Home > Final Dance: Part Two(22)

Final Dance: Part Two(22)
Author: Samantha Cayto

“May I ask a question, and it’s fine if the answer is no.”

“Ask me anything. Talking to you is easy.”

“That’s good to know, but please stop me if I cross a line.” He leaned in even closer, getting lost for a second in Alun’s lovely brown eyes. Unlike his own, there was nothing breaking up the color, just velvety chocolate staring back at him. He was careful to keep his voice low, too. There wasn’t anyone close by, but it didn’t hurt to be careful.

“Can you still get pregnant?”

“Yes,” came the quiet reply. Then a shudder ran through him before he added, “My master was trying to get another son off me when the raid happened. I was worried that I was pregnant again for a while, but no, thankfully not.”

“You, uh, got your monthly?” He winced at his awkward question and the way he’d phrased it. He felt as if he were back in middle school, hearing about the mysterious workings of the female body. His male teacher had stammered his way through the tutorial, leaving most of the class more clueless than before. He’d often wondered what the girls had been told. All he knew was that they’d giggled for the rest of the day, each time they’d looked at the boys.

Alun blinked at him for a few seconds. “You mean the bleeding that happens to women?” When Craig nodded in stupid embarrassment, he continued. “I’m not sure what that’s all about, to be honest. I remember being worried when I saw my mother washing bloody rags. I thought someone was hurt. She laughed and said it was nothing I needed to know about until I was married, and even then, not so much.” He shrugged. “It doesn’t happen to me, anyway.”

“Really? Then how did you know you weren’t, um-m, expecting?” God, when had he turned into that awkward teenager again?

Alun shrugged. “My stomach stayed flat and there was no movement inside. It was such a relief.”

Pushing his dish of now-melted ice cream aside, Craig used his other hand to clasp Alun’s completely. “Do you think you’ll ever want another child?” He kicked himself mentally for asking. This was the last thing Alun needed to be thinking about, and yet Craig almost held his breath waiting for the answer.

“I don’t know.” Alun grimaced. “I haven’t thought about it, to be honest. It’s been a revelation to realize how much I love Merlin. I can’t think past getting him back safe.”

Acting on instinct and maybe a bit of guilt for bringing the topic up, Craig raised Alun’s hand to his lips. “I’ll bring him home to you. I promise.” He kissed that soft skin and would have loved to move on to those lovely lips that were curved in a smile at his reassuring words.

But it was getting late and he’d already taken matters further with this man than he’d intended. Really, until the whole nightmare with Dracul had been settled, it wasn’t fair of him to try to embroil Alun in a more intimate relationship. Reluctantly, he separated their hands, giving Alun’s one more pat.

“Speaking of home, I should get you back there.”

Alun dropped his gaze. “Yes. I wouldn’t want to worry anyone, not that my absence has been noticed, I’m sure.”

Craig figured that was probably true. Everyone else in that household was otherwise occupied in their own dramas. He hadn’t forgotten Alex’s resolute decision to exclude their human partners from the coming mission. While he didn’t know any of them well, he figured that idea was going to be met by a whole lot of ‘nope’. It wouldn’t surprise him to find a bunch of behemoths grappling for spots on the sectional sofa in the living room.

On the way back to his vehicle, his hand somehow crept up to a full-on embrace. Alun didn’t seem to mind. In fact, he actually leaned in, his warm, slender body fitting perfectly against Craig’s own. The ride was quiet, Alun appearing tired and Craig content to merely be sitting next to the man. His dick was still hard, still demanding that the evening end in a different way. He was almost used to the sweet ache at this point. If—no, when—things between them entered the next phase, it was going to be all the better for the waiting. It was funny. He wouldn’t have thought himself capable of being patient when it came to men in general and sex in particular. When it came to Alun, however, any amount of waiting would be worth it.

As he pulled up to the alley door for the Stelalux house, Alun unbuckled and pulled the door handle. “Thank you for a lovely evening.”

“Hold up.” He turned off the ignition. “I’ll walk you in.” He hurried around to join Alun at the door and held his hand out for the key. “Allow me.”

“You don’t have to. I’m not helpless.”

“I know. This is just my mama’s etiquette rules drummed into my head. When I bring a fella home, I do it right.”

Alun rolled his eyes. “Silly.” Still, he handed over the keys, punched in the code to the alarm system, then stood aside. He smiled shyly as Craig turned the lock. “I thought it was pointless when they gave me a key and the security code, but I’m happy to have it now. I wouldn’t want to wake anyone to let me in.”

“No worries,” he said, pushing the door open and letting Alun pass him. “I’m sure everyone’s asleep.”

He was wrong. As he escorted his almost-date into the living area, they were greeted by a three-wide block of chests and angry glares.



Chapter Six

Alun stopped abruptly, backing up a half-step right into Craig’s arms. He took hold of him, trying to convey his determination to protect him from whatever was going on. There was no way he was going to let these alien fuckers make Alun feel bad about the nice evening they’d shared.

“Hey, Dads, you didn’t have to wait up for us. I told you I’d have him back by eleven.” He paused to give each Val, Will and Malcolm the deadliest warning stare he could muster. “What? No shotgun?” he added with a flash of a grin and quick squeeze of Alun’s arms to convey that he was joking. At least, he hoped that message was coming through.

It was Val who broke the silence on their end. “When I did my usually nightly sweep and realized Alun was gone, we became somewhat concerned. I’m sure you can understand why.” Luckily, for him, he kept his furious glare on Craig and not Alun.

Smart guy.

“I’m sorry,” Alun said. “I should have let—”

Craig squeezed again and overrode him. “It’s my fault. I should have thought to leave a note or something.” It was true, damn it. These guys had a right to be worried, and it spoke well of them that they were. Alun wasn’t anyone to them except a poor human who’d been caught up in the middle of their stupid alien war. Their devotion to his well-being was probably the one reason he could leave him in this house tonight without worrying.

He turned Alun around to face him. “Why don’t you go on up to bed? The guys and I are going to have a little chat.”

Alun frowned. “I don’t think that’s a good idea. You don’t have to protect me, you know.”

“But I want to. Besides, you’re safe here. I’m sure of that.” He kissed him, quickly, softly and straight on the lips. It was better than any full-on sex he’d ever had. “Good night…and thanks for coming out with me.”

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