Home > The Saturday Morning Park Run(67)

The Saturday Morning Park Run(67)
Author: Jules Wake

He grinned. ‘I promise you, it’s an awful lot better than being Hilda’s shopping bitch.’

‘What?’ I stuttered and almost spat out my wine. ‘Seriously?’

He grinned at me and pulled my hand to his mouth giving it a quick familiar kiss on the knuckles as if we’d been going out for years. ‘Hilda’s commandeered me to take her on a shopping expedition. She wants me to take her to Leeds because I mentioned I needed to buy a new suit. I start work the week after next.’

‘I hope you’re going to Marks & Spencer,’ I said, suddenly prim.

He burst out laughing. ‘Well, the Armani doesn’t fit anymore and the dry cleaners never did get those stains out. I was thinking Hugo Boss perhaps. My waist size has gone down a bit.’

‘All that running.’

‘And not going to bars and drinking overpriced fizzy beer.’

‘I can’t even remember what a wine bar is like.’

‘Want me to take you to one?’ The predatory gleam was back and there was a more than pregnant pause as he held my gaze. I caught my breath. Was it obvious that the only thought searing through my brain was, just take me to bed. I shook my head saying regretfully, ‘We sound terribly grown up.’

‘Do you mind?’

‘No,’ I said with a touch of sadness. ‘Yes. Sometimes. My life has changed dramatically in the last few months and it’s hard work with the girls but… I love them both and it’s not like it’s for ever.’ I looked at him, the touch of his fingers sending gentle vibrations through my nerve endings. Desire ran through me as I thought of the silk lingerie under my clothes. ‘We’ve got tonight.’

‘We do.’ His eyes narrowed as they swept over me, appreciation and something much darker in them.

‘Would you like a digestif? Sambuca? Cointreau? Tia Maria?’ The discreet waiter loitered, waiting for an answer.

Ash’s eyes darted to mine in silent question, his fingers stroking the underside of my wrist, sending little tremors of awareness fizzing along my skin. I stared back at him and gave a tiny nod. He knew I wasn’t referring to the drinks.

‘I think we’d just like the bill,’ said Ash with regal aplomb, which was commendable when any second now we were both going to bolt from the restaurant and burst into a run down the street back to his apartment. Either or both of us might spontaneously combust from sheer lust on the way.

Just as I shrugged my way into my coat, my mobile phone rang. Ash raised an eyebrow.

‘Oh, crap.’ Reluctantly, I glanced at the screen. Hilda’s name flashed on the screen. I pulled a face.

‘It’s Hilda. I hope the girls aren’t playing up.’

‘Or she’s unwell,’ suggested Ash, concern clouding his expression.

‘Hey, Hilda,’ I answered.

‘Claire, I’m really sorry,’ Hilda’s voice was laden with apology. ‘I’m really sorry… I wouldn’t have called but…’ Immediately a dozen panicked thoughts raced through my head. Hilda wasn’t feeling well, she needed to call an ambulance, there was an intruder, she’d lost power… they went on and on.

‘Are you okay? Is everything all right at the house?’

‘I’m fine. It’s not me. It’s… Poppy.’

‘Poppy!’ I had wondered if Ava might be a bit unsettled. She was still a regular visitor to my bed and I had worried that she might wake up in the night and be scared if I wasn’t there. But Poppy was always so sure of herself and determinedly grown-up.

‘Oh God, what’s she done?’ She normally behaved herself with Hilda; they got on well.

‘She’s not done anything… not naughty.’

‘What’s wrong with her? Is she ill?’

‘No, she’s just very… she won’t stop crying and asking for you. I’m sorry, I really didn’t want to disturb you but she’s really not herself. I’ve tried but… it’s just not like her. She’s beside herself.’

‘Oh, bless her. She’s been a bit…’ Un-Poppy-like was the only way I could describe it. ‘Well, she hasn’t been right all this week. We’re just leaving the restaurant; I’ll be right there. Do you want me to talk to her now?’

‘No, I sneaked out. She’s in the lounge. I’ll just tell her you’re on your way back.’

I sent an apologetic grimace Ash’s way as I tucked the phone back in my pocket. ‘Sorry Poppy’s…’

He squeezed my hand. ‘It’s okay. I get it. It’s not like Poppy; there’s something wrong.’

‘She’s been funny all week. One minute really stroppy and the next almost glued to my side. I can’t even go to the loo without her suddenly appearing by the door when I come out.’

‘Sounds like some sort of separation anxiety. Especially if you haven’t been able to speak to Alice all week.’

‘Dr Laghari, I presume.’ I smiled at him. ‘But it sounds entirely plausible.’

‘Comes of growing up with a medical professional. I remember my sister when she was doing a stint in paediatrics specialising in mental health. There was a girl in there who wouldn’t go to school. Her mother had been ill and was recuperating at home. The child was terrified her mother would go back into hospital and leave her.’

‘Thinking back over some of the things Poppy had been saying this week, that would make a lot of sense. I thought I’d reassured her but obviously not. God, just when I think I’m getting the hang of this parenting lark, it all goes tits up again. I’m a bit worried what the school might say when they finally realise that Alice still isn’t back. I’ve no idea what the legal position is with the girls.’ I tugged at my lip. ‘What if social services take them away?’

‘They’re not going to do that, Claire.’ He put his arm round me. ‘Come on, let’s go and reassure her now. I’ll take Cinders back.’

‘I’m sorry.’

‘Me too, but…’ He shot me a wicked grin. ‘That lingerie doesn’t have an expiry date, does it?’

I folded my arms. ‘What lingerie?’

He looked smug.

Goaded, I asked, ‘Who says I’m wearing any?’

‘Tell me you’re not.’

‘You’re such a cocky git.’

‘I know. You love it.’

No, I love you.

The sudden thought took my breath away. No! That wasn’t part of the plan. When I’d first met him, it had been a game. A challenge for both of us. Each of us vying for top-dog spot. Then it had never even occurred to me that things would last with Ash. He was too dangerous, too much of a flight risk. Somehow, over the last few months, he’d become much more approachable and less brittle. He’d become lovable.



Chapter Twenty-Eight



As soon as I walked into the living room, Poppy, curled up at one end of the sofa with her arms around Bill, began to cry inconsolably.

My heart almost burst at the sight of her distress.

‘Poppy, Poppy, darling, whatever is the matter?’ Within seconds, I was on the sofa beside her, scooping her up into my arms, while Hilda and Ash stood in the doorway.

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