Home > Brothers Black 7

Brothers Black 7
Author: Blue Saffire




Good Morning




I can’t breathe, but that’s the intention. His tight grip on my throat has cut off my air supply. My body coils tightly as it’s sent somewhere between heaven and the unknown.

He’s done exactly what he set out to do. Clear my thoughts of anything other than him. I wrap my hands around the harness suspending me in the air as John rocks into me.

“Stop fighting it. Come,” he commands in my ear.

His warm breath tickles my skin, causing me to shiver. When he moves to look into my eyes, his are dark with lust. Their golden color has rescinded to the very edges.

I’m not alone. Not that I could possibly ever think I am. His thick dick by itself ensures that’s not the case. To think there was a time I thought I’d never stretch enough to take him whole.

Now the pleasure and pain just intensify the sensations running through my body. I want to close my eyes as I soar toward the ultimate release, but I know if I do, he’ll snatch it from me.

John bites my chin in warning before kissing the sting away. If nothing else, he has just set flames to the fire already consuming me. How can a man wield sex like a weapon?

He slaps my ass, pulling the last of the defiance from me. I give up the fight and come all over him. It’s so intense, I sag against his body as much as the harness will allow, placing my head on his shoulder.

“That’s my baby,” John croons and kisses the top of my head. “Now you can stop stressing. The baby is reacting to it.”

I sigh. I know she is. She’s been crying constantly. Dry diaper, she’s fed, and still, she hollers unless John holds her.

If only he knew. Great sex isn’t going to fix this one. Although, I know some punishment sex is on its way. When he finds out the entirety of what’s been going on behind his back, he’s going to kill me and Torque.

What he knows now is nothing. Torque has been taking the brunt of his ire. I feel so guilty. I’m testing John’s patience on a new level.

He’s been patient but of all the trouble I’ve gotten into, it’s never been anything like this. I could kill Torque. If it weren’t for his age and understanding his motives, I might have.

John and I have a baby to think about now. Torque should have thought about—

“Do I have to fuck you again?” John cuts into my thoughts with his words, running his fingertips down the center of my spine to the crack of my ass.

He slides a single digit between my cheeks and brushes it against my puckered hole. My body quakes, the harness sways with the motion. I lift my head and look at him.

“She’ll be up soon for her next feeding,” I say.

“My cock is already hard. I’ll be quick about it.”

As if on cue, he pulses inside of me. I’ll never be able to understand how he does that. I felt his hot seed erupt with my climax, and he’s still rock hard already.

“John,” I groan.

He rolls his eyes and pulls out of my body. Like a pro, he cradles me to his chest as he releases me from the harness. When my arms are free, I wrap them around his neck.

“Let’s get you taken care of and I’ll go get her before she wakes.”

I only murmur my consent. I’m so exhausted from the baby, stress, and getting back into the swing of things with work. When John dragged me in here to the playroom, I thought I’d pass out before he could get me wherever he wanted me.

I think he picked the harness with that in mind. Not that I’m complaining. It’s been a while since we’ve been able to start full play again. I know this morning is only a taste.

This morning. Ugh. We’ll have to start our day in a few hours. I wonder what’s in store for us. I have to make a decision before John finds out what Torque has done.

“Why don’t you just talk to me?”

I focus on John from my perch on the en suite bathroom countertop. He placed me here before starting the water in the tub. He rests his palms flat on either side of me and locks me in his gaze.

I reach out to touch his face. God, this man is so beautiful. It’s a family trait, being so gorgeous. All of the Blacks and their cousins are handsome, but John takes it to new heights. He’s stunning if you can say so about a man.

“I will. When I’m ready.”

Reaching for my thighs, he pulls them apart and stands between them. His eyes are searching. Looking for my secrets the way he always does. It’s hard to hide from him when he’s like this.

Luckily, his phone begins to ring in the next room. He narrows his eyes at me but turns to go answer the call. I release a breath of relief, hipping off the counter to stop the running water.

I decide to climb in. Time is always of the essence around here. Either work or the baby can change everything in the blink of an eye, although John has continued to try to limit my work schedule.

“No, it’s fine. I’ll call mom to babysit. We can take her there and head in,” John says, a hint of frustration in his voice.

I lift a brow at him. He never gives in so easily on my working. Must be something important.

He hangs up the call. “We’re needed for a five-man op. It’s a recovery mission. In and out.”

“So, one of ours?”

“Yeah, Dad’s handing it off. I’ll call Mom to see if she’ll look after the baby.”

“That’s not going to work. Your mother has a girls’ day thing with Jennifer and Hope. I’ll give Kaye a call. I think she has plans with her mother at the church or something, but maybe she can keep her for us,” I say.

John works his jaw a bit before he nods his consent. So much for a long soak. I climb from the tub and step into the towel he holds up for me. He kisses my forehead and that sense of guilt rises again.

“We’re going to have a talk when we return. I want to know what’s going on with you,” he says.

I sigh and nod. It’s better to get this over with. So much for the peace we’ve had around here.



Chapter 1



I Need Help




“I thought this was Torque and Torque alone. You were involved and didn’t tell me?” I seethe as I barely contain my anger enough to fly this helicopter. “Do you understand who we’re dealing with here?”

“Stop talking to me like I’m your child, John. I’m not in the mood for it.”

“Not in the mood? Not in the mood? Roni, I swear to God…” I clamp my mouth shut because my temper is through the roof.

I lied to myself a few months ago back in Italy. When I said I didn’t know how we got here, that’s bullshit.

This has been who we were from the beginning. We were both in denial from the start, but Roni has always been the world to me, that’s how I’m still wrapped around her finger and distracted anytime she comes in harm’s way.

“I told you I had no idea what Torque was up to until it was too late. He was supposed to stand down.”

“Fuck that. You should have come to me when Misha first called you. I should have known what was going on. Since when do we hold shit like this from each other?”

“Since you became a father who has a little girl to worry about. I’m not sending the father of my child out there to fight my battles. Especially when I don’t know what they are or how dangerous,” she snaps back.

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