Home > The Starfolk Arcana(28)

The Starfolk Arcana(28)
Author: Martha Dunlop

‘True.’ Doriel grinned. ‘But I don’t need psychic ability to work that out. You remember being left. You know the pain of seeing her walk away and the tearing grief of watching her die. You have been separated so many times, in so many ways, and you remember more of them than you want to live with. You are trying to save yourself more heartache but, and this is the kicker, it won’t work. You’re making it worse, and you know it. This time is supposed to be different.

Jonan took a sip of coffee. ‘I don’t really need to be in this conversation. Can we please move on to something more interesting?’

‘Of course. Next up, why aren’t you getting on with sorting things out with Beth?’

‘God help me, why do I live with you?’ Jonan hit his forehead with the heel of his hand. ‘Will I ever get a moment’s peace?’

‘Are you ready for peace, Jonan? Have you got to a place where you are ready to rest? Or is there anything you still want out of life?’

‘Don’t be facetious.’ Jonan shook his head. ‘You know exactly what I want.’

‘And last night it looked like you were going to get her, before you threw her out.’

‘I didn’t throw her out.’

Doriel laughed. ‘Okay, so that was an exaggeration. You were about to get her, before you humiliated her. You blamed her for your past hurts and hit out. You really don’t understand this reincarnation lark as well as I thought you did.’

‘Seriously?’ Jonan strode over to the desk and slammed his hand down on the wooden counter. He glared at Doriel. Her eyes were sparkling and there were lines at the edges of her lips where she had pressed them together. ‘You’re lecturing me on reincarnation? And now you’re laughing?’

‘Well you have to see the funny side, surely? You’re so well prepared for this destiny it almost hurts. The world could not hope for a better hero, unless of course you choose to mess it all up on the most basic level. If you alienate Beth, you can’t complete your path, the world will be left to Amelia’s desires, and you will have to repeat this karma. Again.’

Jonan ground his teeth together. He knew she was right and that was what made her so annoying. He had prepared. He had worked on himself and his abilities day after day, week after week, year after year. The only thing he hadn’t worked on was his relationship with Beth. He had been so convinced she would feel the connection, that it would work out so easily. Then he’d fallen into the same trap he always did. He believed in her, dreamed about her, charmed her, and lost his nerve at the last minute. He liked to think she left him, but deep down, he knew she was just more honest about what was happening between them than he was. ‘You think I can’t do it?’

‘I think that right now you’re not trying. I think you’re seriously considering packing it all in because it’s easier on your heart, and on your pride.

Jonan’s phone rang. The inane tone cut through the atmosphere like a gong, making him jump and holding his gaze on the small, vibrating machine.

‘Are you going to answer it or shall I?’ Doriel tilted her head. She looked so innocent, but they both knew she had won the argument, aided and abetted by the universe and a good dose of synchronicity.

Jonan picked up the phone and slid his thumb over the screen, watching the display shift. ‘Hello?’ he said into the handset, pretending he didn’t know who it was.

‘Jonan, it’s Beth.’ Her voice was hard, business-like in a way he had never heard it.

‘Are you alright?’

‘Of course. I just wanted to let you know I’ll be going to see Amelia speak tomorrow night, in London. She’s given me tickets and has agreed to meet me afterwards. I’ll let you know when I know more.’

‘I’ll…’ he started, and then tailed off as she hung up. He sighed and threw the phone on the table.

‘Is she as prickly as you?’ Doriel raised her eyebrows.

Jonan closed his eyes for a moment and took a deep breath. ‘Just, don’t.’ He strode past the desk and up the stairs to the flat, slamming the door to the shop behind him.





A single spotlight illuminated an empty chair in the middle of the dark stage.

The booming silence gave Beth the uncomfortable feeling of being too small.

A crash from backstage echoed around the cavernous space. Someone in the audience squealed. Nervous laughter followed as people shuffled and muttered.

A chill ran down Beth’s spine. She peered around her but didn’t pick up anything except the undefined shapes of her fellow audience members. They had presumably chosen to be in this place. She wasn’t sure whether she envied them that, or pitied their naivety.

Shaking off her unease, she checked her watch, angling it to catch the glow of the nearby spotlight. Why couldn’t Rose have just told her what Amelia planned to say? Surely she didn’t expect to recreate this farce in the middle of a swanky charity dinner? Or maybe she did.

Someone dropped into the seat next to her. She had been given two tickets and was only using one. That seat should have remained empty. She didn’t turn around. She wanted to get out of this place as soon as she could. Making contact with her co-sufferers would only prolong the experience.


The familiar voice made her heart leap. She closed her eyes, trying to calm the natural response of her body. ‘What are you doing here, Jonan?’

‘I wanted to be another pair of ears to hear what Amelia has to say.’

‘You didn’t trust me to report back?’

‘That wasn’t what I said.’

Beth smiled and nodded as though nothing was wrong. When she next spoke, she kept her voice low, but try as she might, she couldn’t get rid of the slight tremor. ‘Honestly, I know you want to keep your distance, and I’m not one to intrude where I’m not wanted. Please, feel free to head home or go and amuse yourself in London. I’ll deal with this and drop you an email when I’m done.’

‘Look, Beth,’ Jonan started.

The spotlight went out, leaving the room in complete darkness.

When the light went on again, Amelia was sitting on the stool. She wore a cream trouser suit with a neckline that plunged to her waist, displaying a well-controlled cleavage. Her dark hair was piled on top of her head. The only splash of colour came from her perfect bright-red lips.

‘Welcome, my darlings,’ she said, her voice low and throaty. ‘Thank you so much for coming to see me today, for sharing in what I have to tell you. Dark days are coming, darlings, and what do we have if we can’t tackle them together?’

There was a shuffling throughout the audience as people moved closer to Amelia, shifting in their seats to increase the connection as her voice surrounded them in the echoey theatre.

‘Oh for goodness sakes,’ Beth muttered, not caring that her voice travelled across the moment of silence. This time, Amelia ignored her.

‘They are everywhere.’ Amelia’s whisper carried like a breeze, drifting into every corner of the darkness.

Beth shivered.

Amelia stood up, walking to the edge of the stage, meeting the eyes of each person in the front row by turn. ‘These spirits, they surround us every minute of every day. Some people are more susceptible than others, but you will not know who has been affected. The only way to protect yourself is to remain on your guard all the time.’ She clapped her hands together once and the sound jarred through Beth’s bones into the seat below her. She jolted. Her heart raced even faster than before.

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