Home > Chaps & Cappuccinos (High School Clowns & Coffee Grounds #3)(6)

Chaps & Cappuccinos (High School Clowns & Coffee Grounds #3)(6)
Author: A.J. Macey



Kingston: Have you considered taking a bath? I know those help you when you’re having a rough time.



Reid: Ooo, yeah, with a face mask and the girly stuff you love! I know you were excited to use the goodies from the gift basket you got for Christmas. Maybe take a few hours to listen to some music and relax. And we all know that while Jesse loves doing homework all the damn time, the stress of your assignments mixing with everything going on might not be helping.



Jesse: Fuck you, dude. I don’t love homework, I love the idea of sticking it to all the other asshole students in our class.



Kingston: Is there anything we can do to help?



With those few messages, I felt tremendously better, but I figured taking their advice would be a good idea. It had been a long time since I had taken some time to veg, soak, and pamper myself.

Emma: Just continue to be your amazing selves, I think I’m going to do what you suggested. Bath, face mask, all that girly stuff. I’ll be back on afterwards since I want to finish up the study guide for this anatomy test so I can get some studying. I’ll brb.



With one final batch of messages, I logged off, the scowl that had been plastered on my face since waking up turning into a smile. They really were the sweetest, and I wasn’t sure what I had ever done to deserve amazing guys like them, but I definitely wouldn’t look a gift horse in the mouth… or whatever the silly phrase was.

Hopping up, I gathered a fresh pair of comfortable lounge pants, soft t-shirt, and bra and underwear before making my way into the bathroom. For once I was glad that my mom never came down to check on me. At least it meant that I could take my bath while leaving the door open, as weird as that might have seemed. The nightmare was too fresh to be enclosed in a small bathroom, and I was in here to relax, not have more anxiety.

As soon as the water was hot enough, I pushed the stopper down and tossed in a bath bomb. While the tub filled, I decided to grab my stereo from my dresser and situate it onto the bathroom counter, making sure to not have it overly loud to where it would echo off the hard surfaces of the room. The music was nice to have as I stripped out of my pajamas and picked out a facemask to wear. Haphazardly tossing my hair up into a messy bun atop my head, I slathered the bright pink mask onto my face and rinsed off the remaining product from my fingers.

It only took a few more moments before the tub was filled to my liking with steamy, shimmery blue and purple fizzy water. I sighed as I sank into the bath, my tense body already relaxing. Slumping farther into the tub, my eyes fell shut while my mind started to wander. At first it was normal thoughts, the lyrics from the song playing, what things I wanted to do, but then as a slower, more seductive song came on, the things popping into my head started to drift into a hotter direction.

What would it be like if one of them was here with me?

Would they run their fingers over my skin, teasing me mercilessly?

With each question, my heart picked up speed and my fingers shifted over my slick skin. My body slowly started to tingle as the tips of my fingers brushed over the crests of my chest and nipples, goosebumps rising despite the heated water. A jolt of desire curled through my lower belly, drawing my thighs together, but with a deep breath to steady my racing heart, I spread my legs as wide as the narrow tub would allow.

Being opened and exposed even though I knew no one was around was a thrill, anticipation building as I rolled the sensitive peaks between my fingers. A soft whimper wanted to escape, but I tucked my lower lip between my teeth to silence the noise as much as I could.

If Reid was the one in here with me, he would no doubt give me one of his confident grins and slip his fingers between my legs as soon as I gave him the go ahead. My hand followed the fantasies, falling away from my nipple to go between my parted thighs. What would Kingston or Jesse do? Jesse, the little teasing jerk, I was sure would surprise me. Knowing how forward he had been during movie night and campus touring, he would more than likely pull me into his lap so that I straddled his thighs, his calloused hands coming to cup my butt in a rough grip.

Slipping one finger between my folds, I shivered, my core aching. It felt so wrong yet so good to be playing with myself as I thought of my boyfriends. I knew I probably should have stopped since the door was open, but the curtain covered most of my body. Tentatively circling my entrance, my thoughts changed again. Kingston... now, he was the mystery. Would he be confident or hesitant? Would he be gentle or rough?

I didn’t know what he would do, but I was excited to explore and try things. I wasn’t a virgin anymore, but I was still inexperienced. With one final circle, I slipped my middle finger in. It was soft and warm, silkily slick as I let my head fall back against the shower wall. The goosebumps flared once more, my heart racing as I added another finger.

It burned, but not in a painful or bad way. I wanted more, and it was like I was on fire from the inside out. The ache grew the more I pumped my fingers in, each muscle tensing as I let go. It felt odd to explore myself, yet not unwelcome, while I continued fantasizing about my boys. Reid’s cocky yet caring attitude filled my mind. He’d been my true first, and I knew he’d stretch me, treating me like the queen he always wanted me to be. Jesse would give me his smirk before slipping inside, while Kingston… well, I couldn’t wait to find out.

A slight gasp left me, the sound lost amongst the music in the small room, but it brought me back to myself. I was on fire, my core tingling and closing in on my fingers quickly as I neared that peak of release. Feeling adventurous, I tweaked the nipple still gripped in my other hand. That was all it took. My body tightened almost instantly, spasming as I came on my fingers.

Breathless and tired, I slumped farther into the water. My thighs closed when I pulled my hands from my core and chest, and all I wanted in that moment was to bask in the heat of the water and listen to my music. With a sigh, I realized one thing. I would definitely think about doing that again when I was stressed because this was the most relaxed I had been in a while…

Masturbation: 1

Nightmares: 0

February 3rd

“A smooth sea never made a skilled sailor” -Franklin D. Roosevelt.

#IGotThis #GoWithTheWaves #MotivationMonday



“Ugh,” Reid groaned, his head dropping down to rest atop his crossed arms. “It’s my first full week back, and I’m already over it.”

“Aww, is little Reid stressed about school?” I teased with a playful pout. He turned to look at me, and his sparkling hazel eyes gave away his delight in being teased. His cheek bunched up as he smiled even though I couldn’t see much more than the corner of his lips and the profile of his face. The glint in his gaze reminded me of everything that had filtered through my mind the day before. My blood started to thrum as I remembered my… fun in the bath.

Thankfully before anyone could say anything else, the bell signifying the end of lunch rang, distracting any further teasing that I was sure wouldn’t help my wandering thoughts. Dumping my tray, I shouldered my bag and glanced at Kingston to see if he was ready to head to trig. With a kiss from Reid and Jesse, we broke off from them and headed down the crowded hall. Despite being in the middle of fellow classmates, Kingston’s hand on my back kept me focused on him, and before we reached our classroom, he gave a small tug on the back of my sweater. Stopping next to him, I looked up with my brows drawn low over my eyes, confused as to why he stopped us against a bank of lockers.

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