Home > Starcross Manor (Love Heart Lane Series, Book 4)(28)

Starcross Manor (Love Heart Lane Series, Book 4)(28)
Author: Christie Barlow

‘Julia! How lovely! How are you? Are you enjoying the sunshine? We are hanging by the pool in this glorious weather.’ Anais barely came up for air.

‘Anais, hi! It’s all good here, just working as usual and maybe grabbing a cocktail very soon too.’

‘So to what do I owe this honour, why the video call?’ Anais took a sip of her drink.

Julia took a deep breath before speaking. ‘I’m not quite sure how to say this, so I’m just going to come out with it. Flynn Carter is here in my village.’

Anais adjusted the sunglasses on top of her head and pulled them down over her eyes, then lowered her voice. ‘Flynn Carter is in your village and you thought you’d ring me… why? His name is one I never want to hear again.’

Julia could hear the anguish in Anais’s voice. ‘I know and I’m sorry, but he’s saying things that make no sense to me.’ Julia felt awful now that she’d rung Anais, who appeared to look a little unsettled.

‘I don’t need to hear this, I’ve moved on. I’m happy. That man… I’ve got no words for that man after what he did to me,’ Anais’s voice wobbled. ‘You know how untrustworthy, not to mention dangerous, he is, and my advice to you would be to stay the hell away from him. Julia please forgive me, I don’t want to talk about this any more.’

‘Sorry, sorry, I didn’t mean to upset you.’ But Anais had already ended the call.

Julia slumped back in the chair, her mood plummeting to an all-time low. ‘I’ve gone and wrecked Anais’s day too,’ she muttered, letting out a long shuddering sigh. She looked up towards Eleni. ‘But Flynn had me doubting myself for a second. He’s got a nerve telling me to get my facts straight. I wasn’t losing my mind.’

Eleni gave Julia a quick squeeze. ‘I didn’t think you were losing your mind. Maybe he’s changed. People can change you know; maybe he wants to put the past behind him. Everyone deserves a second chance, don’t they?’ Eleni placed an iced drink of lemonade on the table in front of her then pulled out the chair next to Julia. ‘And whether he’s telling the truth or not about what happened with Anais is really neither here nor there. What matters is he’s opening up a five-star hotel and he has the funds to make it work. And where will that leave you?’

‘So what are you saying?’ Julia looked up and held Eleni’s gaze.

‘What I am saying is, we need to come up with a plan B.’

‘Which is?’

‘I have no idea yet, but let’s crack on with the cleaning and have a think.’

Julia nodded.

‘And tonight, how about a change of scenery?’ Let’s go over to Glensheil, there’s a new restaurant opening up near me. We can grab some food away from everything,’ suggested Eleni.

‘Sounds like the perfect plan to me,’ replied Julia, wanting some time out from Heartcross. Following Eleni along the hallway towards the staircase, Julia stopped for a minute and picked up the photograph on the dresser of her and her grandad fishing. She blinked back tears as she remembered how happy they had been then, how worry-free her life once was.

As Eleni carried on chatting as she climbed up the stairs, Julia was oblivious to anything she was saying; all she could think about was Flynn. She felt confused about why he would so strenuously deny that he had jilted Anais, when Julia had been there. And he should have come clean and been open and honest with the community about his plans for Starcross Manor before they discovered them for themselves. All Julia knew was that she’d made an enemy of Flynn and maybe that wasn’t the way to go. Once more she thought back to her grandfather. ‘Always keep your friends close and your enemies closer.’ His words echoed around in her head. Maybe she was going to have to change her approach when it came to Flynn Carter? She just didn’t know how she was going to.



Chapter Ten



All afternoon Julia felt dispirited, and the hot weather didn’t help. As it was changeover day, new guests could arrive at any time of the day, which meant Julia needed to be present at the B&B all day, which meant she couldn’t get away to speak to Flynn even if she wanted to.

Andrew had returned early afternoon and checked out, explaining that his room was now ready up at Starcross Manor. A small part of her was worried that her actions had caused Andrew to leave but thankfully he was his usual friendly self, which was a relief to Julia as she really couldn’t face a second confrontation today.

Finally, around four o’clock Julia and Eleni managed to sit down for the first time that day. The pair of them were both exhausted. ‘On the plus side, at least we don’t have 110 bedrooms to clean and change,’ joked Eleni, lightening the mood.

‘There is that,’ smiled Julia. ‘And thank you.’

‘What for?’

‘For putting up with me today, I know I’ve been like a bear with a sore head,’ admitted Julia, knowing she wasn’t in the best of moods.

‘It’s understandable; you’ve worked hard to build up a brilliant business. It’s your home, your independence, and it’s under threat. Anyone would feel the same way.’

Julia tilted her face up to the sun and closed her eyes.

‘Jack texted me before. Flynn is still trying to find someone desperately to finish the ballroom on time so that the wedding can go ahead as planned.’

Julia did feel guilty that the innocent couple getting married at the manor had been caught up in the line of fire. ‘The community of Heartcross is definitely a force to be reckoned with.’

‘I’ve no intention of ever getting on the wrong side of anyone here,’ chuckled Eleni.

They enjoyed another five minutes of glorious sunshine before the final guests arrived, and once they were all checked in Eleni headed home while Julia jumped in the shower. She was looking forward to checking out the new bistro over in Glensheil, and the change of scenery would do her the world of good.

A couple of hours later Julia was standing at the impressive entrance to the bistro. It reminded her of a time she’d visited Paris. Outside was a selection of well-worn tables and chairs, a chalkboard menu and a bustling ambience due to the glorious weather.

Julia spotted Eleni walking up the pavement and gave her a wave. ‘This place looks amazing, good choice,’ she said as she perused the menu on the outside board as the waiter approached them.

They opted to sit outside on the street and enjoy the summer evening. Once the waiter took their drinks order, he disappeared back inside.

‘This is the life,’ exclaimed Julia. ‘It’s nice to get out somewhere different.’

‘It is after that busy day.’ Eleni thanked the waiter as he placed a bottle of wine on the table alongside two glasses and handed them a menu each.

‘Cheers!’ exclaimed Julia as they clinked their glasses together.

‘How are you feeling after today?’ asked Eleni tentatively.

‘Confused. I just don’t know what to think,’ admitted Julia.

‘I agree, it is very strange, but I was talking to Jack whilst I was getting ready… he’s going to pick us up by the way and drop you back over the bridge to save you getting a taxi home.’

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