Home > Play With Me(23)

Play With Me(23)
Author: Brittany Cournoyer

“But I don’t want you to. I trust you.”

That was true. Yes, I was scared of what the next step would mean, but I was also excited about these feelings and emotions that were coming alive inside me, all because of him.

He didn’t say anything. Instead, he flexed his fingers against my cock, giving it a tight squeeze before moving his hand slowly up and down—stroking me through the fabric. My breath caught in my throat before coming out in short bursts until I was moments away from ripping off my jeans so he could touch my bare skin. I wasn’t opposed to begging him, either.

But before I could do either one, Stellan’s mouth was back on mine, and then I felt my body being lowered against the couch. The weight of his body on top of mine was close to being my next addiction, or so I thought. Because seconds later, his strong hand was hooked under my knee, bending my leg so his lower half was cradled between my thighs, and his cock brushed against mine.

That, cock-on-cock, even with the clothing barrier between us, was my newest addiction.









When I invited Foster over, it never crossed my mind that we’d be lying on my couch while I humped him like a horny teenager. But there I was, doing just that. My hips were grinding into his as I swallowed every moan he made when our cocks grazed against each other. The feeling of his fingertips digging into my back was something I knew I'd never forget. And the longer we kissed, the more I wished there wasn’t any clothing between us. I wanted his skin against mine. I wanted our bare cocks to continue to rub together while our precum mixed.

But he wasn’t ready for that—not yet, anyway. No matter how much he said he wanted this, I still wanted to take things slow. But even I could only resist so much before giving in to the temptation, and what we were doing was the perfect example. When he placed my hand on his cock, there was no way I could yank it away and tell him to pick another movie. Not when he was trying to show me how much he wanted me and that he was mine for the taking.

And he was so fucking responsive.

I’d never been with a man who reacted the way he did—with so much eagerness and passion. The way his eyes widened in shock whenever his body shivered after I touched him made me want to see what other reactions I could get from him. I wanted to touch, and tease, and show him just what his body was capable of.

“Stellan,” he gasped as he ripped his lips from mine.

I pulled back to look at him, and when I pressed my hips firmly into his, Foster’s mouth parted on a silent gasp as his eyes rolled into the back of his head. I longed to see what face he’d make as I claimed his ass and pegged his prostate. My dick got harder at the thought, and damn near erupted when I undulated my hips until he let out a low guttural moan.

Soon. We’d get there soon enough. I just had to make my time.

And right now, what I wanted was to make him feel good, even if it was only by making out on the couch.

“Do you like that?” I asked gruffly.

Foster closed his eyes and nodded, and I growled when he bit down on his lip. Foster’s brown eyes snapped open at the primal noise, and he freed his lip from his teeth.


I leaned down and ran my tongue along his lip, soothing where his teeth left indentions as I thrust my hips faster. Some of my hair had come loose from the confinement of the tie I used to pull it back, and it brushed against Foster’s cheek.

“I’m close. So fucking close,” he rasped against my lips.

“Then come for me, Foster. I want to see you shatter beneath me.”

And at those demanding words, Foster’s eyes rolled in the back of his head as he started to tremble. His breaths came out short and ragged, and he pushed his body tightly against mine as he rode out his release.

It was the most incredible thing I’d ever witnessed and watching him coming undone that way had me exploding a few seconds later. And to think I came that hard while clothed had me anxious to see what happened when there was finally nothing between us.

I ran my hand through his hair, down his cheek, and brushed my thumb against the wildly beating pulse in his neck as he lay there trying to catch his breath. His eyes were closed, his lips swollen and parted, and I saw the way his mouth and chin were red from my beard. It was the sexiest sight I’d seen in a long time, and I took my time looking over every inch of his blissed-out face to try to commit to memory how he looked at that moment.

“Oh my God,” he moaned as his eyes flew open.

I expected to see a blazing inferno in those brown eyes, not…shame.

“What is it?” I asked as I dropped my hand from his face and my brows furrowed in confusion.

I was still lying on top of him, my hips cradled in his thighs with cum rapidly drying on my pants. Now was not the best time to start feeling regret over what we’d just done. I would’ve preferred we were cleaned up first.

“I just…I can’t believe I did that,” he gasped before taking another deep breath. The rest of his face flamed, matching the coloring of the beard-burn, and both of his hands shot up to cover it.

And there was the regret I knew would come eventually.

His words were like dousing me with a bucket of ice-cold water, and I moved to get off him.

I should’ve known better than to allow things to go as far as they did. Once I found out he’d never been with a man before, my lips should have never gone near his. I could have admired his good looks from the stage and kept things friendly. Now I was sitting there with a deflated dick, dried cum in my pants, and a man regretting touching me.

“I see,” I said curtly. “Do you want me to apologize or something?”

Foster dropped his hands and slowly sat up. Cocking his head to the side, he asked me, “Why would you apologize?”

I waved a hand between us. “Because you regret what we just did. Am I supposed to tell you I’m sorry?”

“What? No. I don’t want an apology from you.”

I gritted my teeth before unclenching my jaw. “Good. Because I’m not sorry about that at all. If anything, I’m only sorry about your reaction afterward.”

Foster’s lips parted as he gasped, and I couldn’t sit there any longer. Not when he was right there, looking so regretful yet so tempting, and I couldn’t touch him.

Rising to my feet in one swift movement, I turned my back on him. “I’m going to clean up. The bathroom is the second door on the right if you want to use it.”

I felt defeated and disappointed, but I refused to allow my posture to show it, no matter how badly I wanted to slump my shoulders and hang my head. The niggling voice in my head wanted to speak up and remind me of a similar experience in my past, but I shut that fucker up before it could utter a sound. I didn’t need that reminder, not right now when I was feeling so dejected.

Did the situation suck? Absolutely. But it was better it happened now before we went any further and I got too involved. Or my heart came into play. I was just about to step into my bedroom when a voice from behind stopped me.

“Stellan? What was that all about?”

My back stiffened at the soft hesitancy in his voice, and I slowly turned back around to face him. His arms were crossed over his chest, and his entire stance showed how on guard he was. Was he expecting me to lash out at him? To throw him out? Because neither one was going to happen, no matter how awkward this was.

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