Home > Like Grim Death(34)

Like Grim Death(34)
Author: K. Sterling

“Ok. Let’s get that brace off and get ready for bed,” Hawk declared but Casper shook his head and turned at the end of the parallel bars so he could do another lap. His bun was collapsing and the hairs that had escaped were stuck to his face and neck and his chest were covered in a sheen of sweat.

“I can go a little bit longer.”

“No,” Hawk caught Casper’s wrist before he could turn around and head back. “You’re going to hurt yourself and it’ll hold you back for weeks,” he warned and pulled Casper to him. “Come on. I’ll take you upstairs and draw a bath and we’ll drink wine and smoke and make out in the tub.” He held Casper’s hands as he walked backwards and Hawk couldn’t stop the wide smile that spread across his face. He felt like his chest was full of light. “I’m so damn proud of you.”

“I can’t afford to sit on my ass while you do everything for me anymore. I have to get back to work,” Casper said and gave his head a determined shake. Hawk frowned as he bent so he could loosen the brace’s bindings.

“Is it because Blink’s pressuring you? Or is it money?” He asked and Casper’s face twisted.

“I don’t give a damn about money and Blink can’t pressure me to do a fucking thing if I don’t want to do it. I’d boil him alive in one of his fancy suits with...an extremely vicious strain of Brucella melitensis!” He decided as he rocked excitedly.

“What is that...? Malta fever?” Hawk guessed and cringed.

“Yes!” Casper laughed in delight as he kissed Hawk. “You are so smart and I...” He was stuck and his eyelid fluttered. Casper wanted to say it so badly but he’d lock up and sputter.

“It’s ok. I know. Me too,” Hawk whispered and lifted Casper so he could wrap his left leg around Hawk’s waist. He kissed Casper loudly then carried him through the living room and up the stairs. “Why are you pushing yourself so hard if it’s not about Blink or money? Are you in a hurry to get rid of me?” He teased, which made Casper snort in disgust as he wound his arm around Hawk’s neck.

“I remembered that I have unfinished business to attend to. Someone tried to kill me a few months ago and I should return the favor before they try again,” he said. Hawk’s hand spread protectively over Casper’s back as he nodded.

“I can get on board with that but don’t hurt yourself now or vengeance is going to have to wait even longer,” he warned. Casper pulled his head back so he could give him a hard eye.

“Are you lulling me into something? This feels like a trap?” He said and leaned so he could see into the bedroom when they reached the top of the stairs. Casper’s head swung and he peeked over Hawk’s shoulder so he could check the bathroom before he carried him in.

“It’s not a trap!” Hawk laughed as he set Casper on the counter and caught his chin. “Your recovery and rehab has been going perfectly and I don’t want to see that stalled because you pushed too hard and hurt yourself.” He kissed Casper and apologized as he took the shrinker off the end of his stump and reached for the hairbrush.

“I hate this,” Casper grumbled and pressed his face into Hawk’s chest.

“I know. I’m sorry but I have to fuck with your stump,” he said softly and ran the bristles over the tender pink skin at the end of Casper’s stump. Desensitizing was necessary so Casper could wear his prosthetic, once he was ready. If not, it would be hell until the nerves desensitized on their own. Casper swore and twitched as he held onto Hawk but he thrashed a lot less and settled down a lot faster. Hawk tossed the brush and nuzzled Casper’s hair. “Ok?” He whispered and Casper nodded then raised his head and pushed out a clarifying breath.

“You promised me wine and weed and a long hot bath,” he said and Hawk raised his brows at him.

“Suddenly you’re a fan of baths,” he observed and went to turn on the water.

“I don’t mind them with you. That’s the long and hot part,” Casper added cheekily as he hopped off the counter and landed on his foot. He pushed Hawk’s shorts over his hips and lifted himself with the counter so he could kick them away. Hawk rolled his eyes as he pulled his t-shirt over his head then unzipped his jeans as he went to Casper.

“I don’t mind them either,” he murmured and bent so he could nibble on Casper’s lips.

“What are these names?” Casper asked as the nubs of his fingers trailed over Hawk’s pec and he grunted softly as his hand covered Casper’s.

“Friends I couldn’t save,” he said and a frown pulled at Casper’s lips.

“It doesn’t bother you? That I killed O’Malley and won’t stop until I’ve found whoever’s responsible for the attacks?” He asked. Hawk squinted and considered.

“I’ve seen too many soldiers die and spent too much time on the streets to know what the real price of politics is. The good guys aren’t always who we think they are and everyone lies. And I saw what O’Malley did to Toly and Reginald. I saw what happened to Denver. Play homicidal games, win deadly prizes, right? I trust you when you say that you don’t hurt the innocent or the people who protect them. There are too many people who live above the law and there should be repercussions when the weak and small get trampled on.”

“You’d better go and get the wine and weed or they’re not happening tonight,” Casper warned huskily. His hand pushed into the fly of Hawk’s jeans and they groaned against each other’s tongues as Casper gripped his semi.

“You need a good soak and the pot will help with the pain,” Hawk said. “The wine’s mostly for me but I’ll let you have a little because it makes you drowsy. Let me help you get in and you can relax while I get everything,” he suggested. Casper hummed as he stroked and Hawk’s jaw stretched as he became painfully hard.

“You have to stop spoiling me. I’m becoming soft and lazy,” Casper whispered.

“You don’t feel very soft,” Hawk said as the backs of his fingers brushed along Casper’s erection.

“Fuck me now,” he panted and Hawk clicked his teeth.

“In you go!” He swept Casper into his arms and set him on his foot, in the tub. “I’ll be right back but go ahead and get comfortable,” Hawk ordered as he backed away.

“Don’t be gone too long,” Casper said petulantly as he lowered onto his bottom and hugged his knee.

“I can’t seem to stay away,” Hawk replied. It made Casper’s lips curve but he rubbed them against his knee so Hawk wouldn’t see. Hawk laughed under his breath as he turned and jogged out of the room. It was true; Hawk felt a pull, the moment Blink turned up in Lake Cliff and said he had a patient who needed saving. And they felt so right when they were together. Even when Hawk was at the end of his rope or scared for his safety, there was no place else he’d rather be. “I belong here.”



Chapter 25


“What is that?” Casper growled as his head popped up. He snarled and searched the room around the bed as a digital bell pealed.

“That’s me,” Hawk said. His fingers threaded through Casper’s hair and scrubbed his scalp, calming him. Hawk’s other hand crawled over the nightstand until he found his phone. Casper grumbled belligerently about his beauty sleep as he rubbed his nose against Hawk’s side then pushed his face into his armpit. He sniffed hard, filling his lungs with Hawk’s naturally clean and woodsy scent and hummed drowsily. “Hey, what’s up, Maisie,” Hawk mumbled as he held his phone to his ear. Casper could hear a woman’s voice and felt Hawk’s body tense as he became alert. “Is he ok?” Hawk asked. He cradled Casper’s head with his free hand as he slipped away and Hawk rolled out of bed so he could chew on his thumbnail as he went to pace in the middle of the room. “Ok. Good... What about his work?” Hawk asked then pushed out a relieved breath before he spun around and grimaced at Casper. “Yeah... Sure. I can take care of it. I’ll figure everything out after we get off the phone and send you the details in the morning,” he said then hung up. Hawk looked to the desk then at Casper. He rubbed his brow and his lips moved as he silently calculated.

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