Home > Brothers Black 7(90)

Brothers Black 7(90)
Author: Blue Saffire

“Then, I pity us all.”

I say nothing else as I exit the building and head home. This chapter is closed.



Chapter 66



Happy Birthday




One months later…

When Roni wraps around my arm and holds on tight as we walk down the New York street, I know she’s somewhere far away. I don’t think she’s aware of the action at all. It makes my heart swell and causes me concern all at the same time.



“This trip was meant for you to have fun,” I say, hopefully pulling her from her thoughts.

She releases my arm and wraps her limbs around her middle. I take a chance and tug her into my side by the waist. She comes willingly and sinks into my side.

“I’m having fun,” she says and looks up at me.

I narrow my eyes. “Mm, hadn’t planned on spanking you tonight.”

She gives me a nudge and a small smile. “I am having fun. The food was good.”

I can’t help the smile that comment brings. I took her to our spot. Mom told me to go all out, but I did what felt like Roni. The jerk chicken placed a smile on her face.

“But your mind is everywhere but here. Mom kept the baby for the weekend so we could come here and kick back,” I remind her.

“I’m sorry. I still can’t believe she’s my family. From the first time I met her, I was drawn to her. I had my doubts when you found out we were relatives, first cousins at that. I’m still trying to process so much,” she says.

“Which is why we’re here. It’s okay to let it all go for a bit. It will all be there when we get back and you can work your way through it then.”

“Do you think she will ever forgive me?” she asks in a small voice so unlike her.

I release a heavy breath. “I think Indigo has nowhere to place her anger and because of that she’s turning it on you. She’s young and confused. Give her time, it will all work out.”

She wrinkles her little nose. She looks gorgeous tonight in black wide bottom slacks, black blouse, and heels. About a week ago, she cut the hair at the nape of her neck, giving her style more shape and a bit of a different look. I love it on her. It calls attention to her face.

When we reach the entrance to our old building, Roni gives me a curious look. “What are we doing here? I thought you let the place go?”

“I had, but it came back on my radar and I decided to purchase it. We have a few memories here I wouldn’t mind keeping,” I reply.

She groans. “Don’t turn into a weirdo on me, John.”

“What are you talking about?”

“A sentimental apartment? Really?”

I press for the elevator before turning to her and cupping the sides of her head to kiss her forehead. “Yes, and I plan to make more memories here.”

She makes a face at me, but I can see the smile behind it. The elevator dings, and I lace our fingers together as we step on. Roni looks down at our linked fingers and her smile grows.

“I’ve been wondering if I would change things about my past,” she says. “I don’t think I would. Not if it meant losing you.”

I lean for a sample of her full lips. “Does that mean you are going to get soft and mushy on me?”

“No, and I’m probably going to do my best to top from the bottom tonight,” she says and wiggles her brows.

I burst into laughter. “I’ll allow it. You’ve been so well behaved the last few weeks.”

She pouts. “It’s no fun when you allow it.”

I shake my head and lead her off the elevator. My nerves kick in as we near the apartment. Roni is either going to really hate this, or she’s going to absolutely love it.

Here goes nothing.





My mind starts to wonder off again as we walk to the apartment door. As I thought, knowing the truth has only brought on more decisions and uncertainties. Things I’m still wrapping my head around.

However, all of that skids to a stop as we enter the apartment. My mouth drops open and tears start to build. It’s right here, right now, I know with all my heart that this man knows me better than anyone.

There are roses and balloons everywhere with a banner hanging up. Happy Birthday, it reads. It’s my birthday, but I hadn’t made a big deal about it. I didn’t know John knew in the first place. We don’t talk much about my life before I met him and the things I now remember.

“Do you like it?” he says by my ear.

Speechless, I take a few steps forward and the champagne colored balloons dance around my ankles, only to reveal a thick blanket of white rose petals covering the floor beneath. There’s no way he has lined this entire apartment with roses. I move further into the living area and spin in a circle to confirm that petals are indeed covering every inch of the floor. This place looks like a fairy tale.

Music comes softly through the sound system. I grin as Bootsy Collins version of “I’d Rather Be with You” plays. This is so some smooth John shit.

Looking up at the banner, I ask, “You did this for me?”

He moves behind me and wraps his arms around my waist. “One of my jobs is to know you better than you know yourself. It’s not that you don’t want affection, you’re confused by it. I’m going to spoil you, Roni. When I know you need to be loved on, I’m not going to let your stubborn ass keep me from giving you what you need,” he murmurs against my neck.

“Yes, I love it. That’s the answer to your question. This is…” I cover his arms with mine. “This is everything to me.”

“But I’m not done. Happy twenty-seventh Birthday, baby.”

I turn in his arms to look at him. The weight of the love in his eyes is like a punch to the gut. I caress his jaw with the back of my hand.

Suddenly, he drops to one knee and my brows lift into my hairline as my mouth drops open. I take a step back, always that push and pull with me and John. However, when he reaches for my waist and pulls me close, I don’t fight it.

“I figured your birthday would be the perfect day to let you know how grateful I am that you graced this world with your presence. You couldn’t have been made more perfectly for me. I knew you were mine the first time I saw you… That’s not right.” He shakes his head as tears gather in his eyes.

My knees are ready to give. I’ve never seen John this emotional. He held his shit together during the birth of our daughter because of all the complications. He was my rock then.

He swallows hard and continues. “I had so much crazy shit going on, but I knew your spirit. Your heart talked to mine from day one. I’ve needed to be there for you like I’ve never needed to be there for anyone else. There wasn’t a single word to be said or an action that I could perform.

“With you, I needed to be as present as I could be, in hopes that the rest would work out. I’ve never been patient until I met you.” He reaches into his pocket and pulls out a ring box.

“John,” I gasp when he opens the box. “Are you fucking serious? Where am I wearing that thing to?”

He laughs. “Let me finish this. I knew your ass was going to complain about the ring,” he murmurs to himself. “You’ve become my best friend. I’ve done shit with you before we were in a full-blown relationship, stuff I never thought I’d get a female friend, let alone a girlfriend to be willing to do.”

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