Home > The Man I Thought I Loved (Two-Faced #2)(22)

The Man I Thought I Loved (Two-Faced #2)(22)
Author: E. L. Todd

He rubbed his cheek like he still remembered how the slap felt. “Yeah, but it was kind of hot. She kept saying she wanted to take it slow, even though I was totally hung up on her, and then she did that…so she showed her true colors.”

“Then meeting your parents must have been awkward.”

He chuckled. “Yeah, she was pretty nervous. But my family is cool. They thought it was funny.”

“I’m learning about a whole new side of my sister through you.”

“Yeah, she’s a little crazy, but I like her that way.”

I’d tease her about this later.

“So…” He nodded up ahead. “What’s the story with you two?”

“Who are you talking about?”

“The woman whose ass you keep staring at.”

Was I making it that obvious?

He grinned. “Come on, I’m a doctor. I’m kinda smart.”

“There’s nothing there.”

“Really? Because you talk about her a lot, and you have a lot of chemistry on the court.”

We had a lot of chemistry in every way imaginable.

“You’re a good-looking, down-to-earth guy. Why wouldn’t she want you? Go for it.”

I stopped pretending I didn’t feel that way. “We used to be together, but I fucked it up.”

“Oh…sorry, man. I didn’t know.”

“It’s okay. I said we could just be friends.”

“You mind if I ask what happened?”

It was crazy that the two of us hit it off so quickly. I got along with pretty much anyone, but William felt like an old friend who’d just come back to town. “The short version—”

“No, no, no.” He waved his finger. “I want the longer version.”

“Alright. Well, we kinda had a fling for a while, but I wanted more. She wasn’t ready because she was still pretty hurt from her divorce, so she wanted to keep it casual. I was still fucked up from my divorce, but that didn’t stop me from wanting more of her. I kept pushing, but I was also lying to her every single day.”


“I didn’t tell her who I really was, that I’m a billionaire and CEO of my family’s company. I even had a fake apartment so she would think I was just like everyone else. When the newspaper wanted to do a story on me, I specifically asked for someone else on the staff, but they sent Carson instead. Before I got the chance to come clean, she found out…in the worst way imaginable.”

“Yikes…that’s quite a story. But I never would have suspected something bad happened between you two since you get along so well.”

“We talked it out and moved on.”

“If you’re still into her, why don’t you try to make it work?”

I shook my head. “She said it’s not going to happen. Her husband cheated on her, and she can’t tolerate a man lying to her… I get it.”

He nodded and released a sigh. “Not really the same thing, but I understand. Relationships meant to last should be built on trust and honesty. I’ve been really transparent with Renee because I never want to lose her. So, I’ve told her everything about me, even stuff I’m not proud of.”



“You don’t have to tell me, man. I shouldn’t have asked.”

“No, I’ve got nothing to hide. My buddies and I went to Vegas for a bachelor party, and I slept with a hooker. Not my finest hour. But we were all going crazy and threw caution to the wind.”

It was a little embarrassing but not totally egregious. “Were you seeing someone at the time?”

“No. But you know, it’s still kinda gross. Women are really turned off by that.”

“How did Renee feel about it?”

“She was disappointed, but like I said, she’s obsessed with me, so she brushed it off pretty quickly. And I outright told her about it and put it on the table, so I think she appreciated my honesty.”

“Yeah.” Why hadn’t I done that?

“So, you’re just friends? Like forever?”

“That’s the plan.”

“What a shame. Because you wear your heart on your sleeve, man.”

I sighed and kept my eyes forward, watching her hair move in the wind. “Yeah. Haven’t felt this way about anyone except my ex-wife, but that was all a lie and manipulation, so this is real…and it’s different.”

He turned to me, eyeing me sympathetically. “Maybe you should try again? People get back together all the time.”

“But Carson isn’t like other people…”

“Maybe. But when enough time passes, it could be different. She obviously doesn’t seem angry with you, so I would try again…at some point. That’s my best advice.”


We entered the pizza parlor and sat at the same table as last time. Beers were ordered, and since Matt would die if he didn’t eat, we ordered right away. I took the seat beside Carson, with William across from me.

He drank his beer and behaved like a long conversation about my unresolved feelings for her never happened.

“Did you grill him?” Carson asked me, still stunning even when her makeup was gone and her hair was a little greasy.

“Why would I grill him?”

“You know, because he’s trying to be a member of your family.” She deepened her voice and tried to speak like a character from the Godfather. “He wants to be part of this family…he needs to earn it.”

Charlie rolled his eyes. “Oh my god, I hate it when she does the Godfather voice.”

William smiled, like he thought it was amusing.

Everything she did was amusing. She wasn’t afraid to be goofy or different. Other girls cared about being beautiful all the time, quiet and polite, well-liked. Carson didn’t care what anyone thought of her.

“I’m not trying to be a member of the family,” William said. “At least, not right this second. Someday, yes. But she moves at the pace of an iceberg…”

“I think she’ll be different after our talk,” I said.

“She’s definitely been in a better mood,” William said.

“What did you think of his basketball skills?” Carson asked.

“You’re really going to ask me that right in front of him?” I asked incredulously.

“It’s good for him to know where you stand,” she said. “Keep him in line.”

“Damn, she’s tough.” William drank from his beer. “I’m glad she’s not my girlfriend’s brother.”

“She’s an even worse roommate,” Charlie said.

She swatted him playfully. “Am not. You would die if I moved out.”

“No, I think I’d be okay,” he said sarcastically.

“Oh, come on,” she said. “You would be totally heartbroken. There’d be no groceries in the house, no beer… What would you do without beer?”

“Well, I wouldn’t have dirty dishes in the sink and pieces of popcorn stuck between the cushions in the couch,” he fired back.

I noticed they fought like siblings, so that cured the jealousy I’d had long ago. They didn’t tease each other in a flirtatious way. Charlie genuinely hated and loved her the way I hated and loved my sister.

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