Home > Like Gravity : Redwood High Book 1(35)

Like Gravity : Redwood High Book 1(35)
Author: Rachel Leigh

I take notes in my textbook to the side of my computer as Petra continues to talk, filling me in on Math, Bio, and sending me screenshots of her History notes for the test.

“How is she doing?” Petra asks. She doesn’t say who ‘she’ is, but I know she’s talking about B. I’m just not sure if she really cares or why she would.

“She’s good.” I don’t elaborate; it’s not my business to share and B would kill me if she knew I had talked to Petra about her at all.

“Are you two like a thing now?”

I shake my head. “No, we’re just friends. Why?”

“Rumor has it that you two are sleeping together to try and make Levi jealous.”

“That’s ridiculous.” I chuckle. “I don’t give two fucks about that douche and what he thinks.” I shake my head at the notion that I care about whether a failed QB and his plaything are jealous. “Besides, aren’t you and Levi together now? Probably for no reason more than to make Blakely jealous.”

“Blakely Porter’s feelings are about as valuable to me as the Walmart bra my Gram bought me in the ninth grade. I give her no thought. Except if you’re talking about this little number on the side of my face.” She points a finger at the bluish stain on her cheek. “She’s lucky I didn’t call the cops on her.”

“I think everyone can agree that you and B need to just steer clear from each other. Now,” I flip through my Biology notebook. “Did I miss anything of importance in Bio?”

“Mr. Somers came in sporting a snug pair of cargos and had to escort Paul Davis out when he kept throwing spit wads at Mrs. Gregory.” Petra smiles, flashing her perfect white teeth.

“No clue who that is.” I shrug blankly.

“Anyways, you didn’t miss much.” Petra begins swirling a strand of her black hair around her finger. “Can you get the English notes from Knox’s mom?” she questions.

“Yeah, I guess I can do that.” I’d rather not, but my pride is going to have to take the back seat for this one.

I look back to my notes to see if there is anything else that I need from her, but she cuts my concentration. “Jasper?” she says softly, yet my name is loaded rolling off her tongue.

I look up, and she suddenly seems nervous, which catches me off guard.

“You know, since you and Blakely aren’t together and Levi and are not together, contrary to what people may think, maybe we could,” she pauses, “hang out sometime.” She lifts one shoulder, tilting her bruised cheek into it.

My feelings for B have magnified more than I could have ever imagined. Up to the surface and ready to break through the layers of walls I’ve built up. I also know that B has no interest in anything more than having fun with me. I’m not even sure how long that will last, considering she’s pining for Levi, and it sounds like it won’t be long until she gets what she wants and leaves me hanging high and dry, my feelings being the noose around my neck because I put them out there.

Regardless, I couldn’t do that to B or myself.

I open my mouth to speak but before the words come out—before I even know what I’ll say, my bedroom door swings open, and B is standing there. In nothing but a white towel. Wet blonde hair falling carelessly, releasing beads of water that roll slowly down her chilled arms.

She closes the door, pushing in the lock, and I’m speechless. Staring wide eyed at her beautiful body as the towel drops to the floor.

“Jasper, is everything ok?” Petra’s voice breaks my gaze, and I suck the air back into my emptied lungs when I step back into reality.

I close the laptop quickly. Just slamming it shut without even saying anything to Petra. I look to B who has picked her towel up off the floor and has begun tucking it in place.

“Was that Petra?” Her head’s twisted and her lip is sucked between her teeth so hard that I fear blood will begin spilling from her mouth.

For the first time in my life, I’m scared of a female. She looks as if she is ready to strangle me with that towel as she tugs at it tighter, taking careful attention to not let me see anything underneath it.

“I was just getting notes from her.” My voice cracks, and I clear my throat. I feel like a fucking toddler who just got caught with his hand in a cookie jar.

“From Petra?”

“It was for school, B.”

“Why can’t you just say it? You were talking to Petra?” She takes a step closer.

I toss the laptop to the side and scoot down to the edge of the bed, scattering papers everywhere as I ruffle the blankets.

“It’s not like I’m denying it. I just don’t see what the big deal is. You made it abundantly clear when I thought you slept with Knox that we have no reason to give a damn what the other does.”

“I was standing here baring all to you while you’re getting friendly with Petra.”

“Like I said, I don’t see what the big deal is.” I shrug it off and run my fingers through my hair, avoiding eye contact. I knew that she’d be pissed if she found out I was seeking help from Petra. Though I’m not exactly sure why. Is it her hatred toward the girl? Or, is it me?

“Just forget it.” She turns around quickly and storms out, slamming the door behind her so hard that the empty walls shake. I take a deep breath, knowing that I’ll go after her eventually. She does something fierce to me, especially when she’s angry. It’s sexy and scary at the same time. I never know what to expect from her, but it’s exactly the way I like it. She’s unpredictable. She’s infuriating. And, she’s got a mouth on her that begs for attention.



Chapter Eighteen




My feet move quickly down the hall—swift, yet hushed. No one else is home, but I still find myself being careful. If Knox ever found me leaving Jasper’s room in only a towel, I’d never hear the end of it. He’s no good for you. Someone is going to get hurt. I can hear his voice in my head already. Maybe he’s right. Maybe someone will get hurt, but it’s not because Jasper is no good for me, it’s because I’m no good for him. That’s the thing that Knox doesn’t understand. If there was ever a heart to break over this situation, it would be Jasper’s. I don’t do relationships, and when I do, I don’t do them well.

I don’t know why these thoughts are trotting through my brain. Jasper and I aren’t in a relationship. We’ve both made that very clear. Yet, why can I feel the blood coursing through my veins? I round the corner to the spare bedroom and slide in, closing the door behind me. I drop the towel to the floor, and just when I bend over to pick up my bag, the door creaks open. Slowly. Almost motionless. If it wasn’t for the rusted hinges, I would have been none the wiser.

My heart stops for a tick as I spin around quickly and reach for my towel. Only, this is no intruder.

I can feel his presence touch me without contact. I can smell him without even breathing. And, I can taste him without even opening my mouth. He turns the lock on the door and walks toward me, the anticipation building with each step he makes.

“What the hell are you doing here?” I gasp, stretching the towel across my body to hide what I no longer want him to see.

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