Home > Nitro Crew Complete Series(122)

Nitro Crew Complete Series(122)
Author: Winter Travers

I chuckled and swung out of bed. “Your mama ain’t eating your line of crap, Del.”

“Shut it, Jay,” she hissed. “Yes, I’m still here, Mama,” she said in the same breath. “Jay was just being a butt.”

“I thought you liked my butt,” I whispered.

Delaney pinched her lips together and motioned for me to zip it.

I wandered into the bathroom and started the shower. It was half past seven, and I had to get to the shop. I knew when Roc had told me to stay behind, there was a reason. The asshole wanted me to clean up the shop and be there for the lift guy who was coming in to do monthly maintenance. Harlyn went to the race with Remy, so that left me to be the one to let the guy in.

I had just finished rinsing my hair when Delaney pulled the shower curtain back and butted her way in. She pushed me to the back and stood under the hot water. “My mama thinks I’m a hoochie, and she said hello.”

I watched the water flow over her skin and cringed. “Uh, can we please not talk about your mom when my balls are this close to you.”

She looked over her shoulder at me. “Then just what are we supposed to talk about?” she asked.

I wrapped my arms around her and pressed her against the shower wall. “I got a few things you and I could discuss.”

The water turned cold by the time we were done talking, but you can bet your ass that was the best shower I had ever had in my life.






“Girl. You are late.”

I waved at Mave and hightailed it to the locker room.

I was very much late.

Mave walked into the locker room behind me with a huge grin on her face. “You are late and the reason is because you were busy getting it on,” she cheered.

“Mave,” I hissed. “Could you not?” I grabbed my white overcoat from my locker and pulled it on.

She sat down on the bench and patted the spot next to her.

“I don’t have time to sit down, Mave. You just announced to the whole floor I’m late, and I’m sure Dr. Clark is on the rampage looking for me.”

Mave rolled her eyes. “Dr. Clark isn’t in today. He took the day off for personal reasons.”

“Wait, what?” I had been rushing for no reason. “So I don’t work today?” Normally, if the doctor you were shadowing had off, you did too.

Mave shook her head. “You got me today, and we’re going up to peds. Today, we’re setting up my office and maybe seeing a couple of patients.”

“Say what?” That was awesome news, but I felt she could have led with that first instead of yelling that I was late. I plopped down on the bench next to her and finally took a breath.

“You’re stuck with me today. But first, I need to hear the details on why you were late today.”

“You want the long or condensed version?”

She tapped her finger to her chin. “Let’s go with the condensed version for now. You can spill all of the juicy details when we get up to my office.”

I could do that. “Jay and I talked late last night. He doesn’t hate me for losing the baby. He loves me. We had hot monkey sex twice last night and once in the shower this morning.” I folded my hands and crossed my legs. “And how was your night?”

Her jaw dropped. “I hate you. I seriously hate you.”

“Why?” I laughed.

“Because last night I broke down and joined one of those online dating apps. I swiped left so many times, I swear to God, I sprained my finger.”

“Uh, is swiping left good?” I asked. Thankfully, I had never had to join a dating app. I wasn’t sure exactly what they all did, and I didn’t think Mave knew either.

“No.” She tilted her head to the side. “At least, I don’t think it is,” she mumbled. “But anyway, I did start talking to this one guy but I don’t know where that is going to go. It’s rather odd to be talking to someone you can’t see.”

“What’s his name?” I asked.


Uh, what? “His name is RocTime?” I asked. I was suddenly glad I never had to join a dating app.

“You’re not supposed to use your real name,” she explained. “At least, not at first. If you want to tell them your name later, you can.”

“Well, what does this guy look like?” I asked.

She pulled out her phone and laughed. “That’s the funny thing in all of this.” She swiped a few times on her phone and then held it up to me. “He has a picture of The Rock as his profile picture.”

Sure enough. There was a picture of the Rock from the Baywatch movie. “So why are you even talking to this guy?” I laughed. “You don’t know his name, and that obviously isn’t him.”

She shoved the phone back in her pocket and shrugged. “I don’t know. I did it for a little fun but also because I’m a little lonely. Even if this guy ends up being some bored housewife in New Jersey, it’ll still be a bit of entertainment for me.”

“That is optimistic and sad all in one,” I laughed.

“It sure it, isn’t it?” Mave agreed.

“Just promise me you won’t go meet RocTime or anything, okay? I don’t need to worry about you being made into a sex slave or something.”

She held up her hand. “Scout’s honor, I will not meet RocTime without have a chaperone and probably four beers in me.” Mave stood and motioned up. “Let’s go check out my office. Being four floors away from Dr. Asshole Clark is going to be a dream come true.”

“But you’re leaving me,” I whined. I stood up and shut my locker.

Mave put her arm around me and smiled. “But you always know where you can come hide out if things get too crazy for you.”

“Hopefully, one day, I’ll be working up there with you.” I had always wanted to work in either pediatrics or family medicine. They were both on the same floor, and I would see Mave all the time if I managed to get a spot in either.

“Ain’t no hoping about it, honey. It’s gonna happen.”

“You do know I have four years ahead of me before that would even happen, right?”

Mave pushed the button for the elevator and shrugged. “Maybe you’ll end up doing some of your clinicals on the fourth floor with me.”

The doors open, and we stepped into the elevator. “If you can pull some strings to make that happen, I will love you forever and if I ever get pregnant again, I will name my baby after you.”

“Don’t you think you should run that by Jay first?” she laughed. “He might want to baby named after him.”

“He’ll have to settle for the middle name. And besides, he’s totally got the last name locked down.” I pressed the button for the fourth floor and leaned against the wall. “Mave Jay Perez. It just rolls off the tongue.”

Mave laughed and shook her head. “Even for a boy?”

I shrugged. “If you can make it to where I work with you again I will call my baby whatever you want.”

“You’re happy,” Mave said quietly.

I turned to look at her. “I am. Still a little bit sad when I really think about it but talking with Jay and realizing he wasn’t going anywhere made everything a little bit better.”

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