Home > Ashes (Devil's Boneyard MC 7)(26)

Ashes (Devil's Boneyard MC 7)(26)
Author: Harley Wylde

I kissed her hard and deep. It would have to do for now.

“When I get back, we need to find a sitter for Oliver for about three hours.”

“He eats every two,” she said.

Dammit. “Fine. Then we need a sitter for two hours, and they need to watch him somewhere other than here. Because you and I have plans.”

“I love you, Ashes. Be safe.”

I kissed her once more, then pulled my clothes back on and started packing. The sooner I left, the sooner I could come home.



Chapter Nine



Ten days. It felt like an eternity. Ashes called twice a day to check in and let me know he was okay, and I think he just liked hearing my voice. While I looked forward to every call, it wasn’t the same as being able to hug him, kiss him, or know that he’d be walking through the door at any moment. He didn’t talk much about what was going on with the Reckless Kings, but it didn’t sound like he was coming back anytime soon.

I tried not to worry, but I hadn’t heard from him the last few days. I kept telling myself he was just busy, that if anything was wrong, Cinder would have told me. But would the Pres really come talk to me? Not likely. I needed Ashes to come home, safe and sound. In my gut, I worried something was wrong.

“Are you sure about this?” I asked Meg. “He’s been a bit fussier than usual. I think he misses Ashes.”

“It’s fine,” Meg assured me. “Besides, he needs to get used to staying with other people eventually. You and Ashes are going to want some time to yourselves, and it’s better to get Oliver used to everyone now rather than later.”

“I won’t be long. I just need to run pick up a few things at the store.”

Meg waved me off. “Honey, take as much time as you need. Tanner is going to be two soon, and I honestly miss the baby stage. He’s getting independent on me.”

“You could always have another one.”

There was a flash of pain in her eyes that was quickly gone.

“Meg, what’s wrong?”

“I’ve been pregnant twice since we had Tanner. I lost both babies. The doctor said I’m still able to have another child, but Cinder doesn’t want to risk it. I asked for birth control pills after a rather lengthy discussion with him, so I don’t see more kids in our future.”

“Oh, Meg.” I reached out and hugged her. “I’m so sorry. This club seems to have rotten luck in that department. You and Jordan… anyone else? I don’t want to say the wrong thing at the wrong time. I wouldn’t hurt any of you for anything.”

“Just us,” she said. “I’ve somewhat made my peace with it.”

I handed her Oliver and his baby bag. “You have my number if you need anything. He ate recently, so he should be okay until I get back.”

“Go, Nikki. We’ll be fine.”

I kissed Oliver, then walked down to my car. I waved as I pulled out of the driveway and headed for the main gate. It was a little strange leaving on my own. Usually I had a Prospect glued to my ass if Ashes wasn’t with me. I was going to enjoy the freedom, even if it didn’t last that long.

The store was packed, probably everyone planning their Thanksgiving dinner already. I hadn’t even thought that far ahead. The club probably did something, but I’d have to discuss it with Meg and Clarity. If anyone had something on the agenda, those two would be at the head of it all. Parking what felt like three miles from the door gave me plenty of time to organize the list in my head.

I grabbed a shopping cart and started on the left, then worked my way across the store. It was a bad idea, but it was my routine. The list I always kept as a running tally in my head seemed to expand with each aisle, things I just had to have or needed to make. Like chocolate chip cookies, banana nut muffins, a three-layer strawberry cake. I really shouldn’t be trusted to shop for food.

I made sure to restock the diapers and wipes for Oliver, grabbed a six-pack of beer for Ashes, then somehow managed to finish my shopping without buying out the entire meat department. Even though I’d protested rather loudly, Ashes had added me to his account, but I still winced when the clerk rang up the items in my cart and the total came in at just over three hundred.

“What the hell did I buy?” I wondered out loud.

The clerk snickered. “A little of everything?”

I nodded. “Pretty much. I’m sure I don’t need half this stuff, and yet… I do. Probably a good thing this isn’t one of those big box stores that carries everything from food to patio sets. I’d probably empty the account in one trip.”

“Honey, it happens to everyone, especially this time of year.”

Except I hadn’t bought anything for the holidays. If I didn’t stop eating the way I had been, or baking for that matter, my ass was going to be so big it would fit into two zip codes at once. Not that Ashes had complained about my weight. Then again, he didn’t remember how skinny I’d been before Oliver. Every time I saw some celebrity in pictures within weeks of giving birth, and they were back down to their regular weight, I just wanted to scratch out their eyes. Lucky bitches! It had been two months since Oliver was born, going on nine weeks, and I was still twenty pounds heavier than before.

I pushed the cart out to the parking lot, then dug through my purse for my keys. People started to grumble behind me so I tried to walk and hunt for my keys at the same time. A horn honked, making me jump. Hastening my pace, I wanted to give a triumphant cry as my fingers closed around my keys. I stopped the cart at the back of my car and hit the unlock button on my key fob. I seriously wanted one of those new cars where you didn’t even need a key, and Ashes would likely get me one if he knew, but this one still ran and worked just fine. It was still new to me, even if it wasn’t brand-new, and I was grateful for it.

I opened the trunk and started to load the bags into the vehicle. As I turned to place two more into the space, a hand clamped down on my arm, jerking me off my feet. My eyes went wide when I saw the man who held me. His eyes were bloodshot and he looked past due for a hit of whatever drugs he was taking. I swallowed down my fear and tried to remain calm, but I didn’t think I would be able to reason with him.

“What do you want?” I asked.

“Just you.”

My jaw dropped, then snapped shut. He tugged on my cut and I suddenly understood. It wasn’t that he wanted me, per se, but he wanted an ol’ lady of Devil’s Boneyard, and I was the only one handy. I didn’t know what the club was mixed up in, or if this had anything to do with Ashes, but the fear I’d been tamping down suddenly roared to the surface.

“Please. I have a son. I can’t… I need to get home to him.”

“Guess your man should have thought of that before he went poking around where he shouldn’t. Looks like your kid is going to be an orphan.”

What? I tried to break free, kicked at him, and opened my mouth to scream. He shoved a nasty rag between my lips, then slapped tape over it before binding my wrists. The man yanked me off my feet, throwing me over his shoulder. I tried to look for help, but there wasn’t a single person close enough, or anyone paying attention. Everyone was lost in their own world, fighting over parking spots or putting away their groceries. How could a woman get snatched out of the lot without anyone noticing?

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