Home > Hades Descendants (Games of the Gods #1)(24)

Hades Descendants (Games of the Gods #1)(24)
Author: Nikki Kardnov

I’m barely surviving in Hades’s House and it’s only been a few days. I would definitely lose in Ares’s House.

“Marigold would be better served for Hermes’s House,” I say, hoping that it will come to neither. “She’s like a ghost. She could get in and out of anywhere to deliver messages.”

“Mmm,” Clea says. Her attention has wandered.

I follow her line of sight and see Kahne. The son of Ares.

Clea is rendered mute by the very sight of him. She’s really fallen for him, apparently. I try to piece together how I missed this going on when I was living at Hestia’s. Clea isn’t very good at keeping secrets. Was I that oblivious?

No, I realize. I was just too self-absorbed. Too focused on my own problems.

What could Kahne have possibly said in his letters to lead Clea to believe they might have a chance?

I already don’t like him because I suspect he’s been lying to her.

And then Kahne looks up like he feels Clea’s attention and the moment he sees her, he brightens. Not into a blazing smile or anything. The descendants of Ares are too red-blooded for that. But his expression softens. His mouth quirks like he wants to smile and there’s a new gleam in his eye.

Maybe there is something to this love story?

Though I have no one else here to be with and I detest the idea of being at a party alone, I give Clea’s hand a squeeze and say, “Go to him.”

“Really?” She looks away from him long enough to furrow her brow at me. “I don’t want to leave you, but…” She rakes her teeth over her bottom lip. “Ares second trial is one of the longest out of all the god houses. The descendants go away on a mock campaign and it usually lasts weeks. I don’t know when I might see him again and who knows if—”

“Clea. Go. I’ll be fine.”

She squeezes me back. “Thank you, Ana! I haven’t seen him in days and I’m literally dying!”

“Well, don’t let me keep you from living.”

Before I finish my sentence, she’s gone.



Chapter 21



I circle the room a few more times before I tire of the music and revelry with no one to revel with.

After stealing a few sweet cakes, I leave the ballroom and duck into a dark, empty parlor. Ornate furniture divides the room into two cozy conversational spaces. In the far corner, a grand piano gleams in the moonlight. I slide into one of the window seats that overlooks the reflection pool in the garden and dive into my liberated baked goods.

The sweet cakes are moist and sugared and so damn welcomed. I’m not yet used to the heavy meat and savory dishes of Hades’s House. I gobble up one cake and then dive right into the second. I’m just polishing it off and licking the sugar from my fingers when the parlor door bursts open and two people enter.

The window seat is partially shielded on both sides by heavy velvet drapes, so I curl my knees into my chest and try to stay hidden. I’m not exactly sure if I’m supposed to be in here.

“What do you want?” a very familiar voice says.


“You nearly lost your trial,” Nereus says with a growl.

Haven groans. “Do we really need to do this here? You can lecture me later.” His footsteps go for the door, but from the sound of it, Nereus yanks him back.

“Stop being a petulant child and start acting like a fucking Knightfall. Do you hear me?”

Haven says nothing.

There’s a scraping of fabric.

“We can’t have the girl winning this trial. So I need you to stop being nice and start taking what you’re owed.”

Haven was being nice up until now? I’d hate to see what Nereus thinks is the cruel version of Haven. Brimstone and flames perhaps? A hot poker to the side? Stinging nettles in my bed?

Haven is quiet a moment longer and then says, “Ana is more powerful than we thought.”

Hearing my name, hearing it in his voice, makes my stomach knot. I like it much more than orphan or Hearthtender.

And he thinks I’m powerful!

I’m at once flush with pride and with fear. On the one hand, they’re plotting against me. On the other, Haven thinks I’m powerful.

“So?” Nereus says. “Find her goddamned weakness and use it against her.”

“If you’re so worried about winning, why don’t you sabotage her? Maybe I don’t want to play your fucking game any longer.”

There’s a scuffle. Someone is slammed against the wall and the candelabra on the fireplace mantle rattles.

I can’t help myself. I peek around the curtain.

Nereus has Haven pressed against the wall, his jacket collar clutched in hand.

“Do I have to remind you that a Titan has escaped Tartarus? Do I have to remind you what’s at stake?”

I go still.

Trepidation shivers along my spine.

A Titan?

Out free in Olympus?

This is bad.

This is very bad.

The Titans have been imprisoned in Tartarus for over a millennium ever since Zeus rebelled against his father, Cronus and won. Cronus and several other Titans were locked away in the Underworld.

If one has escaped, it can’t be for anything good.

“Yes, all right,” Haven chokes out.

Nereus lets him go. “You absolutely must win. Can you imagine that girl in Hades’s army? Fighting a Titan?”

“Of course not.”

“Then start taking this seriously.”

“I am.” He huffs. “I will.”

“Make her lose in the next round.”

Haven straightens the lapel of his jacket. “Don’t worry, brother. I’m sure I can come up with something clever.”

“Good man.” Nereus roughly pats Haven on the back and then pulls the door open and leaves.

Haven stays behind in the parlor for another minute. It’s so quiet I don’t dare breathe.

I want to look at him, but I’m too afraid of him spotting me.

Does he sense he isn’t alone?

If he does, he gives no indication of it.

Finally, his footsteps fall away as he leaves and I exhale in relief.

Except now everything is worse.

Except now there are bigger problems than me just winning the trials.

And I don’t even know where to begin to survive it all.

Haven plans to sabotage me.

And now there is a Titan on the loose.



Chapter 22



I make sure I’m in the carriage that Haven isn’t when we return to Hades’s House. I end up squished between Kal and Gregor.

When we get back to the house, I make a hasty exit and hurry to my room. I’m in no mood for more mental dueling with Haven. I don’t have any energy left for it.

When I flop onto my bed, my dress still on, I’m surprised to find I’m happy to be home. And then I’m surprised to find that I’ve come to think of Hades’s House as home.

I’m not exactly sure when that happened, but here I am.

When there’s a knock on my door, I think to ignore it, wondering if it’s Haven come to begin his sabotaging. When the knock sounds a second time, I huff and go to answer it.

But it’s Max on the other side.

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