Home > Play With Me(22)

Play With Me(22)
Author: Brittany Cournoyer

My mouth watered at the possibility of being able to explore his ink. I could see it peeking out from the collar of his shirt and over his neck. Just how much of his body was covered? I got so lost in thought as images of me kissing and licking his tattoos filled my brain that I didn’t even notice when Stellan had returned until I felt the cold can pressed into my hand.

“How many tattoos do you have?” I asked.

Stellan shrugged and popped the tab of his drink. “I lost count.”

“What percentage of your body is covered?”

“Probably ninety, ninety-five percent.”

“What five isn’t?”

His eyebrows wiggled. “Do you want me to tell you, or would you rather find out for yourself someday?”

The doorbell rang, interrupting me as I tried to come up with a witty answer, so the moment between us was gone. Stellan dealt with the delivery driver, and soon the scent of tomato sauce, cheese, and bacon filled the air.

Aside from the sodas, I hadn’t noticed Stellan had grabbed a few plates until he handed me one, and soon we were devouring our food as we watched the movie on the screen. The next few hours were filled with groaning at the movie and eating our food. By the time the credits rolled on the screen, the boxes were empty, and we were both nearly in a food coma.

“I can’t eat another bite,” I groaned and patted my stomach.

“It was really good. I’d never ordered from that place before but always wanted to try it.”

“Ah, well thanks for making me an involuntary guinea pig.”

Stellan smirked. “Definitely not a guinea pig. Guinea pigs are cute and furry.”

I shifted on my seat and smoothed a hand down my chest as if feeling for the body hair I didn’t have. “Well, I’m certainly not furry,” I said with a chuckle.

“Or cute.”

I startled. “Uh, thanks?”

He moved a little closer to me, leaning forward so there was barely any space between us. He was so close I could smell his cologne. It was an intoxicating scent that had me feeling light-headed. Or maybe it was having him so close that we were practically sharing the same oxygen. Whatever the reason, I didn’t care. I just wanted to feel his full lips on mine again. All I had to do was lean over and close that gap, but I was too frozen to the spot to make a move.

“You’re more than just cute, Foster.”

“I am?”

Stellan leaned his head down and kissed the corner of my mouth. “You have no idea just how irresistible you are, do you?”

He’d said that to me once before, but my answer was the same as last time as I shook my head. “I guess I don’t.”

Stellan ran his lips across my chin before placing them on the other side of my mouth. “Trust me,” he growled, “you’ve made it hard to stay away from you.”

“But you wanted to?” I asked in surprise.

Stellan growled again as his lips moved up my face, over my cheek, and toward my temple. The hot breath mixed with his moist lips and hint of tongue against my skin had my body trembling with longing. I wanted more. I wanted his lips against mine, his tongue in my mouth, and his hands on my body.

“I might’ve considered it,” he rasped in my ear before sucking a lobe in his mouth.

I gasped when his teeth bit down against the flesh, and my body shifted closer to his. I reached out to steady myself by placing a hand against his chest, and the combination of him sucking on my earlobe and the feel of his rock-hard pec against my palm was almost overwhelming. It was too much while at the same time not nearly enough.

“But why?” I asked before gasping when he kissed his way down to my neck.

“Because I’d see the way you flirted with women and figured you were straight.”

My chuckle ended a low moan as he sucked my sensitive skin into his mouth. At the same time, he wrapped an arm around my waist and pulled me closer until our chests were touching.

“Well, clearly I’m not as straight as I thought I was,” I attempted to quip, but my words came out breathy as he bit the skin on my neck before licking the sting away. “At least, when it comes to you.”

Pulling back, he looked into my eyes with a gaze filled with hunger and heat. “Thank God for that,” he rasped before slamming his mouth against mine.

My hand slid up his chest before I wrapped my fingers around his tattooed neck. This kiss was heated with lots of tongue and the only sounds filling the room were the smacking of our lips and ragged breathing. Stellan’s hand smoothed down my spine before coming to a stop at the small of my back. And when his fingers slipped under my shirt to brush against my bare skin, I moaned into his mouth.

Stellan wrenched his mouth from mine. “Do you like that? Me touching you?”

It was the barest of skin-to-skin contact, but even that brief touch had me nearly coming undone right there on his couch. When his hand climbed higher, I quivered as his fingers grazed over my flesh.

“Y-yes,” I stammered and rested my cheek on his shoulder.

I couldn’t resist pressing my lips against his neck. His small shudder had me testing what was allowed, and I stuck out my tongue to trace it over one of his tattoos. The salt from his skin exploded on my tongue, and his free hand came down to grip my short hair.

“Foster,” he rasped. “I don’t want to push you.”

I shook my head and gave his neck another kiss before pulling back to look into his eyes. I needed him to see my expression, to show him my sincerity while we discussed this.

“I’m not going to pretend I know what I’m doing when it comes to this. I honestly don’t have a fucking clue. I’m used to being with women, and even doing that was just moving parts and basic instincts.”

“Isn’t that what this is, too?” he asked.

His hand was still up my shirt, smoothing over my back, and mine was still wrapped firmly around the back of his neck. I gave it was small squeeze before smoothing my thumb over the skin.

“Not at all. Because unlike the other times, this feels more right to me. I’m responding in ways I never have before. And I know what you’re thinking. That it’s probably the excitement of trying something new. But you’re wrong, Stellan. It’s more than that.”

He slid his hand from my hair, down the side of my face, and rested it on my shoulder. “Is it?”

I nodded. I couldn’t believe I was being so forthcoming with him since I usually got shy and flustered around him. Now was the time for honesty, especially if I wanted whatever this was to continue. And when I saw the doubt in his eyes, I knew it was time to show him how much I wanted him, rather than tell him.

Mustering up all the courage I possessed—which wasn’t a lot—I reached up to grab his wrist. Then, before I could talk myself out of my next move, I forced his hand down until it was touching the obvious bulge in my pants. My breath hitched at the feeling of having him touch me there, but the way his entire body tensed had me wondering if I’d done the wrong thing.

Then, the primal growl that rumbled low in his throat, and the way his fingers flexed to cup my cock, told me it was exactly what I’d needed to do.

“Can’t you feel how much I want you, Stellan?”

“I promised myself I’d take things slow with you,” he argued, but his voice held no vehemence.

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