Home > Like Gravity : Redwood High Book 1(18)

Like Gravity : Redwood High Book 1(18)
Author: Rachel Leigh

I watch as he walks away as my mind silently screams.

Stay with me, don’t go.

“B,” he turns around, “outside my bedroom window, just as the moon rises, there’s a beautiful view. You should check it out sometime.”

“The star?”

“Something better.” He winks, walking away and leaving me wondering what in the world he’s talking about. I can’t make sense of what he says half the time. A beautiful view outside his window? Is it our constellation— Cassiopeia?

I shake it off and climb into bed, but my mind doesn’t stop thinking about him. His words, his body, his... everything—taunting me. I pull the blankets off and walk over to the window, opening my curtains. I look up at the sky, and I can only see a few small specks. I look over at his bedroom, and my stomach drops, my lips curl and butterflies flutter through my chest when I see a big mirror looking back at me. I can barely see my reflection, but I don't need to. I know what he meant now.

It’s me—I’m his beautiful view.



Chapter Ten




Everyone who lives here came in later than I did, went to sleep later than I did; yet, they still take it upon themselves to wake up at the ass-crack of dawn and sing happiness all through the house. “Shut up!” I shout, as I pull the pillow over my head.

I send a quick text to Jimmy, the private investigator I hired to help with Mom’s case. I haven’t heard from him in a while, and I’m hoping it’s because he’s working extra hard on this. When he doesn’t respond right away, I toss my phone back on the bed next to me.

There are only three other people living here, so why does it always sound like there is a fucking marching band stomping through the house? I jump up and walk downstairs to see what all of the commotion is.

“The fuck.” I mutter under my breath. “Didn’t you jackasses have a dance last night, followed by a party? How in the hell are you even awake, let alone playing... What the hell are you playing?” I look to Knox and his friends who are all dressed and ready to take on the day, lined up on the floor with their asses in game chairs, headphones on, aggressively jamming their fingers into the controllers in their hands.

“COD, ever played before?”

“Yes, I’ve played it, but not at eight o’clock in the morning.” I rub my eyes and finish walking into the kitchen. Coffee. Yes.

“Are you losers planning on being here for long?” I holler over my shoulder as I pour some black coffee into a mug.

“As a matter of fact, we are. But don’t worry your pretty little head, you aren’t playing with us,” Knox says, as he walks into the kitchen and grabs a bottle of water from the fridge.

“Thank God for that.” I take a sip of my coffee. “Where are the parents?”


This is the most that I’ve ever said to this kid and the realization that we are actually conversing without tearing into each other is astonishing.

“Where’d you go last night?” Knox asks, as he makes his way back to his buddies who are shouting way too loudly and too much. I wanna make my way down the line and smack ‘em all on the head.

“Wouldn't you like to know?” I grin.

“Actually, I couldn’t care less.” He unscrews the top and takes a drink, peering at me over the water bottle.

If he couldn’t care less, he wouldn’t have asked. Besides, he already knows. I’m sure him and B have heart to heart talks every morning while they groom themselves, Knox probably jerking off to her voice.

I lean over the kitchen counter and contemplate my response. Which could go one of two ways. I don’t tell him shit. Or, I purposely try and get under his skin.

“I spent my evening in the company of your bff. It was... let's just say, everything and more.”

His eyes widen and his jaw clenches, and I love it. It’s way too satisfying.

“I got the grand tour, if you know what I mean.”

“No, I don’t know what the hell you mean. Care to elaborate?” He stands back up, controller in hand.

“Her bedroom, geez.. you kids and your dirty minds.”

“Stay away from her,” he yells, as I walk back up the stairs, “And, stay the hell outta my room. I know you were on my computer.”

“You’re welcome,” I shout.

Since I’m already awake, thanks to Knox and his nerdy friends, I use this time to go to the gym and workout for a couple of hours. I’d prefer to use this time to work, but Dad says that I can’t get my job back until after football because then my time is too occupied and I slack too much on my schoolwork. Even if it is just a few hours a week, I can really use the money. Once I graduate high school, I no longer get the social security payments that I’ve been putting away for college and Dad will no longer receive his settlement checks from the accident. He’s never really talked too much about them, but I know they’re coming to an end. A scholarship is my only shot at going to UCLA, so I have to keep playing my ass off in the game and keep up with my 4.0. One of the two has to pay off.

I reach the border into Las Verdes, and although it hasn’t even been a week, I’ve missed this place—home. I wave to Pudge who’s sitting at his fruit stand on the corner of Isle and Roadway. This is where I fit in, where my heart beats, and where I call the neighbors family. Not that ritzy town where Benjamins are used as Christmas tree ornaments. I pull up to Forges Fitness center and spot Landon. “Yo,” I holler out the window. “Wait up, man.”

He flicks his cigarette to the curb and waves me off, walking inside.

I shift the car into park and grab my gym bag. The place is pretty packed, but I find the boys at the benches. “What the fuck was that all about?” I drop my bag and go over to help him spot

Lars. Everyone acts as if I’m not even standing here, ignoring my presence and avoiding eye contact. “Alright, what the hell is the problem?”

“You, man,” Landon spits, “You’re turning into one of them.”

“Who?” I laugh it off, even though I know what he’s talking about. Only it couldn’t be further from the truth.

“A Raven.” Landon scuffs, gesturing me over to help him out.

“Just because I sit at a desk in that school doesn’t mean I’m one of them.” I lift the bar and rack it. Everyone takes a step back from what they are doing to engage in this unnecessary conversation.

“And win games for them. Ditch us at parties for them. Let’s not forget, live with one of them.”

“Ah ok, I see. This is all because I left the party Friday night. It wasn’t for one of them, it was for…”

“A girl. You're treading into their darkness if you think you can ruffle the feathers of a female Raven. All the chicks on that side come with emotional baggage.”

“I’m not trying to ruffle anyone's feathers. Let it go. Let’s just workout and forget about this shit. No one in that damn town is worth another ounce of my time.” I lie. A lie that I’d believe myself if it weren’t for the constant thoughts of her and the memory instilled in my mind of how warm her body felt pressed against mine. The taste of her lips, the softness of her skin, and the desperation in her eyes.

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