Home > Blood Lust (Royal Bastards MC Baltimore #5)(7)

Blood Lust (Royal Bastards MC Baltimore #5)(7)
Author: Erin Trejo

He sighs before he looks me in the eye. “You kill outside the club.” I grin when he says it.

“How do you know that?” I ask him. I want him to say that he saw me. I want him to tell me what he knows because that’s the only way I will make my decision on helping him.

“Fuck, Drake! I don’t care, brother. I really don’t.” He takes a step back but I move closer.

“How the fuck do you know what I do, Bic?” I growl.

“I saw you. I saw you take that girl from Black’s. She never came back but you did. You had blood on you, Drake. Like I said, I don’t give a fuck. I just need a favor.”

He saw me take her? It’s possible. I always have blood on me so why does he just assume I killed her? There’s more to it that I don’t know, but I can see in his eyes he isn’t going to tell me anything more.

“You want help takin’ him out?” I ask.

Bic nods before he answers me, “Yeah. I want that motherfucker wiped from the face of this earth. He deserves it, brother. More than anyone knows.”

I don’t usually get into personal shit like this. It’s not really my thing. I like to run on my own. It’s what I do. It’s what I’ve always done, but something about the look in Bic’s eyes says I need to do this.

“Alright. Tomorrow night.” I walk past him not saying another word.



Chapter 7



I drink. I smoke. I even fucked without killing, but all I can think about is tonight. This shit is getting too close to home.

I sit on the bench much like I always do on Tuesdays and watch her. Evie. That porcelain skin calling out to me. Her long hair hanging down to her ass in waves. The salon is where she goes every Tuesday at noon. Every Tuesday I’m on this bench watching her. Taking her in.

Dreaming of what it’s going to be like to have her beneath me. The thoughts are almost too much but there’s something standing in my way. Bic. He knows something more than what he’s telling me, nevertheless, Evie is all I see.

The time is coming soon. I can feel it in my bones.

This right here is my reprieve. It’s my escape from a world that will never understand my deepest desires. A world that could never truly be mine because I don’t conform to society’s standards. I was never normal, and as time goes on it shows more and more.

I drop my cigarette to the ground and step on it with my boot before pulling my phone out. I need to go meet up with Bic and get this shit handled. The problem is, am I going to be able to control myself in front of him when the time comes? Will he see the monster that stirs inside of me at the first sight of blood? Will he know that deep down I crave it? That I need it? I shake my head and press the call button, waiting on him to answer.

“Hey, you ready?” he says without so much as a hello.

“Yeah. Where am I meetin’ you?” The line is silent for a minute.

“You sure you’re okay with this, Drake?”

I smile and want to laugh. If only he knew how okay I am he would run from me. He would run as far and fast as he could.

“Yeah, brother. He’s hurtin’ her, yeah?” I ask already knowing the answer.


“Then we handle it. Under the table. No one will know,” I reassure him. Or am I reassuring myself, because little does Bic know he isn’t going home tonight, either.

No, I want him out of my hair. I want him out of my way. Something about him invades my head when all I want to think about is Evie. I don’t know what it means or why it’s him, but it’s there.

And before I can get to Evie, I need to know that Bic isn’t going to be a problem. I need to know that he is taken care of and is out of the way, and what better way to do that than introduce him to my basement?

“Ok. Meet me at the old mill.” The line goes dead but my heart beats faster. This has to be done. It’s not like I give one shit about Bic anyway.

I climb in the truck and drive out to the old mill. I see him sitting on his bike. His eyes meet mine through the windshield. I know he’s probably confused as fuck as to why I’m not on my bike.

He nods up the road, the motion telling me to follow him. I do.

I drive behind him, taking him in. The way his muscles move when he controls the bike. The way his arms tense the closer we get to his sister’s. It’s almost mesmerizing to watch him.

He parks his bike and climbs off as I slide out of the truck, a cigarette hanging between my lips.

“This it?” I ask nodding toward the house.

“Yeah, I told her we were comin’ by but not why.”

I nod, understanding his reasoning. Who really tells someone they are coming to kill them?

Following behind Bic something hits me. Why don’t I just kill them all? Him, his sister, her man. All of them. I could burn this motherfucker to the ground. No. I want that son of a bitch in my basement just like I envisioned him.

“Sis? You here?” Bic yells as we walk in the front door. I take in the small living room that’s full of flowers and family photos.

A small woman rounds the corner with a frown on her face until she sees Bic. Then she’s all smiles. She squeals before throwing herself into his arms.

It’s almost a sweet moment if I still had that kind of emotion. But I don’t; that bastard of a father and the craving to kill long ago replaced it. I watch them hug and wonder what it feels like to have that kind of connection. How it feels to actually care about someone else.

“This is Drake,” he says nodding toward me. As I’m about to say hi when the asshole in question rounds the corner. His lips are kicked up in a smirk.

“Who the fuck are you?” His smirk falls as he takes us in.

“You remember Bic, he’s my brother.”

“Shut the fuck up, Deb,” the asshole snaps.

No wonder Bic wants the motherfucker dead. I just grin. This shit is like an episode of Jerry Springer with Dexter thrown in the middle. I love every goddamn second of it.

“You’re done, Dan. I warned you the last time that if I had to come out here, you were as good as dead,” Bic tells him. There’s an amusement in Dan’s eyes. I like it. He thinks he may have a way out.

He doesn’t.

“Let’s take a walk,” I tell Dan. His eyes come to meet mine and there’s a challenge there. I love a challenge.

“I got him. You sit with her.”

Oh, hell. He’s leaving me with her? Does he not understand just how hard this is going to be to sit here and not act on my impulses? On the other hand, he won’t be around after tonight to even care.

“Got it,” I say.

Bic pulls his gun and points it at Dan. “Let’s go talk like men,” he growls.

Dan smiles but walks out the door with him thinking he still has a chance. I shake my head and try to control the laughter that wants to bubble out of me.

“Your brother is somethin’ else,” I say catching her attention. Her big blue eyes meet mine and there’s such a yearning in them.

“How longs it been since he fucked you, darlin’?” I ask, seeing the look. I know that look.

“What? That’s none of your business.” She looks away quickly. I reach up and drag her gaze back to mine.

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