Home > Not Just Friends (Hot in the City #3)(57)

Not Just Friends (Hot in the City #3)(57)
Author: T. Gephart

“Presley, Leighton.” Angela ran out to greet us before I’d even killed the engine. “I’m so glad you’re here.”

“Hey Angela, Brett,” I waved, Presley’s dad standing at the door. “Happy to be here.”

Angela ushered us in, fussing over Presley as we went to sit in the living room. They knew—along with my family—that Presley and I were seeing each other. We’d taken turns telling our parents. But after everything that had happened, we hadn’t gotten the chance to experience the insanity that was sure to follow.

Brett looked me over and nodded, which I assumed meant he approved, while Angela was practically levitating. Still, she was more subtle than my mom. When I’d told my mother that Presley and I were dating, I thought she was having a heart attack. Tears, screams, and inaudible noises which I couldn’t really decipher—all ending with both her and my dad telling me how happy they were. Needless to say, if we ever broke up, I was going to be looking for new parents, so lucky for everyone involved I was really in love with her.

“Presley, it’s so good to see you.” The concern in Angela’s eyes was palpable, her voice doing its best to stay even.

Tibbs had told me she’d been struggling, guessing her daughter was going through hell but shutting most people out. It was hard for them—well for everyone really—to believe Presley was fine even if on the outside she looked it.

Presley settled on the couch beside me and I could sense she was nervous. Vulnerability didn’t come easy for her, even with those she loved, but she was trying, and I was so fucking proud of her for that.

“So, I’m going to start seeing a psychologist,” Presley announced, not bothering to make small talk. “I have an appointment in a few days. I know you guys have been worried, but I’m going to be okay.”

Angela’s eyes shot to Brett’s, the surprise evident. “Sweetheart, you know we love you, and we’ll do anything we can to help. It’s understandable that,” she stopped trying to choose her words correctly, “it’s been a challenge.”

Brett nodded, holding onto his wife’s hand. “Yes, it’s been a big challenge.”

“Please don’t do that,” Presley closed her eyes, letting out a sigh. “I know you’ve been walking on eggshells, watching what you say around me. And honestly, it’s worse than if you just said what you wanted. I don’t want to be treated differently.”

Vulnerability was one thing, but one of Presley’s fears had been losing who she was. Or who she used to be. Two months ago, no one would have bothered to censor. If they had something to say, they would have said it, even if it was difficult for her to hear. And that was the way she liked it, wanted it, and needed it.

“This is why I didn’t want to come here.” She shook off the arm I had around her and stood. “Because I didn’t want to see that look. Please, if you want to help me, don’t treat me differently. I’m not a baby.”

Angela was also on her feet, looking at Presley like she was a bomb that might explode. “Presley, we know you’re not a baby, we’re just so worried about you. Maybe you could come live at home for a while? We’d love to have you back in your old room, think of how fun it would be.”

And even I knew that wasn’t the right thing to say. Presley’s eyes peeled open, her fists locking at her sides as the tense words fought to get out of her clenched jaw.

“Are you kidding me? Your solution is to have me move back home? I haven’t lived at home since I left for college. I’ve got my apartment in the city and that’s where I’m staying.”

She was angry and lashing out, looking at both her parents and then to me. “I need some air, I’m going for a walk.”

“I’ll come with you,” I offered, getting to my feet.

“No,” she bit back. “I just want to go by myself.”

She didn’t wait for the reply, stalking to the front door we’d only just come in through and walked out, slamming the door behind her.

“That didn’t go well.” Brett stood, shaking his head. “She’ll come around, Honey, you know she has always wanted to do everything by herself.”

Angela sniffed, clearly upset. “I just want her to be happy.”

“She knows that. She knows you both love her, and despite her walking out, she loves you guys too. You just have to give her some time.” I looked to the door, my gut telling me to follow anyway. “I’m going to go too. Maybe we can try this again later?”

I was positive it wasn’t what Angela wanted to hear, possibly even hoping I might be able to talk Presley around. But I knew better than that, and changing her mind wasn’t my job.

Angela nodded silently while Brett came up behind her and gave her a hug. I could imagine how hard it was, the strain written all over their faces. But as much as I loved them both—almost like an extra set of parents to me—my first priority was Presley.

Brett grabbed my arm as I turned to leave, stopping me before I could get to the door. “I’m glad she has you.” He put out his hand, meeting my eyes. “If she won’t let anyone else get close, I’m glad she has you.”

I took his hand and shook it, wishing it were under better circumstances. “She’ll have me for as long as she needs, and every second after that. I love your daughter, Brett. This isn’t going to scare me off if that’s what you’re worried about.”

He nodded, our goodbyes silent as I went to the door, hesitating just as I was about to go outside. “She’s stronger than she looks. I know it’s hard to believe it right now, but she is.”

And with those words of wisdom, I left.



I wasn’t expecting Presley to be outside waiting. When she said she wanted to do something, she did it. Which meant she had taken that walk. I wasn’t worried per se, her parents lived in a nice neighborhood and it was early in the day, so my need to be with her was selfish. So that I could put my mind at ease, and not because she wasn’t capable of a stroll around the block.

Deciding to try her phone, I sent her a text asking her if she wanted company. It was the one thing I knew she had with her, her purse still sitting in the front seat of my car. The message went unread and unanswered, so I shoved my phone back in my pants and decided I’d take a drive instead. Sure, it might’ve been a slick way for me to look for her while pretending I was just cruising around, but I wasn’t going to not look either.

And it didn’t take too long, finding her sitting on a swing in a park not far from the house. I drove up alongside, watching as she pushed slowly back with her feet while staring off into the distance. She was so much in her own world that she might not have noticed if I’d had a more environmentally friendly car, but a roaring V8 was a little hard to hide.

Her head turned, spotting me and the car and took a visible breath. “You here to talk sense into me?” she asked, pushing back and continuing to make herself swing. “I know I was harsh back there, and I’m going to apologize.”

“Actually, I was wondering if you wanted to drive her. Thought it might be nice to sit in the passenger seat for a change.”

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