Home > Mangled Minds (The Harkwright Trilogy #2)(28)

Mangled Minds (The Harkwright Trilogy #2)(28)
Author: B.C. Morgan

“Sure, sitting on your lap sounds like a party,” I say back and his smile only widens as he slides his arm around my waist, and leads me away. I only have just enough time to close my door before he sweeps me up in his arms, and my legs wrap around his waist.

“Have I told you how much I love this dress?” he asks, as he palms my ass and I smile against his neck. We just go with the flow as he carries me to the north wing and their game room. I don’t even care about the stares. For once, I’m enjoying myself, and I’m going to hold on to this feeling alive, for as long as I can.

He opens the door and a plume of smoke escapes before he carries me inside, and kicks the door closed behind us. He drops onto a recliner, settling me down so I’m straddling his lap. These guys really seem to like this position.

“Seriously, you know you can bring other girls. No need to get whipped on us now.” I can recognize Scott’s voice anywhere, and it grates on me more than it ever did before. Now when I hear it, all I think about is watching Maddox struggle under the water as he held me back and made me watch.

Aeron pulls out a joint and sparks it up, his cheeks hollowing out as he takes a deep drag, and I watch as the smoke slowly filters out of his mouth.

“I claimed the best one here, why would I want to bring anyone else back?” he asks lazily, and I smile at his words, which earns me his patented smirk.

“Because she’s a buzzkill and she’s far from the best. You should know, you’ve already worked your way through at least half the girls,” Scott throws back, and I can’t stop my nose from scrunching up at the visual he’s painting in my mind.

Aeron takes another drag and fuck it, what the hell. I pluck the joint from between his lips, before putting it to my own, and take a small drag. His eyebrows shoot up as my eyes flutter closed, and I slowly blow it out before rolling my hips against him.

“Just what went down on your trip away?” he asks as he reaches for it, and I bat his hand away before holding it to his mouth and we stay like this. Me controlling the pot, and passing it between us both as I forget about his question, and feel my body relax.

How I haven’t realized I’m still rolling my hips, I have no idea. Although, it becomes apparent as his hands come to rest on them and he holds me in place.

“Are you okay, Little Zero?” I want to laugh at the concern I hear in his voice, I just struggle to believe it’s real after the retreat.

“I don’t want to think, Aeron. Feeling seems so much better.” I drop my head down onto his shoulder before running my tongue up the column of his neck, and then everything feels… funny.

“Okay, I think that’s enough pot for you,” he says with a chuckle before lifting me up and turning me so my legs are hanging over the arm of the chair, and my head is resting on his chest.

“Aww, is Aeron going to take care of the lightweight?” Scott asks sarcastically, but his words barely even register.

“Fuck you, Scott. You’re just bitter because Emmet made her off limits to you.”

“Yeah, well, maybe I should let him know how close you two are getting. I bet he’d love to hear all about it.” I look up and stick my tongue out at him. His eyes narrow before he takes a swig from a bottle of something and calls for Seven.

“Come suck my cock. Maybe you can teach Five a thing or two. She may as well learn something useful for her future career.”

“That’s enough, Scott. Shut up before I knock the ever living shit out of you,” comes from Tucker, and I try to lift my head to try to see him, but it won’t cooperate.

Nothing wants to move and all I can do is lie here and ride it out, feel the circles that Aeron is tracing on my thigh and forget every thought that pops into my head as it vanishes; like it was never there.



Nights of getting high and grinding against Aeron have become the new normal for me this past week. Not to mention the times Tom drags me to the shack and we make each other come undone. I mean I’m enjoying it, but something is missing, or maybe it’s someone.

I miss Tucker, but he’s still avoiding me since I kissed him and it hurts more than I care to admit, but more than that, I damn well miss Maddox and I’ve reached the end of my tether with him. It’s my birthday and the only present I would like to get is to have him talk to me. Although, this is a birthday in the Academy, so I’m sure a present isn’t on the table. I can live with that. I just wish it didn’t feel as though I’ve lost yet another friend. It’s not like D isn’t enough, but Maddox is different, and I think he needs me, but I don’t know how to get to him.

I roll out of bed, trying to shake myself free of the dismal thoughts as I wander into my bathroom and jump in the shower before I search through my wardrobe for what I should wear today.

I decide on a royal blue zip up romper and leave the zip sitting just past my breasts, nowhere near as revealing as all the other girls in this place but enough that you can see a hint of the black lace on my bra. My eyes are smokey with a light blush and I don the red lipstick again, I think it’s wearing on me. I’m enjoying this new look I seem to have adopted and I’m not sure I’ll go back entirely. Even if nothing more comes out of this little adventure, at least I’m feeling more comfortable in my own skin.

I throw on the leather jacket that D refuses to take back - stubborn woman - and pull open my bedroom door to come face to face with a room filled with flowers covering every surface, and petals all across my floor.

What the hell is going on?

I step into the room and take it all in, trying to make sense of what I’m seeing, but I don’t think that’s going to happen right now. I move further into the room until I’m next to the love seat, and I find a box lying on it. My hand shake as I pick it up and pull at the bow holding the lid in place. It falls unceremoniously to the floor, as I pull the lid off and drop it onto the floor.

It’s a dress and a pair of shoes, I don’t even bother to look at them as I pick the lid back up, and shove it back on top before searching every spot in the room until my eyes fall on a white envelope.


Happy birthday, my Star. I hope you have an amazing day and I look forward to seeing you in this dress later. Hopefully, the flowers are to your liking and I look forward to seeing you over breakfast, you’ll be dining with us this morning.

See you soon, my legacy.

Your Prince.


My Prince, yeah fucking right. I don’t hold any claim to him and I don’t want to either, I’m sick and tired of his narcissistic ways and he’s got another thing coming if he thinks I’ll be sitting with them. He still doesn’t know me. Get ready for another no, Emmet. I have a feeling he’ll be hearing that word a lot from me.

I open my door and my mouth falls open when I find Tom standing there, just waiting for me. Can this day get any stranger? I hope not, it’s barely even begun.

“What are you doing here?” I ask as he steps closer, his eyes burning me up from the inside, as his hands fall to my waist and he steps me back until he’s in my room, closing the door behind him.

“Happy birthday, Moonbeam,” he says before his mouth is on mine, devouring every gasp I have to give.

His tongue moves effortlessly around mine as his hands seem to touch everywhere at once. His mouth breaks away from mine before gripping my zipper and pulling it down until he grips the cup of my bra. He pulls it away and sucks my nipple into his hot mouth.

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