Home > Starcross Manor (Love Heart Lane Series, Book 4)(26)

Starcross Manor (Love Heart Lane Series, Book 4)(26)
Author: Christie Barlow

Woody was off up the garden sniffing frantically after the scent of the foxes and Julia stood in the doorway, staring out across the view. Already she could feel the warmth of the day; according to the news, today was going to be the hottest day on record for years, which meant she and Eleni needed to work hard this morning to get all the bedding changed and bedrooms cleaned before they sweltered in the heat.

With the sound of the crunching gravel outside, Julia smiled; Eleni was right on time. She wheeled her bike up the path and appeared around the corner with a beam on her face and propped her bike up against the wall, before taking her handbag out of the wicker basket attached to the front of the bike. ‘Good morning! It’s a new day and what a scorcher it’s going to be,’ chirped Eleni.

‘The sooner we get our jobs done, the better. There’s fresh tea in the pot too.’

‘Perfect,’ replied Eleni sidling into the kitchen. ‘I can’t function until I’ve had my first cup of the day. How you feeling after last night?’ asked Eleni pouring herself a drink.

‘Terrible, it must have sounded like I’d organised for the contractors to down tools,’ she shared. ‘And then just sat in front of him revelling in it as Flynn was frantic wondering what the hell was going on.’ Julia felt awful and knew that she had to clear the air with Flynn as soon as she could.

After checking on the breakfast things, they spent the next thirty minutes setting up the dining room. Every morning they had the same routine and it worked well. Right on cue the guests began filtering down for breakfast. It was a lovely day to hike the mountain of Heartcross and Julia reminded her guests that it was going to be a hot day and to help themselves to the frozen bottles of water in the cool box she’d left by the front door. The breakfast hall was busy, and Eleni took the orders for the guests’ packed lunches before ringing them through to Rona.

‘Good morning,’ chirped Julia with a smile to Grayson, who’d become a regular at the B&B. Julia knew little about him except that he was away a lot on business and always stayed here. ‘How’s your breakfast?’ she asked as Grayson laid down his knife and fork.

‘Don’t tell the missus, but Julia you always cook up the best breakfasts,’ he answered with a grin. ‘Not good for my waistline or my cholesterol levels but always the best breakfasts.’

‘I promise I won’t tell her,’ said Julia brightly.

Once the guests began to disperse Julia and Eleni set to work tidying up. ‘Andrew hasn’t been down for breakfast yet, should we put a Full Scottish to one side?’ suggested Eleni, flinging a tea-towel over her shoulder as she began to gather up the empty plates.

Julia stopped what she was doing for a minute before replying. She hadn’t seen Andrew since he and Flynn had driven past her last night. ‘I’ll take the fresh towels up and check with him.’

‘Good plan.’

Julia walked along the corridor, wishing the hikers on their way out a lovely day. A couple of seconds later she arrived outside Andrew’s room and rapped softly on the door.


Julia knocked again and waited but there was still no answer. She turned the handle and peered around the door. The bed was made perfectly and looked like it hadn’t been slept in.

‘Hello, it’s only me, Julia,’ she gave a little shout just in case Andrew was in the bathroom but that too was empty. Quickly she swapped the towels and pulled the curtains back. Andrew’s holdall was open on the bed and two chef’s double-breasted jackets hung on the rail.

She was just about to leave the room when Julia noticed an open notepad lying on the bedside table. She knew she shouldn’t snoop but curiosity got the better of her. Taking a deep breath, she cast her eyes over the words on the page that looked like new menu ideas for the restaurant at Starcross Manor accompanied by a list of suppliers. Feeling a twinge of guilt for snooping Julia laid the notepad back in the same place and picked up a couple of photographs that were lying next to it. The top photograph was of Flynn and Andrew standing on the huge stone steps in the front of Starcross Manor. Flynn was dressed in a tailored suit whilst Andrew was posing in his chef’s attire. The second photo was again of Flynn and Andrew and they were pictured with a distinguished-looking gentleman, dark hair with soft curls, a thin line of stubble on his jawline, also dressed in chef’s whites. He looked Italian and vaguely familiar to Julia. They were standing on a sandy bay, with a banquet fit for a king laid out in front of them. Julia narrowed her eyes, she didn’t recognise the white building behind with its old-fashioned shutters, purple wisteria and pink roses twisting around the doorway.

‘Where are you?’ Eleni shouted up the corridor causing Julia to jump. She quickly put the photographs back and hurried out of the room.

‘Just coming!’ shouted Julia.

Eleni was waiting patiently at the end of the corridor. ‘Well?’

‘Well what?’ replied Julia.

‘Does Andrew want any breakfast?’

Julia had completely forgotten the reason why she’d gone to his room in the first place. ‘He’s not there and it doesn’t look like his bed has been slept in. Come on, we need to get those beds made, the bathrooms cleaned and the towels changed. If you do the rooms over the far side I’ll take the bedrooms at the top of the stairs.’ The day was heating up and Julia already felt hot and sweaty, she pulled at her T-shirt around her neck and took a tentative look in the mirror that hung on the wall in the reception. Her hair looked like she’d put her fingers into an electric socket, it had frizzed into something that resembled a bird’s nest. ‘I really need to do something with this hair.’

‘There’s no point worrying about it now,’ replied Eleni, picking up the box of cleaning products she’d left on the reception desk. ‘Right… Ready… steady GO!’

They were just about to disperse off in different directions when the bell above the entrance tinkled. Julia spun round and froze. Standing in front of her was Flynn and with his lack of smile, she didn’t have a good feeling about this.

‘Julia, have you got a minute?’ Flynn’s tone was firm and far from friendly.

‘Of course, would you like to come through to the kitchen?’ Julia was fully aware there were guests lounging around in the nearby day room and by the look on Flynn’s face she assumed this was not a conversation she wanted people over-hearing. ‘This way.’

In silence Flynn followed Julia down the hallway and into the kitchen. After closing the door, she turned towards him. ‘I was going to come and see you after we’d finished the shift.’

‘Julia, I won’t beat around the bush, we need a conversation to clear the air.’

Even though Flynn was still being standoffish she was glad he was there.

‘I’ve been nothing but polite and genuine towards you and others since I arrived in Heartcross. So I wondered if you might explain why you’re calling meetings and warning the villagers against me.’

Julia felt hot under the collar and knew this was the time to lay all the cards on the table. He was still staring at her, waiting for an explanation, and he didn’t once drop his gaze.

Taking a deep breath, Julia spoke. ‘When I saw you yesterday, I didn’t know anything about why the contractors had cancelled. It was only when I got to the pub that I knew. But did you honestly think that you could turn up in Heartcross and build a hotel that would have an effect on all our businesses and we’d sit back and take it?’ Julia was hoping her voice sounded braver than she felt. ‘Why all the secrecy, Flynn?’

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