Home > Wicked in His Arms(40)

Wicked in His Arms(40)
Author: Stacy Reid

He came over her, blanketing her body with his, nudging her thighs apart. She wrapped her arms around him and pulled him even closer. Livvie savored the feel of his hard, sleek muscles underneath the tips of her fingers. Hunger twisted through her veins, hardening her nipples to painful points.

“How I want you, Tobias. Kiss me.”

His hot hungry lips found hers in the dark, and he made love to her mouth with soul-searing intensity. He released her lips, trailing kisses over her cheeks, neck, blazing a trail of fire lower. She trembled and made no protest as she was splayed wantonly wide.

He rose to his knees, his eyes drifting down to the intimate heart of her. Her entire body went hot at the lust that tightened his savagely beautiful features. Then he dipped his head and licked along her already wet slit. Livvie cried out in unbridled arousal. She dropped her head back against the silken sheets, moaning as she lifted herself against his delightfully wicked lips.

“Oh, yes, please, yes.”

Wonderful minutes passed in complete bliss, and with a final rake of his teeth over her aching nub, she shattered, a hoarse moan slipping from her as acute pleasure swamped her senses. Seconds later, she felt a heavy, invading pressure and then he was deep inside of her. They froze. He buried his face in her neck. When he moved he was so slow, tension and an awfully intense sensation twisted low in her stomach. “Tobias”—she gasped—“harder…”

“No. Slowly…we have all night.”

She nipped his shoulders in retaliation and he chuckled, low and heated, before sliding back and thrusting deeply. Livvie arched on a gasp, glorying in the shocking strength he made love to her with. He took her to ecstasy again and again with the most exacting and delightfully torturous gentle movements. She groaned, desperate for the intense rush, but never wanting the excruciating sweet pressure to end. Her hands roamed over his sweat-slicked back, and she bit into his shoulder.

Acting on wanton instincts, she raised her legs high above his back and rolled her hips, inviting him to burn faster with her. He froze and an answering groan was ripped from him. The bed squeaked from his sudden hard thrusts. His groans blended with her whimpers of pleasure.

“Tobias,” she moaned, poised on the brink of ecstasy. He buried his face against her neck as he slammed into her over and over. She clung to her husband and let the ecstasy consume her, unknowing that she could experience such contentment in marriage.

Finished, he rolled with her so she was splayed atop his chest.

“Do we return to Grangeville Park tomorrow?” she asked, still drowsy from arousal.

“No. I believe it best we remain here for a few days. I will need to speak with Francie in detail to ensure she was not seen. If she was, I need to know who and exactly where she was spied.”

“And what will you do?”

“Offer bribes.”

“And if bribes are not welcomed?”

“Threats and blackmail will be effective.”

She shifted, placing her hands on his chest and reared so she could observe his expression. “Is this how you’ve dealt with scandal in the past?”

“No. In the past, I have quashed rumormongering where I can, or I ignore the ton’s reaction. My wealth and influence has seen my perceived infractions forgiven, time and time again. However, society will not be so kind to Francie if her indiscretion is revealed. I must do all in my power to protect her.”

Warmth filled Livvie’s chest. “I should be appalled, but I admire your will to see her safe.”

“Do you?”

“Hmm,” she murmured, pressing a kiss to his lips.

“I will take you fishing tomorrow, do you believe yourself up to the challenge?”

Shock rolled over her like a tidal wave. “Fishing?”


The oddest tugging sensation roared up and burst inside her chest. Happiness. In a daze, she accepted she felt happy. “I am more than ready for such a challenge.”

“Then I will happily trounce you at fencing the day after. I will not be so easily vanquished as Lord Muir.”

She shoved at his shoulder playfully and was delighted when he twisted with her. He rested his powerful body between her spread legs and brought his mouth down on hers. A slow burst of heat spread from her aching breast to her throbbing center.

Yes…she quite liked being married to her earl.

Four days later, Livvie returned to England with Tobias and Francie. They reentered without much fanfare, and as far as Livvie could see, none seemed the wiser about her friend’s elopement. The dowager countess had opened the dowager manor and had retired there, and Francie went to visit her this morning. Hopefully a visit with her mother would rally her spirits even further.

The past few days had been a honeymoon of sorts for Livvie and Tobias. They had spent the time fishing, swimming together in the lake, and ripping each other’s clothes off with every opportunity that presented itself. He’d even showed her a few boxing moves, to her utter delight. At first she had felt deep discomfort to be so happy when her dearest friend was so miserable. But dear brave Francie had rallied, and had joined Livvie and Tobias for all the meals and even strolled with them across the countryside that last evening.

Upon their return yesterday afternoon, Livvie had been beyond thrilled to receive a warm and pleasant note from the Duchess of Wolverton, who insisted she call her Adel. The duchess was considering commissioning her to make portraits of her twin sons who were only a few months old. Livvie would call on the duchess on Friday, which gave her two days to select her best pieces to show.

Livvie was now comfortably situated in her workroom, painting the beauty she remembered of the lowlands of Scotland.

A knock on the door had her lifting her head. “Yes?”

The housekeeper strolled in. “Good afternoon, your ladyship, a letter for you from Riverhill Manor. The lad that delivered it is in the kitchen drinking milk and eating a sandwich. He’s awaiting yer reply.”

With a grin, Livvie carefully replaced her brushes in their boxes, stood, and removed the apron she wore whenever she painted. “Thank you, Mrs. Potter.”

Livvie walked over to the small walnut desk in the left corner and grabbed a letter knife. Slitting the seal open, she quickly scanned the note.

Dearest Livvie,

How we miss you at Riverhill. We sent around on Sunday, inviting you and Lord Blade to dine with us, and learned of your departure to Scotland. News abounded that you’ve returned, and I urge you to visit your father. Though he does not complain often, he misses you dreadfully, and a quick visit would not be amiss.

Your mother.


“I shall be traveling to Riverhill for luncheon with my parents. You can send the boy with a reply that I will visit, but I shall be right behind him. Please also inform Mr. Wilson to ready a carriage.”

The housekeeper smiled. “Shall I also inform Lord Blade and Lord Westfall you will not be with joining them for the afternoon luncheon?”

Livvie glanced through the side windows in the direction of the lake, where the gentlemen were fishing. The Marquess of Westfall had arrived at Grangeville Park only a few hours after they had returned from Scotland. The man had been icily polite as he took her measure, and she had not imagined the distaste in his eyes when he looked down on her. The marquess possessed an aura of quiet, self-contained power that would have been intimidating if she was the frail sort.

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