Home > Hades Descendants (Games of the Gods #1)(28)

Hades Descendants (Games of the Gods #1)(28)
Author: Nikki Kardnov

My hands go clammy. I try to inconspicuously rub them on my gear.

If this is a gift so much more powerful than the last, how much more painful is it going to be for me to receive it? And will I be able to wield it? I’m already at an extreme disadvantage and the second trial hasn’t even begun.

I fidget as I contemplate bowing out right now when I feel Haven’s arm brush against mine.

The touch jolts through my nerves like lightning.

Get it together.

I clasp my hands behind my back to avoid him altogether. I can’t think straight when his skin is on mine.

Up ahead of us Nereus and Monstrat are carrying something to the center of the chamber. I don’t dare look away from the front, for fear of what I’ll see in Haven’s face if I do.

Nereus and Monstrat set down their burden and it settles on the floor with a loud clang. Nereus removes the white cloth covering it.

My breath catches in my throat.

Sitting on the pedestal is an orb the size of the large cats that lived in the well house at Hestia’s. Inside, vibrant colors shift in a kaleidoscope. I’m pulled toward it, like something has hooked me around the middle.

Hades’s voice breaks the intense silence that’s fallen over the room. “This is the Orb of Life. It was gifted to me by Gaia, the primordial goddess of the world.”

Though Gaia is in all of our creation stories, she hasn’t been seen in millions of years. If that orb and its power within it came directly from the mother goddess, it must be one of the most powerful objects in all of Olympus.

“As your name is called, place your hands upon it. Only those worthy will receive the gift. This is no small power I give you.”

I want to vomit.

What does worthy mean? And how does the orb decide who meets those requirements?

I don’t think any of us is breathing as we stare, unblinking, at the orb. “Monstrat, you may begin,” Hades says.

“Pearce Atos,” Monstrat calls. “Come forth and receive the gift Lord Hades has bestowed upon you.”

I wrench my gaze away from the orb long enough to see the color drain from Pearce’s already pale face. He’s visibly trembling as he approaches the orb and places his hands on it. Light spreads out from it and encompasses his entire body. His eyes go wide. For a moment I wonder if he’ll scream, but then the expression on his face turns to one of wonder and awe.

The light recedes from his body in the same path it took to cover him and pauses on his hands before returning into the swirling surface of the orb. Pearce steps back, hands still outstretched. He stares at them as if they’ve physically changed, but I can’t see a difference.

When he returns to his place in line, Monstrat calls the next name.

Each gifting seems to go much like Pearce’s, though I notice that two of the boys flinch slightly as the light covers them.

My stomach clenches tighter and tighter.

Please, please don’t let me throw up on the Orb of Life.

Monstrat calls out, “Haven Knightfall.”

Haven walks up without hesitation and places his hands on the orb.

I’m running through possible scenarios to get me out of having to touch the orb when I realize Haven is standing next to me again. Monstrat calls out my name. The blood drains from my face. I must look like a ghost.

I quickly send up a prayer to every god and goddess I know.

Please don’t let this be my undoing.

I finally give in to the pull of the orb. I try my best to steady my hands as I reach out, but there’s a noticeable tremble to them. I watch, horrified and amazed, as the light from the ever-changing surface of the orb climbs over my fingers and then up my arms. In every place the light touches my body goes numb.

The world goes silent. It’s a loud hush, the absence of sound. I can no longer feel my feet rooted to the floor and for one delirious moment, I wonder if I’ve died and my soul is floating away.

Somewhere in the distance, there’s a crack. It sounds like the earth splitting open. Like stone crumbling, then a great rushing through my entire body. I imagine this is what it feels like fighting the current of the River Styx. Fighting the river of the dead is folly and I know the same must be said of the orb.

So I take in a deep breath and let go.

Warmth spreads through my arms and blooms in my chest. Tingling runs down my spine. My heart is a steady beat in my head. I exhale because...I somehow feel better than I’ve felt in a long time.

I feel...alive.

All my nerves are firing. The hair on my arms lifts, electric. I level out my shoulders and let my chest expand.

It’s like I’m taking a deep breath for the very first time.

And then...nothing.

The light is gone.

Sound comes flooding back.

I look down at my hands. There is nothing different or changed about me, but I feel different.

Before I can even back away from the orb, Monstrat and Nereus are replacing the white silk cover. They carry it back to wherever it came from.

I dare a glance at Haven as I head back to my place at his side. He’s staring straight ahead, but for one small moment, I almost think I see relief on his face.

“This isn’t a gift given or to be received lightly,” Hades says. “Use it well in your next trial. For if you lose,” he stares over us with a dark, furrowed brow, “you lose all your power.”

He sweeps from the room.

No one says anything for a moment until Monstrat returns to us.

“Congratulations, descendants,” he says. “You now have two days to prepare for the next trial. I suggest finding your own space to practice with your new gift. It could be the difference between you or your opponent winning.”

“Does that mean we can’t practice it on one another, professor?” Pearce asks as he shoots me a devious grin. Without waiting for Monstrat to answer, Pearce snakes his meaty hand out to grab me.

But Haven beats him to it.

Haven wraps his hand around my wrist and fire burns through my limbs.

I slam to my knees screaming. It feels like sea urchins are burrowing through my veins.

The boys all laugh.

As soon as Haven lets me go, the pain is gone.

“Haven!” Monstrat says. His teeth are gritted and there’s a furious scowl on his face. “That was uncalled for.”

“At least now the orphan knows what to expect.” He levels his gaze at me. “Now she knows what game I’m playing.”

The boys clap Haven on the back like he’s some kind of victor.

An embarrassed heat fills my cheeks as I climb back to my feet. I glare at him as he scowls at me. If looks could win this trial, I think there’d be a tie right now.

“All right, all right.” Monstrat steps between us. “Please don’t use your new power on each other. It’s meant only for the trial. You wouldn’t want to forfeit your place now just for fun and games, would you?” He addresses all of us, but his attention lingers on Pearce and Haven.

“You’re all dismissed,” Monstrat turns away. “Gods be with you.”



Chapter 24



I rush from Hades Hall as soon as we’re dismissed.

I don’t want to face Haven any longer. I’m worried about what I might do to him.

I want to murder him.

I want to…kill him.

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