Home > The Artist(58)

The Artist(58)
Author: Elin Peer

His brow rose. “How so?”

“Belle’s child would pose a threat to your society.”

“What are you talking about? There is no chance of inbreeding between them.”

“No, of course not, and you’re obviously right that new blood could be an advantage. However, there’s the significant danger of the genetic traits Mason’s offspring will bring.”

I exchanged a glance with Belle hoping she wasn’t listening to this shit, but Belle’s focus was on Freya, who continued talking.

“Not only are Nmen notoriously jealous and possessive by nature, they are also prone to violence and temper tantrums. Mason is the son of Magni, who is legendary for how much people feared him as a young man. Like his father before him, Mason is the fiercest warrior of his generation. There is no way his offspring will fit into your stoic society. He’ll be a temperamental time bomb that will cause tremendous damage with his size, strength, and explosiveness. You might think you can control him, but the moment he snaps, he’ll rip your country apart.” She tilted her head and used a soft tone. “You don’t want to be responsible for a future massacre, do you?”

Rafael lowered his chin and folded his arms. “Thank you for the warning, but the child could be a daughter as calm and pleasant as you. I’m not changing my mind. We’ll take the natural resources you offered, and we’ll take you.” With a quick look to Victor, Rafael asked a question in French.

“She’s twenty-seven,” Victor answered.

“Huh.” Rafael studied Freya from head to toe. “Then she’ll need to be impregnated right away.”

I was ready to kill the fool and a quick gaze at Indiana and Thor told me they were too.

“I’m sure this is a strange type of French humor,” Jonah told the Prime Minister. “But let’s be clear; you can’t impregnate Freya or keep her here against her will. We in the Motherland Council would never allow that to happen.”

He received a frosty glance from the Prime Minister. “And yet, you’re willing to let them take Belle from us?”

“Never against her will. Belle, tell him what your wishes are,” Jonah encouraged her.

Belle made me proud when she spoke loud and clear. “I want to stay in the Northlands.”

Rafael curled his lip up in a micro-expression that ruined his stoic façade for a second. “You can. As long as Freya stays here with us.”

“This is ridiculous.” Losing my patience, I took Belle’s hand and moved toward the exit. “Let’s go.”

“Mason, stop.” Jonah came after me. “We need to find a solution.”

“You’ve been negotiating with that clown for hours. It’s not like he has an army to force us to do anything, so why are we wasting our time?”

“Because I’m not prepared to lose fifteen years of diplomatic work over this. We will find a solution.”

The others came to join us by the door opening. Gathering close, we spoke in hushed voices.

“I say we take Belle and get the fuck out,” Thor growled.

“How about we pressure him to give in?” Indiana looked over his shoulder. “We could have him on his knees in no time.”

“There will be no violence,” Jonah demanded.

Aubri bit her lip. “What if we doubled our offer of natural resources?”

“He’ll reject it again,” Freya muttered. “This is about pride, and Rafael is eyeing his chance to get back at Khan and Magni. He won’t budge unless I stay here.”

“That’s not happening,” Aubri declared. “I would take your place before I let you stay.”

Tightening my hold on Belle’s hand, I spoke. “I could never allow any of you to make that sacrifice for me. If it comes to that, I’ll stay here with Belle. As long as we get to raise our child and be a family, I’ll do it to be with her.”

Belle gaped at me. “No, Mason. You don’t know what you’re saying. I want us to live in the Northlands where there’s fresh air and our child will have room to play.”

“Yeah. No way am I letting my niece or nephew grow up underground,” Aubri declared.

“Why isn’t Victor helping us calm that fucker down?” Indiana asked.

“Hmm, good question. Maybe he needs a bit of motivation.” Freya, who had been leaning forward in our small circle, straightened. “Let me try one thing.” Turning she walked back to stand in front of the table, facing Rafael.

“If I were to stay here, I would have some demands.”

“I’m listening.”

“I want Victor as my roommate.”

Pushing off from the wall, Victor glared at her. “Is that a joke?”

The two of them stared at each other for a long second before he sputtered something in French to Rafael.

“I’m afraid Victor isn’t open to the idea of having you as a roommate.” Rafael smirked. “Might I offer myself instead?”

“That’s kind, but if I were to stay choosing my roommate would be a must. I want Victor.”

“Why? You don’t even like me.” Victor scoffed.

“I still prefer someone I know over a stranger.”

“Then chose Celeste, Simon, or Isaac.”

“No.” Her one word was stated calmly but firmly.

“Forget it. I know you’re playing some game, Freya.” Victor shifted his balance several times.

“We’re trying to accommodate your wish, but since you can’t meet even the first of my small demands, there’s not much we can do.”

Rafael was now pacing with a thoughtful expression.

“You have to understand that Victor holds a special position in our society. He’s been granted the privilege of living without a roommate.”

“That’s bullshit. I know he has a roommate at the moment,” I exclaimed.

“Due to a temporary emergency. Soon he’ll have his apartment back.”

“I hear what you’re saying.” Freya gave a sympathetic glance. “I don’t want to impose on Victor either. He’s told us how he’s the golden boy of this country and how he basically has everyone doing his bidding. I just assumed he was exaggerating when he bragged that he was more powerful than the Prime Minister.”

Rafael looked from Freya to Victor and back again. Frown lines marring his forehead. “I’m the Prime Minister and no one holds more power than me. If you want Victor as your roommate, you’ll have it.”

Victor objected right away in a fast exchange of French that flew back and forth between the two men.

With his jaw flexed, Victor spun to Freya. “How did you think this would work? You’re twenty-seven and would need to get impregnated right away. Are you willing to give up your child?” Victor argued.

“No, of course not. That would be my second demand. If I have a child, I’ll choose the father and we’ll raise the child together. That’s why I want us to live together.”

Victor’s eyes weren’t the only ones that widened in shock. Mine did too, but knowing Freya, she was playing a game of chess and interrupting her would sabotage everything.

“You can’t just move here and pretend it’s the Northlands. Relationships aren’t allowed,” Rafael said.

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