Home > Wicked in His Arms(37)

Wicked in His Arms(37)
Author: Stacy Reid

Tobias’s eyes lit with pleasure. “Samuel, good to see you.” He greeted the man by hugging him close, before releasing him. “How are Glenda and the children?”

“They are right fine, milord, right fine,” the man replied with a proud smile.

“May I present my countess, Lady Blade. Samuel here taught me all I know of fishing and training horses. He and his wife are the caretakers of Rose Cottage. My sister and I have spent many summers here.”

“Your ladyship,” Samuel said with a bow. “Verra pleased to meet such a bonny lass.”

“I’m delighted to make your acquaintance as well, Samuel.”

“Is Lady Francie inside?” Tobias queried coolly.

Samuel must have detected that something was amiss, for he backed up, a look of caution settling on his face.

“Aye, with her husband, a Mr. Jasper Browning, a fine fellow, though a bit shady as to where his family is from.”

Tobias smiled and it chilled Livvie.

“Is aught amiss, milord?”

“Not at all, Samuel. I will escort my wife inside, please see the horses to the stables. They need a good rub down for they have been ridden well.”

“Yes, my lord,” the caretaker answered with a quick bow.

Tobias gripped her hand, fairly dragging her across the gravelled pathway to the entrance of the fairy-tale-like cottage. Without knocking, he opened the cottage door and gestured for her to precede him. She entered into a small hallway. There was music and muted laughter echoing from an open door to the left. Ignoring the stairs and a few more doors, Tobias moved like a stalking predator toward the revelry. Livvie followed him, and stifled her gasp at the very intimate and telling scene they encountered. Francie was seated closely beside Mr. Browning in front of the pianoforte by the window, and they played together. They appeared besotted, and Livvie dearly hoped Tobias saw the mutual admiration.

“How charming,” he drawled with biting sarcasm.

Francie and Mr. Browning jerked around. She hurriedly shifted apart. “Tobias? Livvie?” she gasped, her hand fluttering to her throat. All of her earlier merriment had been wiped away. “I…I’d not expected you to follow me. How did you know I would be here?”

“You left me a note to say that you ran away with a man I am sure you have no knowledge of and expected me to let you be on your merry way with a fortune hunter?” Tobias demanded, striding inside and closing the door softly.

Mr. Browning hobbled to his feet and it was then Livvie saw he was injured. A big swathe of crème-colored bandage covered from his knee to his shin and he had to use a stick for support. He forced himself to stand, leaning heavily on his stick, but he somehow squared his shoulders, determination darkening his gaze. He was very handsome with light brown hair, gray eyes, and a very slim and elegant build. His overall countenance was sufficiently pleasing. Livvie understood how he attracted Francie, who seemed to like the poetic and romantic sorts.

“Jasper loves me, Tobias…not my connections and wealth.”

“I most assuredly do, my lord,” Mr. Browning said earnestly, lacing his fingers with Francie’s and giving her a tender smile.

Tobias did not even deign to glance in his direction, and Livvie winced in sympathy.

“A man who loves you would not have exposed you to ridicule and scandal. He would have approached me and asked for your hand in marriage,” he said. “Gather your things, we depart in an hour.”

Francie paled. “Don’t hate me, Tobias,” she said in a hushed voice, her eyes glistening with tears and distress. “I cannot leave…we are well and truly married.” A blush reddened her cheeks and she clasped her hand around her middle, the implication clear.

Mr. Browning released her and stepped forward haltingly, clenching and unclenching his fist at his side. His cheeks were flushed and caution glowed from his eyes. “My lord,” he started. “If we could speak in private as gentlemen—”

“Silence.” Tobias’s tone brooked no argument, but Livvie was gratified to see that neither Francie nor her husband was wilting under the force of his contained anger.

Mr. Browning took Francie’s arm in his. The love and concern on his face for her regard spoke volumes. Tobias observed them in silence, his presence dwarfing everything else in the room. Livvie badly wanted to kick his shins. Couldn’t he see how petrified and uncertain his sister was?

“Shall we ring for tea and cake or perhaps sandwiches?” Livvie asked, hoping to defuse the coiled tension.

Francie nodded eagerly and threw her a grateful glance, and assisted her husband to the sofa in the left corner, strategically away from her brother. Still ignoring Mr. Browning, Tobias walked up to the couple and caught his sister in a warm embrace, and Francie promptly burst into loud sobs.

“F-forgive me,” she gulped.

He closed his eyes, resting his chin on top of her head, stroking her back in soothing motions. “Wipe your tears, I do not like them,” he said gruffly. It was then Livvie saw the love and concern.

Francie gripped the back of his coat in a tight fist. “I never meant to disappoint you, Tobias. The scandal will be horrendous, I—”

“Let me worry about the scandal. Now dry your tears,” he ordered.

With a sniffle, Francie swiped at her cheeks. “I love him, Tobias, and he truly loves me.”

He murmured something too low for Livvie to discern and Francie nodded before producing a watery smile. Mr. Browning looked on almost helplessly, clearly wanting to be the one to comfort his weeping wife. Tobias released her and then looked at Mr. Browning, who appeared most anxious.

“Retire with me to the library. We have much to discuss.”

“Tobias, please,” Francie rushed out. “We can all meet—”

He made a sharp, slicing sweep of his hand.

She faltered, squared her shoulders, setting her lips together mutinously. “I know you, brother. I want to be privy to all conversation in regard to me and my husband. I am no longer a child. Please, let us sit here,” she entreated.

“There are things best said with Mr. Browning alone.”

Her eyes flashed, and she fisted a hand on her hip. “I will not countenance it. I am determined to be a part of all discourse.”

Tobias strolled to stand by the window overlooking a small but charming garden. He seemed tensed. Livvie’s feelings of disaster increased.

Francie hurried over to her. “Thank you for coming, Livvie, though it was not necessary.”

Livvie hugged her. “I knew you would need me, think nothing of it.”

“Did you marry in a church?” Tobias asked without shifting from where he stood.

His sister frowned, and Mr. Browning tensed, anger and something elusive but somehow menacing shifted in the depth of his eyes. Something was wrong. Livvie tugged Francie over to the pale-yellow sofa and they lowered themselves onto the cushions.

“Answer me, Francie.”

“Lady Francie is my wife,” Mr. Browning blustered. “We have been alone for a day without a chaperon,” he ended a bit smugly.

“No, Tobias. I…it was over the anvil and our vows were performed by the village’s blacksmith. We planned to be married properly when we returned to England, with your blessing, then we had the carriage accident.”

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