Home > Falling for my Enemy

Falling for my Enemy
Author: Loni Ree

Chapter One






I open my temporary office door and roar at Sheila, “Who the fuck gave A.A. Edwards my private email address? He sent me a threatening email.”

My long-time personal assistant rolls her eyes and shrugs. “I have no idea. Let me consult my crystal ball, and I’ll get back to you.” Sheila turns away, ending our conversation. She’s worked for Banks Properties for years and is the only person in the office brave enough to treat me in such a way. Growling, I turn and slam the door.

Fuck. This project is going to cause me to have a heart attack at thirty-five. Chestnut Landing, Vermont, is living in the nineteen fifties. The town’s economy is stagnant, and my new development will supply jobs and tourist traffic to the area. A few of the long-time residents are against change, so I’m facing their wrath. Especially this asshole, A.A. Edwards. He’s been a thorn in my side since we announced our plans two months ago.

Behind my desk, a wall of windows faces the main street. I stomp over and look out on the deserted area. On a normal day, the coffee shop serves less than ten customers during their busy morning rush. The natural soap and cosmetics store is one of the more successful businesses, yet it barely manages to bring in twenty shoppers a day. We’ll breathe life into this dead town and revitalize it.

To bring about my vision, our company has bought all the existing buildings on Main Street. We plan to remodel and lease the newly refurbished property to new, modern businesses. Most in town support our development. The holdouts are the current tenants of Main Street Row. The loudest voice and biggest pain in my ass is A.A. Edwards, the owner of Soap Addiction. His name brings a headache rushing up the back of my neck. I’ve assigned dealing with the hold-outs to Sheila’s assistant, Jerry, to avoid this. Now, the pain-in-the-ass has discovered my personal email address. Fuck.

After grabbing my jacket, I head out my office door. “You leaving early?” Sheila calls to my back.

Sighing, I turn. “I need a coffee, and the fucking coffee shop needs their eleventh customer for the day.”

“I’ll take a mocha latte with soy milk,” Sheila calls after me, and I wave over my shoulder. She’s well aware I’ll bring back her usual.

As I walk down the deserted sidewalk, I picture crowds milling about while enjoying the crisp fall weather. My dreams for the area will bring prosperity to a floundering town. The tacky coffee cup painted on the front window causes me to cringe. After touring the shopping center for the first time, I made note of the changes I would enact for the new Main Street Landing, and removing hand-painted front window displays was high up on the list.

I walk in the door and ignore the shrill bell ringing in my ear. “Good morning, Roan,” Sally, the owner calls. I introduced myself as Roan, an “employee” at Banks Properties when we moved to town two months ago. It’s technically the truth. Banks Properties does employ me. I’m the CEO, Sutherland Roan Banks IV, and I’ve found the best way to avoid personal attacks is to keep my true identity hidden.

“Good afternoon. I’d like my usual and a medium mocha latte with soy milk, please.” I smile at Sally before handing her a ten. She hands back over four dollars change, which I drop in the tip jar. That’s another problem, The Caffeine Shoppe hasn’t done a market study. They’re leaving tons of money on the table. Those two coffees should’ve cost me ten dollars.

As the bell jingles behind me to announce another customer entering, I pull out my phone to scan my emails. From past history, Sally will take at least ten minutes to fill my order, and I hate standing around. “Don’t you look hot today.” Sally stops making my coffees and calls to the new customer.

“I tried to email the jerk, but he didn’t respond.” Her delicate scent hits me as she walks by. “I’m heading over to the fortress to try to see him in person.” Her smoky voice sends blood rushing straight to my cock. Blinking, I take several deep breaths and debate the implications. I’ve never experienced this before. I look in the glass display case and catch a glimpse of her reflection. Dark brown hair and a bright smile cause me to turn, and then my breathing seizes in my chest. God, she’s perfect. My heart beats out of control as I stare at the curvy little brunette. I’ve never found freckles particularly attractive, but I want to count all the tiny dots along her cheeks and across her nose. Her emerald green eyes cut through me.

Both Sally and the beauty stare at me while I gather the pieces of my blown mind. “Roan, this is my best friend, Addie. She owns the awesome little shop down the way called Soap Addiction.” As they both smile at me, shock slams through me. Thoughts bombard me from all directions, and my knees nearly buckle. Aww hell. I’m the jerk she’s dressed up to meet. This is A.A. Edwards. My pain-in-the-ass hold-out, my loudest adversary, my biggest enemy. And my soulmate. Fuck me.

Sally shrugs when I remain silent. “Addie, Roan works at Sutherland Properties. Maybe he can get you in to see Mr. Banks?”

Oh, fuck no. My mind spins frantically, attempting to devise a solution to this problem. Needing time, I hold my hand out to the beauty and smile. “Roan. Nice to meet you.”

She takes my hand and returns my smile. “You too. Do you think you’d be able to get me in to meet with Mr. Banks?” The hope in her eyes kills me. Fuck. I’m in deep with this girl after three minutes. Has work stress caused me to have a stroke?

“He requires an appointment. Your best course of action is to call his assistant to set one up.” Sheila will never arrange a meeting with A.A. Edwards, but I don’t admit it to my girl.

“Here’s your coffee.” After Sally places the two cups on the glass countertop, I hesitate. Walking away from Addie causes my heart to hurt. Son-of-a-bitch.

“I’d like to take you to dinner tonight.” Her mouth makes an adorable O, and I wonder if the feelings are one-sided.

Addie scrunches up her nose. “Uh. I have my book club meeting tonight. But I’m free tomorrow.” Fuck. I’m in love with a small-town girl. My family will have a field day with this shit.

“It’s a date. May I get your number? I’ll text you and we can work out the details.” I need to contemplate my options. Do I tell her the truth now or wait until she’s fallen in love with me to admit my deception?



Chapter Two






Wow. I nearly forget about my mission when I walk into The Caffeine Shoppe and see the yummy goodness standing at the counter. My excitement dims when Sally introduces us and I discover he works for the enemy. My girly parts shout at me to overlook that little flaw since he’s damn hot. I mean, sizzling to the nth degree. Melt your panties clear off your body blazing. A lock of blond hair falls over his forehead when he leans down to shake my hand.

I take advantage of the moment and ask for his help. When he refuses to introduce me to his boss, my heart drops, but then Roan asks me out to dinner. Sally stands behind the counter, silently encouraging me to accept his invitation. I’m hosting the book club tonight, and there’s no way to cancel this late.

Roan agrees to wait until tomorrow, and I dance internally. After he leaves the coffee shop, Sally runs around the counter and grabs me. “We’re going get you a hot outfit at lunch tomorrow.” I open my mouth to argue, but Sally shakes her head. “You aren’t refusing.”

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