see you and Kate together at the party then.’

After they’d gone to the kitchen to start tidying up, Kevin came back into the dining room to say goodbye.

‘Just wanted to check in with you before I left. No hard feelings, right?’

‘It’s fine. I didn’t want them to know about her, but it’s out there now.’

‘Listen, Freddie, did you ever stop to think that maybe you wouldn’t be in this mess if you were more open about everything?’

‘I wasn’t ready, and it’s more complicated than you think. We’re not even dating. And now I’ve lied to my family about it.’

‘Oh please, I can’t remember the last time I told the truth to my family. You’ll be fine.’

‘I don’t like presuming,’ Freddie said, trying to explain. ‘I don’t want to jinx it.’

‘Wait a second, you really like this girl, don’t you?’

‘It’s not like that.’

‘But you want it to be?’

‘I don’t know.’

Kevin squinted thoughtfully at Freddie before continuing. ‘Can I offer you some advice? Be honest. With yourself and with your family. It makes everything much easier. Trust me.’


‘I’m being serious here. You’re a good guy and I’m sorry I got you into that mess, but seriously, just be honest. With everyone. They’re going to walk all over you otherwise.’

‘I know.’

Kevin placed a firm hand on Freddie’s shoulder. ‘I’ll see you around at Ben Day Comics, right?’

‘Sure,’ Freddie smiled.

‘Good. And maybe I’ll get to meet Kate some time too?’

‘Sure.’ This time he sighed.

After a final goodbye to David and Stella, during which time they both emphasised how much they were looking forward to meeting Kate, Freddie went out into the night. Once at the station he checked his phone for the timetable, before absently drifting over to his messages. He read through everything that had passed between them. He thought about messaging her again, of telling her how much fun it had been to have her there in his pocket as he had endured the evening, but decided that it would just be too weird. He didn’t want to imply anything beyond their agreement to be just friends. Each other’s support animals.

Except, when he let himself consider the idea of her being his girlfriend, of presenting her to his parents and family as if she was, he felt an odd warm pang close to his heart. It was the opposite of unpleasant.

She’d never agree to it, he told himself, but as he waited for his train, he decided to let himself dream.



Chapter 14

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