Home > Beautifully Moved (Candied Crush #5)(6)

Beautifully Moved (Candied Crush #5)(6)
Author: Charity Parkerson

A sweet smile touched Brett’s lips. “Embarrassment after Xavier put all your business on display?”

Dean shook his head. “Why does everyone keep accusing me of being embarrassed? I’m not. I mean, it’s Xavier. Anyone would be flattered.”

“He’s the one who should be flattered,” Brett shot back, transforming into the overprotective brother. “As far as I’ve seen, you’ve never given another guy the time of day. Xavier should feel fucking honored to have gotten your attention, even if it was only for one night.”

“I like him.” Dean didn’t mean to admit that. It was too late to take it back. He needed to talk to someone. “He’s your friend, so I know you know this already, but he’s annoyingly irresistible—like I don’t want to like him, but I do.”

A guy came through the door before Brett could respond. He set an insulated food container on the counter. “Which one of you is Dean?”

Dean moved closer. “That’s me.”

The guy pushed the box Dean’s way and handed him a note. “Enjoy.” He walked away without a backward glance.

Dean’s gaze moved Brett’s way before returning to the container. A delicious smell slowly filled the air. Dean slipped the note card from inside its envelope and read aloud. “You’re not allowed to go hungry on my watch—X.”

A bright smile lit Brett’s face. He straightened away from the counter. “You’re right. He’s irresistible. I’ll leave you to your dinner. Don’t be a stranger, okay? I’ve been worried I did something wrong.”

No one guilted quite like Brett. He liked to sneak attack, so Dean felt horrible for not visiting while trying to avoid Xavier. “I’ll come by tomorrow. You have to update me on all the wedding plans.”

The way Brett smiled reminded Dean how incredibly happy Brett had been since falling for Roman. “I will. See you tomorrow.” With a final wave, Brett headed out, leaving Dean alone with his food.

Dean slid the insulated container closer and unzipped the top. He popped the tabs on the rubber lid and lifted it away. It was lasagna. Dean’s stomach growled. There was silverware included that looked expensive. Dean had a bad feeling he would have to return the dish and cutlery to its owner. That meant seeing Xavier again. The food smelled too good for him to be angry. He grabbed a drink from the mini fridge beneath the counter and settled in to eat. The first bite was like heaven. Dean wanted to savor every bite, but he scraped an empty plate before he knew what happened.

He stared at the empty surface disappointed. Dean had never had noodles quite like those. They had almost melted on his tongue like butter. Xavier was such an amazing cook. It was probably a good thing they weren’t dating. Otherwise, Dean would be the size of a house in six months. He had always been the type to gain weight easily, which was funny only because Brett could get blown over in a strong wind. Weight never stuck to his brother’s bones. In some ways, it was like they weren’t related at all. In others, they were exactly alike. They had the same color hair, but Brett looked like their dad while Dean looked like their mom. Even though they both had blue eyes, Brett’s were dark, whereas Dean’s were light. By looking at them, Dean didn’t think anyone could tell they were brothers.

With a sad sigh, Dean popped the rubber lid back in place and zipped the container closed again. He had a feeling he would think about that lasagna from time to time. Damned if Xavier didn’t tempt him to get his heart broken. The bright red insulated dish sat on the counter, taunting him all night. Even as he did a few tattoos and cleaned up the shop, his gaze kept sliding its way. Five minutes before closing time, Dean made up his mind. He would return the dish tonight before he changed his mind. If he left it on Xavier’s front porch, he would know he had done the right thing without having to actually see Xavier. Since he didn’t have Xavier’s number, he could easily leave a thank-you note with the dish and not feel guilty.

As Dean headed toward the door to lock up, it opened. Xavier stepped through, looking like something from a magazine. His platinum hair was swept up and back, perfectly styled. Black pants molded his skin. A white shirt with too low of a neckline showed off a hint of the man’s chiseled chest. Dean’s mouth went dry. His stomach muscles tightened with longing.

Xavier smiled like he couldn’t be happier to see Dean. “The Mad Tatter has to be the greatest name for a tattoo shop ever. When you told me you’re a tattoo artist, you didn’t tell me you own your own place. I had to hear that from Brett.”

“I’m closed.” Dean didn’t know what else to say. He was too shocked at Xavier’s sudden appearance.

Xavier’s smile didn’t dim. “I’m aware. That’s why I waited so late to come by. I didn’t want to disturb you while you were working.”

Dean fought the urge to close the distance between them and take the kiss that belonged to him. In fact, his gaze dropped to Xavier’s mouth, as if judging the distance to his prize. He forced himself to turn away.

Dean snagged the dish from the counter. “I believe this is yours.” When he turned to hand Xavier the plate, Xavier stood much closer than Dean expected.

“What did you think?” Xavier asked as he took the container and set it back on the counter.

Dean blinked, trying to keep up with the conversation while Xavier stood too close. “I think you’re insanely talented and I have nothing to offer you.” Horror washed over Dean as he realized what he said. It was too late to take it back and Xavier turned away before Dean could see his reaction.

Xavier eyed the sketches on the wall. “Did you do all these?”

“Yes.” Dean’s gaze never wavered from Xavier.

With a nod, Xavier moved closer and inspected the details. “That’s amazing.”

A smile snapped to Dean’s lips. “Are you in the market for some ink?”

Xavier flashed a smile over his shoulder. “Maybe not tonight.” He turned Dean’s way. “But there’s no one else I would choose, if I wanted one. Truthfully, I’ve just never pictured myself with a tattoo.”

Xavier always entranced him, making Dean say every thought in his head. “Yeah. I suppose you are a flawless canvas.”

To Dean’s surprise, Xavier’s smile fell. Something unnamed passed over Xavier’s features. “I guess I should let you go home. You’re probably tired.”

As Xavier reached past him again for the plate, realization struck. Xavier had probably never been seen as anything but a pretty face and sexy body. While that was a hell of a boon for someone in Hollywood, it would likely get old when it came to relationships and meeting people. Dean hated the idea that he might be treating Xavier exactly the way everyone else did.

“What do you do for fun?” Dean asked before Xavier could get away.


Okay. Dean wasn’t doing yoga. “Anything else? Like, do you go to the movies or do you like to play video games? What do you do for entertainment?”

Xavier’s expression cleared, as if he realized Dean tried to find a connection. “I don’t usually go to the movies, since I would get mobbed, but I do have an awesome home theater and I do like video games.”

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