Home > Hush Darling(63)

Hush Darling(63)
Author: Avery Kingston



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First of all, I want to thank my husband. Without him, I would have never started writing.

I always say that you are the Real Scott Harris, but honestly, Tanner is so much of you. I found myself constantly reminiscing of the days we first met as I wrote this. That shy guy who was quiet and wanted to tread lightly when getting to know me. The man who understood everything that I’d been through, and the pain that I’d endured in my own abusive relationship. The man that understood I was carrying more baggage than most women, and you waited patiently until I was ready. The man who, when I told him I used to write stories, encouraged me to pick up my dream again.

You will always be my muse. I love you with all that is in me.

And I REALLY like you.

Thank you, baby, for being my biggest fan (and harshest critic). I love you with every fiber of my being. Thank you most of all for believing in me, encouraging me. I love that you said, “I love this book and hate myself for it. I feel like I’ve been sucked into a damn Hallmark movie.”

And because of that, my readers need to see the blurb you wrote for this book. I almost considered using it. Almost. So here goes:



In the dark and cold wasteland, a lone bearded man surveys the blizzard screaming silently through the pines of his domain. Although he's Deaf and can only speak to people by making shapes with his hands, he hears the train wreck coming through the woods. Snapping branches and raining down icy HELL. God, he needed some pussy. If only some hot little piece of ass would fall in his lap and quickly drop her panties.


A car slides off the road nearby and a pair of tight yoga pants with a sweet ass stumbles out. She must have been Spanish or some kind of Italian. She was scared, cold and on the run. Just aching for a Hallmark movie man to sweep her unexpectedly off her feet and into his bed. Better grab his flannel.



Thank you baby, for always making me laugh, and being my very own Tanner through this process, cheering me on, and totally making fun of me as well. I love you.

To my editor, Phoenix, from Writer’s Rebirth. I cannot thank you enough. You ROCK. You don’t just fix something, you also tell me WHY and HOW it needs to be fixed. Sometimes, I feel like I drop a dumpster fire in your lap and then say “fix it!” And somehow you do! When we first started working together on Smoke and Mirrors (what I like to call my “Empire Strikes Back” of books), you told me that you wouldn’t just help me write better, but that you would make me a better writer. And that is what you do. You teach, and I grow. You work well under pressure with the sometimes-impossible deadlines I give, staying up into the wee hours of the night to pour over every detail. I spew all my crazy over you and you listen and give sound advice (as you calmly ease me down off my ledge). I’m so eternally grateful for you.

Next, I want to thank Annabelle. I can’t even begin to express the depths that you have helped me along this journey as an indie author. Thank you for your sound advice, friendship and for not judging me when I spew my crazy all over you. Also, thank you for paying attention to even the most minute details, all the way down to quotes from the movie Frozen. (cough…cough…) I love that you are so passionate about the tiny details to make sure I get it spot on. Thank you for being a great friend.

To Audrey - you’re my best friend, girl. I mean it. You suffered through countless revisions of me pantsing my way through this damn book and kept up with all the crazy plot changes I would make. And also, I owe the “hungry” versus “hungry” (wink wink) hilarity to you for your knowledge of ASL. That was GOLD.

To Dixie. I know that your story is so much like mine, and Gia’s. Let’s give a big toast to ourselves for walking through hell, grabbing the keys from the Devil and punching him in the face and saying FUCK YOU as we took back our lives. Cheers to strong women.

Deb - thank you for beta reading for me and bearing the brunt of my massive comma issues, and just being an all-around kick-ass human. I adore my readers. They are what keep me going, and to have someone like you in my life means the world to me.

Judy - thanks for being a kick-ass friend and taking a gander at my first few chapters. I may have gotten a book written during this pandemic, and for that I’m thankful, but I really do miss our morning talks at work. Looking forward to being back in the office with you.

To all the book bloggers that have given me love I can’t thank you enough for helping me promote all my stories. Mari, you’re my girl. Thank you, thank you, thank you for always pimping my stories. You are a champion for the indie author community, and I love you, girl.

Finally, to my readers, my fans. Avery’s Angels. I canNOT thank you enough for your support. Thanks for pimping my books and giving me words of encouragement. I’m truly humbled at your love and support of my work.

Finally, thank you to whiskey and red wine… without you to partake of at night I would have lost my sanity.

Now, for an unedited sneak peek of my current work in progress—Take Me Down—keep flipping.







Squeak. Thump. Squeak. Thump.

I stared up at my stark, white ceiling as my light fixture shook above me.

Squeak. Thump. Squeak. Thump.

“Fuck me harder! Fuck me harder!” A female voice shouted.

Squeak squeak. Thump thump. Squeak squeak. Thump thump. The pace ramped up exponentially.

Slap. Slap. Slap. Slap. The sound of an open palm hitting flesh.

“That’s it! Yes! Spank my ass!” she mewed like a feral cat in heat. “Harder! Harder!” If that bloke went any harder, I feared he’d split her in two.

“You like that?” a low, gravelly, male voice this time.

“Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes!” she shouted.

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