Home > Brothers Black 7(86)

Brothers Black 7(86)
Author: Blue Saffire

“You don’t think I want to marry you,” I say.

He pulls back and looks me in the face. “You never do or say what I think you will. I’m not going to make any assumptions.”

“I’ve never thought of you as the marrying type,” she says.

“Why not?”

I roll my eyes. “Maybe because you’ve been unconventional in your relationships.”

He rumbles a laugh. “Okay, but how many married couples have I introduced you to that are unconventional? I’ve never been against marriage. I’ve only been waiting for the right person. Now, I think I’m only waiting for the right time.”

“What does that mean?” I side eye him.

“You’re last name is already mine. We only need to make it official at this point.”

“My last name is Pérez,” I say with a smile.

He growls at me. “You haven’t changed your ID.”

“For safety reasons,” I try to say with a straight face.

“Hm. I think you’re telling me a lie. My palm is getting twitchy.”

This time I laugh, placing the side of my face against his chest. “Whatever, John.”

We fall silent as the music fills in the gaps. I get lost in my thoughts, imagining my own wedding. I never knew I wanted one like this until I watched the look in John’s eyes as I walked down the aisle as a bride’s maid. It was in that moment, I realized I want to pick out colors for dresses and dress up to meet John at the altar.


“Yeah, baby.”

I sigh. “Just so you know. I am into all of this. I would want it all and I would say yes.”

As if by divine design, “For the Love of You” comes on. I’ve never been the shy type, but I can’t help shying away from the beaming smile that crosses John’s face. He pinches my chin and lifts my face to his, I know what’s coming before it happens.

With tears in my eyes, I nod my consent. John crushes my lips with his in a soul-searing kiss that has me feeling like I’m floating in my heels. That feeling of longing that I’ve had all my life lifts from my chest.

I finally have someone that loves me and is willing to show it. That’s when it dawns on me. I’m not against PDA, I’m afraid of it.

I’ve never known public affection to be genuine—not until now. My father only patted my shoulder for the few people he allowed me around. It was always for show. This… this is John showing me love.

When he pulls away, I feel dizzy. He brushes a finger over my lip and smiles back at me. “I’m going to hold you to that, Princess. You’ve sealed your fate tonight, Mrs. Black.”

I wrap my arms around his neck and return his smile. When I look around us, Cass and Joe are on the dance floor as are a few other couples. My heart swells as I realize we’re surrounded by people we love that are sharing the same energy I want to have fifty years from now.

This is what’s been missing. This is love.



Chapter 64



Strange Meetings




My feet are killing me. The Blacks know how to party. I’ve enjoyed the cultural mix of Felix and Kaye’s families. It has made for one of the best weddings I can remember going to.

I shake my hands over the sink and dry them. Looking in the mirror, I brush a hand over my hair. It crosses my mind to grow my hair back out for my own wedding. With a frown, I roll my eyes at myself. John hasn’t even proposed. I won’t be that girl.

As I chide myself and exit the bathroom, I debate going barefoot. It’s time to collect my child and head to bed. Maybe she will sleep long enough for me to take a long soak in the tub.

Doubt it.

I stumble to a stop as I walk out into the hallway. LaSalle, Logan, Uri, and Val are all standing around casually as if this hallway is a part of the reception area. I cock my hip to the side and fold my arms across my chest.

“What’s all this about?”

“Is that way to greet friends?”

I whip my head in the direction of Misha’s voice. I didn’t know he was here. I haven’t seen him all night or at the ceremony.

“Let me ask you something,” LaSalle says, pulling my attention.

I look at him and nod. “Do you remember any of the meetings you had planned after your father’s passing?”

My expression turns thoughtful as soon as the question hits me. My lips part as I remember the two names I kept forgetting even back then. Logan and LaSalle.

“Yeah, I do.”

“I had planned to look into what happened to ya before I ended up in a cell. Never believed that bullshit story that came to us. I wish ya never postponed the meeting in the first place. It would’ve kept me from making that trip to Ireland,” Logan says gruffly.

“Papa was a fan of Alliance. Auntie, not so much,” Misha says. “I might have gotten something wrong in story. Now, I know whole truth.”

“Okay, but what’s this all about?”

“We have problem. It’s time we fix,” Misha replies.

LaSalle pushes off the wall. “I have a gift for you,” he says. “In turn, I would like you to fill this box. If you can do this, we will talk more about your future. You didn’t find your way to us by accident. For whatever reason, I believe you are destined to be around. This will only tell me in what capacity.”

He hands me an ornate gilded box. I look down at the little rectangle box in my hand in confusion. I turn it over and examine it, finding the latch. When I flip it open, it’s lined with velvet.

“What am I supposed to fill it with?” I ask, looking around at all of them.

Misha hands me a knife, but it’s Logan who speaks. “You will know when the time is right.”

“I will give the call when my gift is ready,” LaSalle says. “I’m sorry, Roni. Know that no matter what you choose to do, we are all here for you. You are family.”

“Bloody right. Val and I will be there when LaSalle calls. You will not be doing this alone.”

“Wait, doing what?”

“You have green light for the brothers. I deliver them with LaSalle’s gift. Goodbye, Roni. We are even. Hope to see you on other side,” Misha says and turns to leave the same way he came.

Logan pushes off the wall. “I don’t mind the way this is going at all,” he mutters and pats LaSalle on the shoulder. “It’s getting a wee bit interesting. If you need anything, love, John knows how to find me.”

With that, Logan starts down the hall toward the winding down reception. I turn to Val and give her a puzzled look. She grins at me.

“I told you to be careful what you ask for,” she says. “As Uri said, we will be by your side. I’m always one phone call away. Always.”

She comes over to kiss my cheek. Uri moves behind her, placing a hand on her back and leads her away in the same direction Logan went. I’m left staring at LaSalle.

He narrows his gaze on me. “I’ll be here in Ireland for a bit after this, but if you need anything, you can reach out to me as well.”

Without another word, he leaves to join the others and I’m left wondering what the hell just happened. I look down at the box in my hand. What the heck am I supposed to be placing inside of this?

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