Home > The Starfolk Arcana(30)

The Starfolk Arcana(30)
Author: Martha Dunlop

One minute he was glaring at Jonan, the next, his brow furrowed. He looked around, shaking his head in confusion. ‘Sorry, mate,’ he said, taking a step backwards, his shoulders slumping. ‘I didn’t mean to bump into you.’

Beth’s eyes widened as she watched him walk away. ‘What happened?’

‘Amelia addled his brain or, I should probably say, his feelings. She reaches into you with her energy and expands your sadness, your anger and fear. She lifts it so it spreads out and fills your whole body, becoming the only meaning you can relate to.’

‘I felt that,’ Beth said, her voice small. ‘But how did you make him forget?’

‘The less conscious you are of what’s really inside you, the less you can stay conscious when she gets a hold. In simple terms, she has the power to send people over the edge.’

‘I didn’t need you to protect me, you know. Did you think I’d never dealt with harassment from an idiot man before you turned up?’

‘Of course not. I know you don’t need looking after,’ Jonan murmured. ‘But I’d like to build up credit so you might feel the urge to protect me one day.’

‘Urgh,’ Beth huffed. She rolled her eyes. She wanted to turn her back but, even when she was angry with him, she couldn’t look away. That irritated her most of all.

‘Is your name Beth?’ A huge man in a suit with a shaved head tipped his head back, looking down his nose at her. His hands were looped behind his back.

‘Yes.’ Beth stepped forwards. She was determined to show no fear in this place. If Amelia took people’s ability to behave consciously, Beth would retaliate by holding onto consciousness with as much vigour as she could.

‘Amelia will see you now. Come with me,’ he said.

Beth stepped forward. ‘Are you sure you don’t want me to come along?’ Jonan asked.

Beth shook her head. ‘This is my meeting. Go home, or if you want to stay, find a cafe nearby and I’ll text you when I’m done.’

Jonan didn’t move.

‘Miss, if you want to see Amelia, you need to come now. She doesn’t have much time.’

A movement to her right caught Beth’s attention. She turned to see a figure in a hoody disappearing into the shadows. At the last moment, he turned and held her gaze. His face was gaunt and pale. His cheeks were sunken and his eyes burned with pain. The moment seemed to last forever, and then he was gone.

‘Miss, did you hear me?’ the man asked.

Beth nodded. ‘I’m ready.’

She nodded at Jonan, and then turned and followed the man back into the auditorium.

Amelia still sat in the chair in the centre of the stage.

The atmosphere fizzed.

Beth paused on the stairs, feeling the energy pushing at her barriers. Now she had seen what Amelia could do, her determination to resist had doubled. She pulled the light around herself, brightening her own space.

‘How interesting that we get to work together after our little… history,’ Amelia said with a rigid smile.

Beth swallowed. ‘I was hoping you would tell me what you plan to talk about at the charity gala.’

Amelia tipped her head to one side. ‘Why are you so desperate to know?’

Beth shrugged. ‘It helps me pitch the right mood for the event.’

‘Well, darling, I was hoping you would stay at today’s presentation long enough to get a feel for it yourself.’ Amelia held her gaze, chin lifted, jaw tight.

‘Oh, I got a feel for you,’ Beth said. She kept her voice soft, knowing it would carry in the cavernous room. ‘But what kind of impact are you looking for at the charity dinner? With such an old building we could go for a ghost theme rather than glitz, present the inn as a haunted manor?’

‘That wouldn’t be much of a stretch now, would it, darling?’ Amelia laughed. ‘Come on, Beth. I know you’re trying to hold the line, to be professional. I also know you’ve been poking around the inn. I know you’ve figured out I own it. And I know you’ve joined forces with Jonan and Doriel. I suggest you don’t believe everything you hear.’

‘Why don’t you tell me your side,’ Beth said, feeling strength flow into her limbs. ‘You’re assuming I’ve already made my mind up about you.’

Amelia laughed. ‘I think you’re being paid enough to give your loyalty to me, not to your friends, darling.’

‘Touché.’ Beth’s smile was tight. ‘Why don’t we get back to business. What do you plan to say?’

Amelia sighed. ‘This is getting so repetitive. You will find out what I’m going to say on the night. In the meantime, take today as your guide. That’s all you need to know for now.’

‘Listen, Amelia.’ Beth walked closer. ‘I am good at what I do. I’ve organised a lot of events and I’ve never gone wrong.’

‘I know you haven’t, darling.’ Amelia tilted her head back, looking down her nose at Beth, eyes narrowed. ‘You’re psychic. You use your gifts to tune into what the customer wants and what the guests will respond to on the night. It’s no mystery. You may even have some skill with manipulating energy. These are the reasons I chose you. But if you think you can throw your weight around, you have no idea what you’re dealing with.’

‘I’m not trying to be pushy.’ Beth sat on the aisle seat of one of the rows, far enough away from Amelia that she still had to project into the echoing room to be heard. ‘I can only do my best if I know everything. You can trust me to keep my mouth shut.’

‘Well, that’s an interesting prospect.’ Amelia’s lips spread into a thin smile. She got up and walked down the steps from the stage towards Beth, her hips swaying. ‘I wonder what it would do to you and Jonan if you refused to tell him what you found out.’

‘I’m not here for him.’ Beth leaned back in her chair, stretching her legs out into the aisle and crossing her ankles. ‘I’m here for my client.’

Amelia looked at Beth, eyes narrowed. ‘If only I believed that.’

The lights went out.

Beth swallowed. ‘Hello? We’re still in here. Please could you turn the lights back on.’


‘Damn,’ she muttered. ‘Amelia, do you know where the switches are? Maybe the lights were on some kind of timer.’

Still, silence.

‘Amelia? Are you there?’ Beth got up and walked to the stage. Now that her eyes were adjusting, she could see it was empty. She turned full circle. She was completely alone.

The curtains swayed. The scent of mould intensified, and then another waft of lavender. She hauled herself up onto the stage and searched in the wings. It was dark. There was only a faint glow from the small fire exit sign. The levers and ropes threw ominous shadows that made her shudder. She felt as though something was watching her, but when she spun around, there was nobody there.

She jumped down from the stage and walked to the back of the auditorium. She could see the looming shapes of the seats. Nothing moved. The air was stifling. The lavender had faded and now the scent of mould filled the air. She reached out, closing her fingers around the cold, solid bar on the fire exit. The door wouldn’t budge. She shook it. It rattled, but was wedged tight.

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