Home > Crazy to Love You (Wild Love, #3)(70)

Crazy to Love You (Wild Love, #3)(70)
Author: J. Saman

“Nothing without you is better than the lies, drugs, and manipulation I had with you.”

“That goes for us too, Florian,” a voice by the door calls out and all heads swivel in that direction. Lyric Rose is standing in the open doorway wearing a pink sheath dress, matching pink heels, and a pissed off scowl. I didn’t even hear her come in. I had called her Sunday afternoon. She was still in New York since she’s producing an album for Cyber’s Law there, but I told her about what Florian did. Evidently, she hopped a flight back to LA. “You are no longer an artist on the Turn Records label. I have already spoken with our legal department and handed over the physical evidence we have of your crime. We have rescinded your contract effective immediately as you have broken several statutes within the contract you originally signed.”

Florian looks stunned.

It sucks when your whole life comes crashing down around you.

“Fine. You want it like that? I could give a shit. There are dozens of labels who want me. And dozens of better guitarists I can find.” He turns back to me. “And obviously I have no issues finding women.”

Seriously? I practically roll my eyes at him.

I shrug. “Good for you, then?”

“Fuck this. I’m out of here.”

He spins toward the door and Lyric steps aside to allow him to go.

“Wait,” Gus says, cutting him off and blocking his path. “One last thing.” Then Gus rears back and plants his fist straight into Florian’s stomach. Hard. You can practically hear the thud that goes along with it. Florian doubles over in pain, clutching his abdomen and spitting out a slew of curses no one cares enough about to listen to. “That, motherfucker is for poisoning me. And let me tell you now, if you ever come near me or Naomi, or anyone else in this room for that matter again, I will end you. You may be fucking sneaky, but I don’t have to be to destroy you. You feel me?”

Florian spits on the floor by Gus’ feet before he tries to right his body. “Just wait until I release that picture.”

“Just wait until I release the recording I have of you admitting everything you did,” Keith interjects with a big shit-eating grin. “That’s right, asshole. I have it all. And we have the picture you sent to Naomi from your phone.”

“Yep. So, if you want to play hard, bring it. There will not be a hole big enough for you to hide in by the time we’re done with you.” Gus folds his arms over his chest.

“Fuck you,” Florian snaps before storming out the room, trying to hold on to his last shred of dignity. Only two seconds later we hear, “Ow. What the fuck?”

“Oh, sorry, honey,” someone says. “Didn’t see your ugly ass there.” Ethan saunters into the room we’re all standing in like deer in headlights. He has a huge, brilliant, white smile gleaming against his tanned skin and when he shuts the door behind him, he starts cracking up. I blink at him curiously. “What? I didn’t mean to stick my foot out and trip him. It just happened. Bitch has a mind of its own.”

I burst out laughing and so does everyone else in the room. All the tension evaporates, and I sag forward, only to be caught by Gus. His lips press into my face as he holds me.

“Do you think he’s going to go quietly?” Jasper asks, and I twist my face to look at him.

“I don’t know. If he’s smart, yes. But I don’t know.”

“Don’t ask any questions, but his phone might suddenly be missing a very specific picture. And his home computer systems might all somehow be rid of it too.” We all turn to Ethan, who throws his hands up in surrender. “I just said don’t ask.” I can only shake my head at him, smiling at the relief that crazy notion brings. He sighs dramatically. “I’m so pissed I missed the big gunfight at the O.K. Corral,” he grouses, dropping his arm on Lyric’s shoulder.

“It was some gunfight. Dude got fucked in the ass so many times he’ll be sore for a month.”

“Lovely imagery there, Henry,” I mutter.

“But true all the same,” Keith jumps in.

“Right well, now that you’re all here, I think it’s time you get back to work,” Lyric prompts. “I mean, these albums won’t complete themselves. Casper, I take it you’re working with Nai on hers?” Casper nods. It’s what he and I had already agreed to. And in truth, I’m really excited he’s going to be part of it. “Radtastic. Now, I have to get on a plane and head back to New York.” Lyric wraps her small arms around me and hugs me close. “I love you. I’ll call you soon, okay?” I nod against her. Then she turns on Gus, hugging him as well. “I love you too. And I’m sorry that happened to you. But it’s over now.” She pulls back and meets his eyes. “No more excitement from you guys. I think we’ve all had enough for a while.”

Ain’t that the truth.



Epilogue 1




Nine Months Later


* * *


“It’s been an incredible night so far. Filled with so many talented artists and big moments. This next one might just be the biggest of them all. It is my distinct honor to introduce a woman who has not played live in more than three years. Ladies and gentlemen, please join me in welcoming back to the stage, tonight’s artist of the year, twelve time Grammy winner, the incredible, Naomi Kent.”

Applause fills the large auditorium causing a fresh swell of butterflies to dance in my stomach. This is a place I never thought I would ever be again after what Florian did to me on this very stage. Yet, here I am, performing.

Everything is different.

I’m different.

Casper clasps my hand, giving in a quick squeeze before we both take a deep breath and walk out onto the stage. The sound amplifies with everyone in the house on their feet, cheering and clapping. I can feel my face heating for the second time this evening.

Winning artist of the year was an unexpected and amazing honor. I broke down into tears twice during my acceptance speech. To say tonight has been an emotional one is the understatement of the century.

But this moment? This is the moment I’ve been looking forward to for months.

My solo album released in September and skyrocketed all the way up to number one on the charts. Not just that, it’s received incredible reviews. Now that I’ve started writing, I haven’t been able to stop. That first album was about putting my past behind me. About embracing the heartache only to let it go.

But I’m back at it. And the one I’m working on right now? It’s all about love.

It’s funny, it wasn’t until I started to write again that I really got it.

Because every now and then, I would catch these glimpses. A child playing with their parents. An adoring smile a man gives his partner. A baby laughing.

At first, after all I lost, things like that made my heartache worse. To the point where I couldn’t stand to watch them.

But now I realize that these glimpses are what make life beautiful. Those bonds. That connection. The love.

That’s what life is.

There is always hope, despite the darkness that can sometimes feel so overwhelming. That if you really look for it, you can see the way out.

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