Home > Bear's Forever (Infernal Sons MC #1)(12)

Bear's Forever (Infernal Sons MC #1)(12)
Author: Carol Dawn

It pisses me the fuck off this woman had to take such drastic measures to assure she keeps who she is alive. She's safe now, but inside, she doesn't realize that. She doesn't fully trust that I will do everything in my power to protect her. I have friends in high places and some in low places, too. I will pull in every favor I have. No one will harm my sweet Rose.

Clearing my throat, I pull my hand out of Rose's. Then gently place in on her back.

“Listen up. This here is Rose. Just so everyone is clear. She. Is. Mine. I so much as see an eye look at her in a way that makes her uncomfortable you will answer to me.”

“And me,” Hawk says.

“And me,” Chains adds.

I hear more club officers add in their protection and a grunt from Trigger. My chest fills with pride that my brothers will have my back and help protect my woman.

“Sweetheart, I have to go talk to Slim. I'm going to leave Hawk out here with you. You'll be safe,” I tell her.

I can see a moment's hesitation in her eyes before she squashes it.

“I can spend some time with Princess. We'll just stay right here and eat. Hawk can go with you. I'll be fine. Besides, there's that scary grunting man by the door. I'm not sure he would let a fly in here without an invitation.”

Tossing my head back I laugh. How can this woman make me full out laugh at a time like this?

“Yeah, you're right. Trigger is something of a fierce brother. You sure you'll be fine? I won't be too long,” I tell her.

“She'll be fine. Go, do your thing. We're gonna eat and pow wow! It'll be nice to have a lady my age-ish around here to chat with. Those bunnies only ever want to discuss one thing, and Ma's always trying to convince me to move in with her.”

Smiling, because I noticed Princess's lack of the word girl and because Ma really has been trying to get her to move in. I'm sure Ma will get her way eventually, she always does.

Without a second thought, I reach down and kiss Rose's temple. She freezes, and I just smile down at her. My sweet beautiful Rose. I plan to make her feel safe. I plan to make her feel wanted. I plan to make her feel loved. Then I plan to make her mine. In all ways.



Chapter Nine



Hawk assures me that all the bugs have been removed. I trust him, so I follow him and Slim into the meeting room. Once inside I make certain the door is shut before taking my seat.

“Okay, what have we got?” I ask.

“You're not gonna like it, Prez. I found a total of eleven bugs throughout the Clubhouse. Five in here, three in the lounge area and three in your room upstairs,” Hawk informs me through gritted teeth. He's on edge, and I don't think I'm calm enough myself to help him down from it.

“Slim,” I say.

“Alright,” Slim puts a single bug on the table. “All the bugs Hawk found were dead. This is a mini home-made wireless FM transmitter. The battery power lasts a little over an hour and it can attain proximity of roughly one-hundred feet. It's very sensitive, so it would have picked up every sound in the room.”

“One-hundred feet?” I ask.

“Yep, that's about from here to the front gate,” Slim tells me. “So, whoever it is that's planting these bugs are still on club property when they're listening.”

“Church almost always lasts over an hour,” Hawk says. “The rat most likely plants the bug on days when church is pre-planned. Drops the bug off a little early and slips out none the wiser. As for the ones found in the lounge and your room, your guess is as good as mine.”

“When we're not having church, this room is always open and free to use,” I say. “The rooms upstairs are always unlocked. Literally, anyone who has been in this building could have done this.”

Shaking his head, Hawk says, “But, it's been done multiple times. There's no reason for someone to plant multiple bugs in one room at once. Slim said that each one was super sensitive and would pick up every sound. So, I don't think it was some random person who just popped in during a party. It's someone who's here all the time.”

“So, the five bugs in this room alone were planted at five different times,” I say.

I stand up and pace the room. I need to get this shit figured out. Spinning around, I look at my brother.

“You said you got all of the bugs out of this building?” I ask him.

“One hundred percent,” he tells me.

“Alright, I'm calling church for tomorrow morning. Tell only the officers. I want this fucking room checked before a single word is spoken tomorrow. In the meantime, Hawk, have our other buildings checked. Vehicles, too,” I say as I'm walking toward the door. “Now, I'm going to get my woman and take her to Ma's. Today's her birthday and I'll be damned if I let some rat stop me from making my sweet Rose smile.”

“One more thing,” Hawk says before I can open the door.

Turning around, I wait for him to speak.

“I'm happy for you, brother. I know what I said last night, but I really do have a good feeling about her. She's gonna be good for you. Good for this club. Just be gentle with her. You don't want to lose her right when you know how beautiful life can be with her in it.”

Again, if it was anyone but Hawk, he would have had my fist in his face. Walking over until we're boot to boot, I look my twin in the eyes so he can read me. So, he knows how serious I am about her. He gives me a nod; one I return.

He drops his forehead to mine, and I give myself a moment to collect my strength. The brothers are used to us Allington twins having our private moments. We've always been close, and everyone knows it.

The door slams open, and the room explodes with angry voices. Even though our church room has been fitted with soundproof everything, I'm still surprised we didn't hear a single thing.

“Prez, you need to get the fuck out here. Your woman needs you, and Princess is about to kick some serious ass,” Trigger yells over the noise.

Without a second thought, I run out the door and into the lounge to search for my woman.




10 minutes earlier



The minute Bear walks away, I start to panic. I know it seems silly considering I've only known the guy less than twenty-four hours. I can't explain it.

I once read a story about a woman taken by this guy named Steve Brentwood. He was a Realtor agent, and he took her to one house he knew was empty and had access to. He beat her and violated her.

Some random guy was doing his morning run when he heard her screaming. He ran inside and fought off her attacker. Anyway, skipping all the details, she fell in love with him. Obsessive love. He tried letting her down easily. He was happily married and had a family, but she had a bad case of hero-worship.

I don't think that's what's happening to me. Bear isn't the only one who saved me last night. It was Bear, Hawk, Trigger, Chains, Ink and the other man whose name I have yet to learn. Trigger, Chains, Ink and the nameless man are still in this room but the farther away Bear walks, the faster my heart beats.

“So, Rose, you do realize that you've just been publicly claimed, right?” I hear someone say.

Turning away from the door that Bear just closed I look back to see Princess sitting across from me at the table.

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