Home > Man Crush Monday(57)

Man Crush Monday(57)
Author: Kirsty Moseley

My mum’s question keeps popping back into my head. Would I have given that good looking, well-dressed man a second look if the first time I’d met him was at that coffee shop? I have to admit … probably not. If it wasn’t for Theo, I wouldn’t have been with Jared. How do I know this? Because I remember the first time Theo got on my train all those months ago. I remember doing a double-take, thinking he was fire, but it was more in a celebrity-crush type of way, not a serious I want to date that guy type of thing. What made me really notice him was when he climbed off the train and turned back to help a lady lift her buggy down the step, all the while pulling silly faces at the toddler in the pram. I noticed it, stored it, and remembered him two weeks later when he got on my train again.

Of this, I am one hundred percent sure: Theo is the reason I was even with Jared in the first place. If that guy on the train had walked up to me that first day and asked me out, I would have likely said no. It took a while for me to become properly attracted to him, a lot of train journeys before I noticed I was slowly falling for him.

I am very specific in what I am attracted to, and on first glance, the Stone twins aren’t that.

Theo was the reason I agreed to the dinner date with Jared. And the deeper I delve into it, the more I realise it wouldn’t have happened if it wasn’t for my crush on Theo. The chemistry on that date with Jared was off the charts; a small touch of his hand made my insides erupt with passion because I was attracted to him already. If I took away the sizzle from that date, would I have noticed that Jared and I had nothing in common? Would I have agreed to a second date, kissed him in that stairwell, thought about him all night long? No, I probably wouldn’t have seen him again. I certainly wouldn’t have slept with him on a second date. That knowledge hurts.

But the other side of the argument I keep having with myself is, maybe it was supposed to happen like this. Maybe I am supposed to be with Jared, but fate knew I wouldn’t have given him a chance, so she sent in Theo to butter me up and mellow me out before she threw the real prize at me. It seems unlikely. And if that is somehow true, fate has one seriously messed up sense of humour. It seems to me like I am reaching a bit here with my explanations, trying to justify chemistry where there should be none.

One thing I know for sure though: I love talking to Jared. I love that, after watching TV together for the last few days, before he hangs up the phone, he promises to call the next night, so we can watch some more. Not least because it means that, if he is on the phone with me, he isn’t out screwing other girls. That knowledge makes me deliriously happy.

My weekend breezes by, and before I know it, it’s Monday again, just an average, dreary Monday. I’m on my last trip, the London to Cambridge 3:12 p.m., when I step into the last carriage and stop short. Theo is sitting there, chilled and relaxed, his book open in his lap, his feet stretched out and propped on the seat in front of him. I didn’t see him get on the train. In fact, this isn’t even one of his weeks. He went to London only the week before, so he isn’t due again until next week.

I step to his side. “Hey.”

He looks up from his book and gives me a cheerful smile, sitting up in his chair more, his feet dropping to the floor. “Hi.” He reaches into his pocket, pulling out his ticket.

“I didn’t see you this morning?” I say, glancing at his ticket.

Theo blows out a big breath and rolls his eyes. “I missed the usual early train. Had to get the next one. Always knew it would happen eventually.” He shrugs. “My bed is too warm and comfy to get out of, especially this time of year when it’s all dark and depressing in the mornings at that time. Early starts should be illegal.”

I smile, my eyes discreetly raking over him. Eight in the morning isn’t even that early compared to how early some people start—Jared, for example.

“I thought your week was next week?” I pass him back his ticket.

“I got an extension on my deadline, remember? I told you last week. Because I hadn’t finished my illustrations, I was meeting my publisher again this week.”

Understanding washes over me, and I nod quickly. “Oh, yeah. I remember you saying that now.”

He smiles and closes his book after dog-earing the corner to mark his spot. “You’re finishing your shift now, right? This is your last train? Want to get a drink now or some food?”

He remembered when my last train home was? Did he deliberately get on this train to ask me out?

I chew on my lip and shrug. This might be my best chance at working out my feelings once and for all. “Okay, sure. I’m starving actually. I dropped my lunch today when I was swooped by a pigeon that looked like it had rabies.” I indignantly scrunch my face.

He bursts out laughing, and I narrow my eyes in reprimand. It really wasn’t funny at the time. I screamed and basically tried to ninja-chop it, all while looking extremely stupid, much to the amusement of my colleagues and people nearby. Classic Amy.

“Yeah, laugh it up, arsehole,” I joke, rolling my eyes.

He shoots me an amused smile, fighting for control. “I’ll meet you out front then, shall I? Like last time?” he offers when he finally stops laughing and the train starts to slow because we’re approaching the last stop.

I nod and smile. “Sure. See you in a bit.” I wave over my shoulder and head back to work, strangely excited but at the same time dubious about the plans I’ve made. Again, it feels like I’m somehow cheating on Jared by just hanging out with his brother even if it is just an innocent friend thing.

By the time I’m finished and ready to go home, I fiddle with my bag strap and head out through the station to see Theo is standing by the main entrance, waiting for me again. He beams over at me as I walk to his side.

“So, where do you want to eat? There’s a place down the road that does, like, barbeque food. They serve all day. I think it’s even happy hour at this time,” he offers, looking at his watch.

I know the place he means, and my mouth waters as I nod emphatically. “I love it there! Let me just grab my bike, and I’ll wheel it there—saves me coming back this way after.”

The restaurant is halfway home for me.

He watches as I unlock Bessy, hefting her upright and pushing her along with us as we keep pace on the short journey. When we get there, I carefully lock her up outside. It’s weird, walking with him. He walks differently to Jared, I’ve noticed. Less stiff, his arms just kind of swing, his body lollops along rather than the measured strides I’m used to. His hair is less styled too, as if he half-heartedly attempted to tame it this morning and gave up because he was too tired. It’s almost comical, their differences.

When we’re seated and looking over the menus, the smell in the air makes my tummy grumble, and I put my hand over it, silently cursing the pigeon again. “What have you been up to? Other than working?” I ask as he comes back from ordering our food and drinks.

He sits back in his seat and takes a large gulp of his beer. “Went to the Lake District this weekend with a couple of friends. It was one of their birthdays, so it was basically just a piss-up weekend in a cabin. Trouble is, they’re both quite sporty and into exercise and fresh air and all that crap.”

He wrinkles his nose, and I laugh.

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