Home > Wicked in His Arms(38)

Wicked in His Arms(38)
Author: Stacy Reid


“We lost a wheel on the way to Rose Cottage and Jasper was injured.”

“I love Francie, and she is my wife. Nothing you can say will rip us apart,” Mr. Browning said defiantly.

“Is she?” Tobias murmured coolly, a dangerous glint in his eyes.


“Yet you will relinquish your claim and never breathe a word as to how you spent the last twenty-four hours.”

“You cannot—”

“Or I will see you hanged,” Tobias incised ruthlessly.

Francie gasped and surged to her feet. “Tobias!”

“That’s preposterous, my lord! I have done nothing.”

“I am the Earl of Blade and it seemed you forgot that salient fact when you kidnapped my sister.”

The steward stiffened, his eyes going wide. “Kidnapped?”

“Of course. Francie is a sheltered and mild-mannered girl. She was taken advantage of by a heartless bounder who only has an interest in her fortune. You have two choices, the hangman’s noose or a press gang.”

Tobias wielded his power with awful precision and instinctively Livvie knew he was not even unleashing the full force of his personality. It was as if the air vibrated around him, so taut he was from keeping a tight leash on his temper.

“I will not be persuaded to separate from my wife!”

Tobias finally turned. “Do you not mean her fortune?”

“You are being wretched, Tobias! Jasper cares nothing for my fortune,” Francie said, hurrying to stand beside her brother. “I need you to trust me on this.”

Tobias considered her, and Livvie could see the keen regret glittering in his gaze. She braced herself, recognizing whatever he had to say would devastate his sister.

“Forgive me for the hurt I am about to cause, I would spare you this pain if I could.”

Francie wetted her lips, a nervous gesture. “I beg your pardon?”

“Did he tell you of his wife and three children in Bedfordshire?”

Tobias’s words caught Livvie sharply in the chest. Dear God, she felt faint. How could this be?

Mr. Browning went white as a sheet, and Francie stood motionless, staring at her brother incomprehensibly.

“Wife?” she muttered through bloodless lips.

Mr. Browning struggled to stand, and Tobias casually walked over and sank onto the sofa beside his steward. Tobias gripped his shin, right above the bandage and squeezed.

A hoarse scream of pain echoed from Mr. Browning, and Francie flinched.

“Do you wish to grant us privacy now?” Tobias asked her with quiet menace.

Tears glittered on her lids and she trembled, but she shook her head. “No…I need to hear this, please.”

“Darling, please…” The rest of the words strangled in Mr. Browning’s throat as Tobias applied more pressure to the wounded area.

“Did you believe I would have hired you without having you investigated? That I would have a man living under my roof, with my family, without knowing his background?”

The steward paled alarmingly and sweat beaded his brow.

“Are you already married?” Francie asked, her voice a mere whisper.

“No, I—”

Tobias bore down with pressure and the steward screamed. His leg was released and he gulped audibly.

“I was…was married but not anymore, I swear, my darling!”

“Lady Francie—you will only refer to her as Lady Francie,” Tobias murmured with such menace and barely suppressed savagery that Livvie felt discomfited. “And if you utter another lie, I will take you out back and slit your throat.”

Dear Lord.

The steward’s eyes bulged and desperation settled on his face. “Yes, yes of course, my lady, I…I am married.”

Francie swayed. Livvie rushed over to her and clasped her hands, offering silent support. She could all but feel her friend’s pain and confusion.

“And…and you have children?”


“I see.”

It was painful for Livvie to watch the disappointment and hurt darkening Francie’s eyes. “I cannot understand why you pursued me so ardently,” she said, tears trickling down her face. “You wrote me such beautiful poems and letters and…you are married? I cannot credit it.”

“I do not believe Mr. Browning considered a hasty marriage over the anvil a real marriage, hence he would not worry overmuch about the legality of being a bigamist.” Tobias captured the man’s eyes with his. “What was it going to be? Blackmail letter? A request from Francie for money urgently?”

Mr. Browning shot a pleading glance at Francie. “I love you, Francie, it was never about the money. It was you. My wife…she is dreadfully ill, taken over by the consumption, and she is not expected to make it. I…I…once she passed I was going to allow for us to marry in the church in England. It was never about your wealth,” he ended hoarsely. “I admire you most ardently. I fell in love with you, and I wanted to be your husband and your protector. I could not tell you of Catherine, but I knew she would not live long and I would be free. When you suggested elopement instead of a long courtship, how could I refuse? On what grounds could I reasonably delay you without rousing your suspicion and risk losing your affections? You are my heart. Please forgive me.”

“I never want to see you again,” she said softly, tears streaming down her face.

“Please do not say that.” He struggled to rise from the chair and Tobias stood and rested a hand on Mr. Browning’s left shoulder. It appeared a casual touch, but from the strain on the steward’s face, Livvie knew Tobias was rendering some hurt.

“You are a heartless bounder to pursue me so ardently when you knew your heart was engaged and it was impossible for you to wed another. Your wife is ill…dying, your children left alone to face such a burden.” There was bleak desperation in Francie’s eyes. “You are not the man I thought you were…you were never that man.”

On a sob, she hurried from the room. At the door, she halted and shifted to face Tobias. “I…I am so deeply sorry. I was so very foolish. I thought…I truly believed he loved and respected me. Oh, Tobias, the scandal will be horrifying.”

“There will be no scandal,” he said, cold purpose echoing in his tone. “No one in England truly knows and I will deal with those who are aware here. I promise you, not a word of this mishap will be uttered.”

She nodded, trust glowing in her eyes. “I…we…” Pink bloomed on her cheeks. “He kissed me a few times, but we never consummated our farce of a marriage. I wanted to wait until we were wed in the church before…and then the accident and…”

“I understand, Francie, say no more.”

She inhaled deeply. “I must. We planned together to say we had been intimate when we returned and ask for your blessing to wed in a church. It was wrong of me to imply when you arrived that I might be increasing. I am deeply regretful, please forgive me.”

Tobias nodded, his eyes dark with unnamed emotions.

“Do you desire my company?” Livvie asked, stepping forward, concern curling through her at the wounded look in her friend’s eyes.

“Please, no, I wish to be alone. I will retire to my room.” Then she fled as if the devil was on her heels.

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