Home > Take Me in the Night(11)

Take Me in the Night(11)
Author: R.L. Kenderson

Right before I exploded, Maddox bit my neck, and my eyes flew open. He put his nose to mine as I shuddered and convulsed around him. I barely saw the look of satisfaction in his eyes, as my orgasm was so strong, but I did, and ironically, it made me come harder.

Maddox pumped into me a couple of more times and then quickly withdrew from my body. He let go of my arms as he stroked his cock with his hand, coming all over my belly.

He pushed himself back inside me as he rubbed his seed into my skin, as if he was leaving his mark all over me.

I watched him do this, his face so full of concentration that I could only stare. I wanted to be in his head right now. I wanted to know what he was thinking.

Had he come to my room with the intention of fucking me? Why had he come at all?

When he seemed satisfied with his work, he pulled his shaft from my body and stood completely. He looked around until he found his clothes and then proceeded to put them on. I knew he was leaving, and a part of me wondered if he was trying to humiliate me.

If that was what he wanted, it wasn’t going to happen.

I lay there, making no move to cover myself or do anything to show him that I regretted what had happened between us.

I was no longer the shy virgin he’d deflowered, and I had been with more men than I could count on both hands.

Plus, I didn’t regret what had happened just now. Maybe I would in the morning, but in the dark of the night, with sleep still hanging over me, I was just grateful for the good fucking.

I closed my eyes for a moment. I was relaxed and sated, and I knew sleep would consume me again soon.

I wanted to catch one glimpse of Maddox before he went, but when I opened my eyes, he was gone. He’d left as silently as he’d come.

I moved back to the middle of my bed and pulled up my sheet. As I drifted off, it finally hit me that we hadn’t spoken a single word to each other the entire time.





I rested my head against the back of Addison’s building. If it hadn’t been made of brick, I would have pounded my forehead against it a few times.

What did I just do?

Fucked the shit out of her, my stupid brain answered.

But I already knew that.

What I meant was, what had I done to our relationship? Was she going to think we were some sort of couple now?

She was a firecracker in bed and the best goddamn lay I’d ever had, but she was never going to be more than that. I had learned my lesson already.

Yet, as I stood there, I couldn’t forget the way she’d responded to me. She’d been so wet. No one ever got as wet as Addison. One woman I’d dated came close, but she’d always been self-conscious about it, even after I told her it was a good thing.

But Addison hadn’t been embarrassed in the least. Not even after we were done fucking, and I was putting on my clothes.

Things had definitely changed. She’d always covered up after we had sex in high school. But not tonight.

I had almost fucked her again just from her display of confidence.

I adjusted my stupid cock in my shorts.

Down, you fucker.

I wasn’t going to screw her again.

Except all I could think about was everything I’d missed out on. The taste of her sweet pussy, her tongue on my dick, her breasts, her mouth…I hadn’t even kissed her.

It was kind of surprising she hadn’t kicked me out of her apartment.

I took a step away from the wall and shook my head.

I needed to stop thinking about having sex with Addison. So I didn’t get to experience everything I had years ago. I would get over it. I hadn’t slept with her for twelve years. I could certainly go another twelve.

I looked at her bedroom window as I walked away. Course it had been easier when I didn’t have to see her tempting body everywhere I went.

If my SEAL teammates could see me now, they’d call me a pussy.

Good thing they aren’t going to see me anytime soon, I thought as I walked to my mom’s trailer. It was about a mile away, but that was nothing for me. And the night was beautiful. It would give me time to clear my head.

I needed to work on getting a place to live tomorrow. I was thankful I had found my SUV earlier, but it had taken all day. I’d had to travel almost an hour away just to pick it up. It hadn’t left any time to look for apartments. I was hoping to be done tomorrow, so I could start working at the garage on Monday.

When I reached my mother’s, I tried to be quiet, but the squeak of the door gave me away. My mom was just sitting up on the couch as I walked in. The TV was the only light in the room, but I could tell she’d been sleeping.

“Mom, why don’t you go and sleep in your bed?”

She waved away my suggestion. “I’m so used to sleeping on the couch. I can’t sleep on my bed anymore.”

More like she was used to passing out on the couch, but I wisely kept my mouth shut. I didn’t want her to feel bad for her past.

“I’m sorry I woke you.”

“It’s okay, baby.”

“Well, I’m going to head to bed,” I said as I started for my old bedroom down the hall. “You should go back to sleep.”

I was almost out of her sight when she said, “You need to stay away from her, Maddox.”

I stopped. “Stay away from who?”

My mom sighed. “Addison.”

My shoulders slumped, and I turned around. “Mom, I don’t want to have anything to do with her.”

“That’s what you say, but I know men. They think with their junk.”


“I might have been a drunk, but I’m not a dummy. How do you think you and your brother and sister came about?”

“Because you got involved with losers.”


“I’m sorry, Mom.” But it was true.

All three of our dads had bolted the second my mom told them she was pregnant. Foster had met his dad once when he was around eleven or twelve, but Kelly and I had only ever seen pictures. The way my brother had sat by the window for a week, waiting for his dad to come back a second time, made me grateful I’d never met my sperm donor.

“I just don’t want to see you hurt, baby. The girl left you high and dry when you needed her most.”


“Maddox,” she said over me, “I know you were with her that night. I know she never told anybody. She was too embarrassed to admit she was with a Wolfe. She left you to rot in prison.” She pointed her finger at me. “You stay away from her.”

I nodded in agreement. I didn’t know if I agreed, but I just wanted to go to bed and not argue.

“Good.” She lay back down. “I’ll see you in the morning, baby.”

“See you in the morning.”

I went to my room, and then I shut and locked the door. I stripped off my clothes and flopped backward onto the bed.

My mother’s words reverberated in my head. She was right about Addison not being there for me. But I didn’t know if she had been embarrassed. We’d had plans after high school. We were going to be together. She’d never made it seem like she was ashamed of me.

I sighed and put my arm behind my head.

Maybe I was letting her off too easy. But, right now, it was hard to be mad at her when I could smell her on my cock. Funny how I’d come all over her, wanting to mark her, and I was the one with her mark on me.

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