Home > We Wolf Rock You(14)

We Wolf Rock You(14)
Author: Andie M. Long

Noah elbowed him. "Not the right time."

"How does he, er, change back? I queried because despite the minutes ticking past, I was no less nervous of the fact a huge hairy wolf was standing in front of me. Oh my god, it was moving nearer to me! I clung onto Erica more firmly.

"Ow, you're going to break one of my ribs." Erica complained.

I stared at her.

"Please do not tell me you are weighing up whether to throw me at Rex in order to save yourself." She added, pushing me away. "He wants you, not me."

"It's okay, erm, Rex." The wolf's eyes seemed to sparkle with their yellow hue which didn't make me feel any more comfortable about being in his proximity.

"You're fine, Freya. Rex won't harm you. You’re his mate. He's here only to protect you. If you calm him down, he'll go back to his human looking self."

Calm him down? So I had to pet the wolf? Great. Yet another thing I didn't have on this week's to-do list.

Slowly, I inched forward, reaching out my arm. I couldn't look at him. It felt too weird and too intimate, so I just headed towards his back until I hit fur and I began to smooth my palm down it. His fur was so soft and smooth. I found that stroking it actually made me feel calmer. Opening my eyes, I started to stroke the top of the wolf's head.

"It's okay, Rexy." I assured him. "I'm fine look as you can see. I was just excited to see my best friend and that's why I made the screaming type noise. Now you can turn back into normal Rex okay?"

"And that's my cue to leave." Announced Zak. "Come on, little E, let's leave the wolf and his mate. Noah, you coming?"


"I can't leave Freya here alone." Erica protested, just as Rex shuddered under my hand and I found myself staring down at a completely naked drummer with an extremely huge drumstick.

"Why the hell didn't you tell me that was about to happen, Zak Jones? My eyes." Erica ran from the room, her boyfriend chuckling behind her.

Noah looked down at Rex. "We will be starting to warm up in the heavily soundproofed recording studio."

Rex nodded and I narrowed my eyes at his friend. "There will be no need for you to be in any heavily soundproofed room whatsoever. Now take this animal with you."

"No can do. He just showed you his true self. You two need to talk." With that Noah walked out of the room and closed the door behind him leaving us alone.

"Do you think you could put some clothes on? You're putting me off my sausages." I huffed, turning to walk back out towards my hopefully still hot breakfast.

"Please don't leave me. Not even to just step outside." Rex's voice was a plea from his lips, his voice quieter than I had ever heard it before.

I turned back around. "Are you okay?"

He shook his head. "I can't bear it, Freya. I'm mated to you. My body wants to serve you, to protect you, to own you, worship you, make love to you. It's killing me." He put his hand to his forehead and pushed his hair back from his face. "My parents are coming tomorrow, and I'm hoping my mum might be able to help work out what's happening with my mate-matching genetics, but while I'm waiting, it's just so… hard."

My eyes went to his drumstick. Wow, it really wanted to bang something.

So, I excuse myself for what I did next, because basically it was an act of mercy towards this poor man who was in pain at my feet.

I decided I would eat a sausage as planned. Just not the one on the table outside.

Dropping to my knees, I shuffled myself over towards Rex.

"Freya." The way he said my name was my undoing. Damn him.

He didn't give me a chance to approach his cock. Standing, he whisked me up into his arms and he stalked towards the bed.

I expected him to throw me on it and ravish me like a raw steak, but he placed me down on the mattress almost reverently and he stripped me slowly, his eyes feasting on every inch of my skin, so that by the time I was finally naked, I felt I was the one in pain from longing.

I cast my eyes up to the man sat astride my thighs. His arms were thick and muscly with biceps I could swing on. In this position his thighs were taut. I ran a hand down one feeling the hard muscle. Jeeeezzzuuussss. He had an eight pack, defined pecs, and a smattering of dark hair over his chest. Not too much, just enough for me to want to trail my fingers there and then down, down, my fingertip following the happy trail that then bushed out around the tree trunk between his legs.

Your pussy is going to be ruined. You'll need surgery. My inner voice shrieked. But my vagina was having none of her warnings.

I'm so fucking wet it's gonna slide in and out like a pen nib when the clicky bit is in the hands of a person with severe anxiety.

You'd have thought I'd be concerned about the fact my mind was having a war with my vag, but you see while they were arguing, my eyes had stolen the show. I couldn't look away from Rex. His hair, his bone structure, his taut jaw, his amber-coloured eyes, his pouty Mick-Jagger-style lips, his Adam's apple, the scruff at his jaw and top lip. Then down that perfectly sculpted body that was ready to do dirty, dirty things to me.

He leaned over me and I felt his warm breath on my skin as his breathing increased to a deeper pace, and then his mouth closed on mine and my eyes closed.

My pussy yelled VICTORY.

Rex's mouth pressed down onto mine searching and sweeping. His tongue pushed insistently to gain entrance and I opened my own mouth. His right hand trailed down my body, cupping and squeezing my breast, and trailing further, making my skin goose bump as he hit my ticklish spots. As he reached the trail from my hip down to my core, I bucked as it proved too much.

But I needn't have worried. It wasn't his intention to delay things tickling my inner leg. His large digits swept across my heat, flicking and tantalising my clit and then delving deeper into my slick wetness. He pushed a finger inside me and I groaned, two and I almost came there and then. I didn't want to think of another man, but John's dick had only been the equivalent of two of Rex's fingers in how it had felt inside me. So I was keen to continue this experiment.

Rex having been a hairy manslut and being able to understand the beat played itself out beautifully across my clit and in minutes I was convulsing around his fingers while shouting out pleas for Rex to not stop.

"I have no intention of stopping, not until we're both satisfied." He growled.

I hoped later he'd growl against my core because I'd bet that vibration was better than any washing machine on its spin cycle.

One of those mighty thighs pushed my own further apart. He reached into my bedside drawer and opened up a black box, taking out a condom. After sheathing himself in what must have been an Extra, Extra, Extra-large size, he positioned himself between my thighs, and then pushed in.

My pussy squeezed itself in protest against this huge intrusion. An inch had gone in and my body was trying to expel it back out. Great, cock-blocked by my own vagina.

Rex stopped, his eyes meeting mine.

"Look at me, Freya."

I did but I wasn't sure it made things any more relaxing as I realised Rex Colton was trying to fuck me.

His mouth lowered to mine again and he took his time kissing me, until I was so lost in the motion of his mouth, I hadn't realised he'd been slowly tilting his hips. He slowly sunk into me, inch by delicious inch, filling me to the hilt. It was glorious.

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