Home > Bear's Forever (Infernal Sons MC #1)(9)

Bear's Forever (Infernal Sons MC #1)(9)
Author: Carol Dawn

“No, baby. I know of him. I know who he is. He's not a friend. Hernández is the Mexican Drug Lord for the Hernández Cartel. I can't tell you much because that's club business, but my brothers and I have been looking into him for some time now. He's bad news. I'm glad you found a way out when you did. Is there anything you can tell me about him?”

“His eyes shine with lust when he's cutting into my skin, and he seems to think I belong to him. He has a very evil smile, and I fear him more than I do my father. Apart from that, I know nothing about the man. I was only around him for a little while.”

I didn't think she would be able to tell me any more than I already knew, but what she did tell me had me adding a little bit more pain to Hernández before he takes his last breath.

“Okay, here's what we're going to do. Some of the brothers will be over here in a few hours for a meeting,” I tell her. “After that, we will make a trip over to the clubhouse because I have a few things I need to take care of. Then I'm taking you to Ma's.”

“Your mothers? Why would you do that?” she asks.

“Multiple reasons. One, she finds out your here, and I didn't bring you there, she will pull my ear in front of you and the whole club until I lose my man card,” I say, and she giggles. If me losing my man card to my Ma causes her to giggle, I will do it daily, and with a smile on my face. “Two, it's your birthday baby, and Ma makes the best cakes. So, I'm giving her a call now, so she can be ready.”

“Oh, you don't have to do anything like that. It's just a silly day when I turn another year older,” she says with a sad smile.

“You've never had a birthday party before, have you?” I ask her.

Looking down at the pillow she shakes her head.

“Roll to your stomach. I'm going to apply more cream. Then we eat breakfast, and I have a meeting, we head to the clubhouse, and then go to Ma's. Sound good?”


“Good, be right back,” I tell her.

I go to my room and grab my phone before heading to the back porch. I find the contact I want and hit dial.

“What are you doing calling me at this hour when you have a guest in your home?”

“Ma, who told you I have a guest?” I ask, already knowing what suck up twin it was.

“Hawk told me all about your pretty, scared, lady friend. He said you were acting all protector around her. I think it's sweet. What can I do?”

That's my Ma. Always wanting to help.

“Actually, I just found out that today is her birthday. She's twenty-five. She's never had a party before, Ma. She's never really had a good family. Don't do anything overwhelming. Just something to make her feel special.”

“Oh, honey,” Ma sniffs. “I have the perfect idea.”

“I mean it, Ma. She's very skittish. It doesn't take much to scare her. We'll be over this evening. I have club business to take care of.”

“She's skittish, and you're taking her to the clubhouse?” Ma asks.

“She'll be with me the whole time, and when she's not she'll be with Hawk. I have it all planned out. Be there later. Love ya, Ma.”

“I love you, too, son. Don't worry. I will have everything ready. I can't wait to meet your new special friend.”

Hanging up with Ma, I grab the cream and head back to Rose.



Chapter Seven



I'm sitting in Bears room watching some reality show about women choosing wedding dresses. Bear told me his friends would be over soon for a meeting and I wasn't allowed to listen in, so he walked me to his room, told me to sit and watch television until they were finished.

That was about an hour ago...and I really have to pee.

The bathroom is just down the hall, but I don't want to accidentally overhear anything being said. Bear has been nice, so far. I don't want to risk not listening to him and being punished. Or worse. Thrown out.

Wiggling on the bed, I realize I don't have a choice. If I run, I can make it before I embarrass myself. I'll just hold my ears and hum a soft tune. I open the door, hold my hands over my ears and rush quickly to the restroom shutting the door behind me.

After relieving myself and washing my hands, I head back toward Bears room. Reaching my hands up to cover my ears I pause half-way when I hear an unexpected name.

“Josh Pierce called the clubhouse this morning asking about her.”

Josh? Why would he be calling here? How does he even know where I am?

“What did he want?” I hear Bear ask.

“He said he just wanted to talk to her. Just to hear her voice for himself and make sure she was alright. I told him to call back later, and he could talk to you.”

“Yeah, that was a good call. Her father knows who she's with. Now, knowing her story, I wish I didn't make such a rash decision last night in taunting the man,” Bear grumbles. “Speaking of her father, Chains, any update on who he is?”

“Yep, I figured it out. But, didn't you just ask her?” Chains asks.

“No, I was going to this morning, but she woke up from a nightmare. It was a memory from her past. From what I've learned so far, her life has been hell. She's been nothing but her father's prisoner her whole life.”

“It wouldn't have mattered,” I quietly say as I step in the kitchen.


“I'm so sorry, Bear,” I say to the floor. I can feel the tears trying to fight their way out. I'm so afraid. “I've been watching television for a very long time now and I had to use the restroom. I promise I tried my best not to hear. It was only on the way back to your room that I heard my brother’s name.”

“Oh sweetheart, come here,” Bear says, as he reaches out his hand.

With only a moment’s hesitation, I go to where he stands and he wraps me in his arms.

“I'm not mad, sweet Rose,” Bear says as he gently raises my chin until my face isn't hidden by my hair.

“Whoa, who are you and what have you done with our grumpy President?” One man says.

“Shut the fuck up, Ink,” Bear grunts.

Hearing the men around the kitchen laugh, I can't help but let out a small giggle. As scary as this group of men may seem they feel like a family. A family that loves each other and would do anything for each other. I've never felt this before. While I know I'm not part of their family, I close my eyes and let myself pretend I actually mean something special to this group of scary looking, soft-hearted men.

“What did you mean when you said it wouldn't have mattered?” Bear asks.

My eyes are still closed, and I feel his fingers tracing my jaw. The darkness behind my eyes always makes me feel safe when the unknown tries to break down my barriers.

“I don't know much about Father. Apart from his name, physical description, favorite form of punishment, and his rules, I couldn't tell you anything else,” I say.

“Your father, Brian Pierce, is in the running for Governor of Ohio,” Chains says. “I knew I'd seen his face before. He was a mess last night, but it was the hair. Same as yours. Super light blonde. Almost white. I've seen him on those posters all over town.”

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