Home > Autumn's Rescue(10)

Autumn's Rescue(10)
Author: Leann Ryans

Tucking her work away when her stomach rumbled and let her know it was time for dinner, Autumn cleaned up the cave before making her way down the tunnel to the main cavern. The scent of roasted meat had her salivating and she was excited to see what appeared to be boar on the tables. So close to the ocean, fish was their usual dinner and she’d come to appreciate meat any time they had enough to be able to get a chunk of it.

Darcon and Kull were already seated at their usual table, though Larok was missing. She noticed Aesir and Roggern entering the cavern from outside when she looked around for Larok, but she didn’t spot him.

Shrugging it off, Autumn took her seat with the alphas. She’d finished her meal and was talking with the men before Larok finally appeared, striding across the cavern with a look on his face that made Autumn’s stomach clench.

His eyes were locked on hers, his expression set in a neutral mask, but the concern in his gaze was obvious. He stopped a few steps away as Autumn rose to face him.

“What happened?”

Larok’s message to Verik should have arrived a few days earlier, and he had been expecting his messenger back at any time. From the way he was acting she assumed the response wasn’t good.

“I have news about Siloah… And your family.”

Autumn’s heart clenched, bile rising as pictures of death and disaster played through her head. The village was on fire as they were taken away, and if too many were injured in the fight it could have spread quickly despite the easy access to water.

“How bad?”

She could barely force the words out, her lungs refusing to pull in enough air to make them any louder than a hoarse whisper.

“The damage to the village wasn’t too bad, and most of it has already been repaired, but your mother…”

Autumn’s vision tunneled as she pressed a palm to her stomach. Expecting it to happen and knowing her mother had passed were different, and it felt like the bottom dropped out of her world.

Larok continued as her head spun.

“Iris said your siblings are fine and she had a chance to let your mother know you were okay. She’ll be returning soon with Verik.”

His concerned expression disappeared as her eyes squeezed closed, hot tears spilling down her cheeks as she forced in a shuddering breath. She could hear him still speaking but she couldn’t make out his words through the blood rushing in her ears.

She startled when someone touched her arm, lids opening to stare into pale blues. Darcon’s hand rested on her bicep, his other arm held open for her. Ignoring the voice telling her there may be consequences for her actions, she gave in to the need for comfort, stepping into his embrace and pressing her face to his chest as she sucked in a shaky breath.

She tried to hold back the sobs, but with the news that her mother was gone, everything came crashing down again. The attack, her father’s death, being stripped and locked in a cage before being handed off to strangers. It all descended to flood through her.

Darcon’s strong arms held her close, his smokey scent filling her lungs with each breath as his purr soaked into her shaking frame. Everything but him and her grief disappeared, the alpha supporting her as her body crumpled under the weight of her anguish.



Chapter Eleven





Darcon reacted before anyone else could, offering Autumn the comfort she needed. If Kull hadn’t been sure before, the sight of her collapsing into Darcon’s embrace would have confirmed his suspicions.

Looking around at the other alphas, it seemed they were finally seeing it too. There was a connection between Autumn and Darcon, stronger even than the one between her and Larok. She may not have verbally announced her choice, but it was clear for all to see.

Roggern’s face held resignation. He’d admitted to Kull he doubted he would be chosen but wasn’t willing to give up the chance at an omega.

Aesir looked shocked and confused, as if he couldn’t understand how Autumn could want Darcon over him. The man had spent the afternoon flirting with the women of the clan, yet somehow expected to win over the sweet omega with nothing more than his looks. Kull pitied him, and hoped Aesir would finally show some maturity and keep his mouth shut.

When Kull looked to Kantor, the anger and disgust on the man’s face caused him to freeze, hackles rising. It wouldn’t have been surprising to see him looking at Darcon like that, but the other alpha was staring at Autumn.

No matter what, first and foremost Autumn was an omega, and someone Kull cared about. No threat to her would be allowed. He couldn’t stop the low growl that rolled from his chest.

Kantor’s eyes jerked to Kull as he smoothed his expression, raising a brow. Roggern glanced his way as well, but Aesir was too focused on Darcon as he swept Autumn from her feet and cradled her to his chest.

Larok’s gaze bounced between all of them as Darcon turned to head toward the cavern, but when Kull let the growl die away, Larok decided to follow the pair. Aesir and Roggern rose to trail along, but Kantor continued to hold his stare.

“Do we have a problem, Kull?”

Kull didn’t blink, lifting a lip to bare his teeth at the other alpha.

“We may if you cause problems for Autumn.”

The words were half snarl and Kantor’s eyes narrowed before he stood.

“There’s no reason to be starting fights and making enemies. You never know what could happen,” Kantor said as he turned and strode after the others.

Kull remained seated at the table, dragging in great gulps of air to calm himself. He already disliked Kantor for pressuring Autumn in the beginning, and his gut told him not to trust the man. Something was going on beyond what could be seen.

Climbing to his feet, he followed the others, planning to keep a close eye on the slippery alpha.



Autumn’s body shuddered as the growl penetrated her fog of grief. Lifting her into his arms, Darcon spared a quick glance for the others before meeting Larok’s eyes.

The slight nod gave him all the permission he needed.

Turning, he made his way from the main cavern, following the tunnel back to where they’d been living for the past few weeks. Autumn needed comfort, and an omega was never more comfortable than in her nest.

He hadn’t thought about what he was doing or what it would mean when he reacted. All he knew was that Autumn was in pain and needed someone. Needed him.

Darcon paused long enough to let her know she had the option to turn away, his heart cramming itself into his throat at the hurt in her eyes. He was relieved when she accepted his offer, small hands clutching his shirt as her body trembled with the sobs she tried to hold back.

Striding into the room they all shared, his steps faltered. His instinct was to take Autumn onto the bed and curl himself around her until her grief wore itself out, but the bed was the one place she had to herself. The alphas may change her blankets to keep their scent around her, but none ever climbed into it. She’d never invited anyone in, and he didn’t want to violate that implied trust.

If he hadn’t heard the other alphas coming in behind him, he may have gone through with it, but Darcon knew it was likely to start a fight if he did. His instincts were already roused by the way Autumn was crying, he wasn’t sure if he would be able to hold himself back if he was lying in her bed surrounded by her scent with other alphas in the room.

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