Home > Blood Lust (Royal Bastards MC Baltimore #5)(4)

Blood Lust (Royal Bastards MC Baltimore #5)(4)
Author: Erin Trejo

I run my hands over her ass before sliding up behind her. I shove into her without warning. Taking what I want from her.

My thrusts are anything but gentle. I want my marks on her. I want her to remember me for the next fucking week.

Bev moans and groans but I want her to scream. I pull out of her and slide up, pushing into her ass.

“Drake! Stop!” She yells but I don’t listen. She’s a fucking club whore. She will take what I give her.

I grip her hips in my hands and thrust hard. Her body bounces the harder I thrust.

“Stop! Please, you’re hurting me!” Bev screams. Pain. That’s something I get off on. She should know that by now.

I dig my fingers into her sides, pulling her back with each thrust of my hips. I feel my dick swell just before I explode inside of her. I fill her ass with every drop that I can possibly expel.

Bev sobs but I don’t give a shit about her feelings. She should have known tempting the beast in me wouldn’t work in her favor.

I pull out of her and shove her to the side. She tries to get up but I push her back down onto her stomach.

“No one told you to leave,” I growl. Bev’s body shakes with each sob that leaves her but it’s the blood that flows from her ass that catches my gaze.

I fucked her until she bled. Blood mixed with my seed seeps from her body making me feel that much higher. No amount of drugs could make me feel this way. Blood is an aphrodisiac for me, and I fucking want every drop of it.

I reach over and smile when she flinches. I run my finger through the mixture, dragging it up her back. Her body trembles.

“You should be more careful which brother you shake your ass on.” Bev shifts slightly but I grab her hip, holding her in place.

“Tell me you didn’t like it?” I growl near her ear. Her body shudders.

“It hurt,” she sobs through her tears.

“Pain is pleasure, darlin’.” I roll on top of her, pressing her into the mattress.

“Tell me you liked it.” I repeat, my dick becoming hard again. It’s the blood. It’s the sight of it. I need it.

“I liked it.” Her words come out weakly.

I push up slightly, positioning myself at her ass once again. I told you, I’m a fucking sick man. I see the blood and I need it. I need it more than I need the fucking air in my lungs.

I shove into her roughly, her blood and my seed lubricating my dick, making it an easier for her this time. I slide inside of her, lifting her hips in my hand. I take her harder and rougher this time.

“Please.” She cries into the pillow as if it hurts her. Not that I care, I don’t. The begging was never a turn on for me. I know some guys get off on that but I’m not one of them. I like the visual aspect more than anything.

“Shut up or I’ll make it hurt worse.” I grind my teeth tired of hearing her already. A few more rough thrusts and I finish.



Chapter 3



You would think it would get tiring watching the one thing you can’t have. You know it’s within reach but you can’t touch it just yet. You want to, God do you want to, but it’s not the time for it yet.

That’s how I feel watching Evie. She’s so fucking close yet so far away. The problem is getting inside of that clubhouse or getting her out alone. One day it’ll happen. I will have her and I will do so many things to her. I can’t wait to watch the way her blood spills. I often find myself wondering if it’s really Evie that I want or the ghost of Tara that I yearn for. Tara was stolen, taken from me so long ago and I’ve never felt whole since then. Maybe Evie will make me whole.

“You ready?” Bic says pulling my attention from her.

“Yeah. You got somethin’ you wanna say to me?” I ask, because frankly I’m sick of the way he keeps looking at me.

“You’re off, Drake. I dunno what the fuck is goin’ on with you,” he says.

I shrug. I don’t think I’m off.

“I’m just me, Bic. What the fuck you think you see?” I ask, smoking a joint.

“You’re hurtin’ the girls.” I cock my eyebrow at him, waiting for him to elaborate on that. “I heard the girls talkin’, brother. Bev mainly. She said you fucked her ‘til she bled.” I chuckle when he says it.

“Tell me you have never had one of those days that you took it out on a club whore?” I ask him, knowing damn good and well that’s not what it was. It was me. It was this blood lust that sent me over the edge.

“Shit, Drake. I’ve been there but there’s more than just Bev sayin’ it,” he tells me. I shake my head and take another drag of my joint.

“That means what? You tryin’ to step in on what I’m doin’? You wanna save them all?” I ask narrowing my gaze at him. He shakes his head knowing that he has nothing to say to me. I’m the fucking Royal Bastards VP. He can’t tell me a goddamn thing!

“It ain’t like that, brother. I was just askin’ what was goin’ on.” He breaks eye contact and the thought of tying up his ass in my basement hits me.

I’ve never messed with a man. I’m not gay. But the thought of watching him bleed out as I carve him up is playing in my mind like a goddamn movie. Him hanging from the chains. His blood dripping down his own dick. Why the fuck is this making me so fucking hard?

I adjust my dick before flicking the joint to the ground.

“Let’s just get this run over with. You got a problem with the way I fuck, just be thankful I ain’t fuckin’ you.” I cut my eyes at him and note the look on his face. I make him nervous. I know I do. It happens a lot and of course I enjoy fucking with his head a little. I rev my bike up and take off with Bic not far behind me.

This run isn’t shit. That’s why it’s just me and Bic riding. We’re heading to a sister chapter to help out with a few issues they’re having. A few missing drugs, a few disloyal members. We will get it handled once we get there.

The only reason I like these kinds of runs is that my favorite thing comes into it - blood. Death. Blood. We get to kill.



Chapter 4



The ride was calming. It gave my head a much-needed break. This lifestyle can be consuming. It’s hard to be on top of the fucking world alone. I never thought about it much until lately. When Demon took his old lady, it kinda hit home for me. I never thought about having a wife or kids. I knew I couldn’t be a good father. Mine was shit. That’s why I am the way I am today.

His blood lust became mine. He used to beat me and my mom until we couldn’t see straight. I watched it spark in his eyes. He would change in the matter of seconds. He would go from the abuser to the man who was hypnotized by the sight of blood flowing from our wounds.

I think back to the assholes that took Tara. They were just like him. Like me. I often wonder if that’s the reason I want to hurt, kill, and watch people bleed. If only I could have gotten my hands on the ones who hurt her, I know I could make them feel the same amount of pain I feel.

I watched in amazement. It was strange to see it the way he did. I always wondered what the appeal was, but when I took that knife and slit his throat, I saw it. It all came into focus then. The rush that it gave me, the way it called out to me.

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