Home > Purgatory In Pink(14)

Purgatory In Pink(14)
Author: M.J Knight

"Dad, I really need to talk to you. It’s about Ayida Underhill." I do my best to keep my voice even as I distract him from whatever cruel things he had planned for my mother. Just because she is a drunk doesn't mean I wish her additional pain.

Dropping his hand away from her wrist with a look of disgust, he turns his glare towards me. "Why is that filthy little cunt’s name even on your tongue? I thought I told you to stay away from that bitch." He says, walking back to his seat. Mom is already scrambling out of her chair and stumbling through the swinging door that leads to the kitchen. Probably going to get her a bottle of wine to keep her company as she locks herself away in the basement bathroom for the rest of the night, far away from my father’s evil ideas of punishment.

"Dad, you know I'm friends with her. You're just going to have to get used to that. She mentioned you had some colorful words for her at the meeting. Why do you dislike her so much?" I ask as I slowly make my way towards his end of the table. Maybe if I rile him up, he'll get close enough for the phone to work. That is if it's on his person.

"Because she doesn't deserve the things that have been handed to her on a silver platter. She is nothing more than a spoiled brat, not unlike your sister. If you know what's best for the both of you, you'll stay away from Ayida Underhill... unless you want to follow Old Man Frank into the grave." He says before popping a piece of meat in his mouth and narrowing his eyes in my direction.

"Are you threatening her, threatening me? Dad, Ayida was left that seat as a birthright. It is the bylaws followed by all Saupoudrer Family members. You know the laws better than most, even if you refuse to follow them. She is just doing what Old Man wanted, and I won't be staying away from her either. As a matter of fact, I was thinking of moving in with Clint. So, I'll be seeing her a whole lot more often." I reply while pouring myself a glass of wine that was left sitting on the table before taking a seat next to him, knowing I’m getting on his last nerve.

"Listen here you vindictive little asshole. I paid good money for your apartment. I pay all your bills. I fucking own you and your sister. How do you think that pretty little twat would look at you if she found out how fucked up you are?" He says, his face red with anger, but a sadistic smile gracing his lips. "I know all about your sick ways. I don't know how I created such a sorry, weak excuse for a son. Letting women hit him and getting off on it. Yeah, I bet she would love to see the pictures my P.I. gave me. You begging for her strap on yet?" I want to punch him in his smug face, but I'm on a mission, and this just fills me with the rage to take him down.

"First off, you pay my bills because you like me under your thumb. I didn’t ask you to. I make enough to support Winnie, and me, with or without the Heads support.” I can practically see the steam pouring out my dad’s ears. “Secondly, Blue knows everything about me. She accepts me for who I am, and I just might beg her for a strap on tonight. So, thanks for that idea, Dad. Who knows, maybe that's what you need in your life, too. You know, to help work out all that stress you’re holding on to. You might enjoy it." I smirk as I go to take a sip of my wine only to have it knocked out of my hand, and his face replace it.

"You want to say that again, son?” He seethes with his hands on each of the chair arms caging me in. My heartbeat picks up, and I can hear it roaring in my ears. Part of me wants to cower, allowing him to intimidate me like he always did as a child. The other part wants to wrap my hands around his throat and squeeze until his eyes bleed red, and his face turns a beautiful purple hue. He may think I’ve changed a lot, but a lot has changed me. Nowadays, the Devil and I get along just fine.

“I was just saying it might be something that would interest you. If not- that's fine." I try my best to keep talking, but not to make him any more angry. With his eyes glued on mine, trying to stare me into submission, I slowly reach in my front pocket and push the volume button on the new cell phone.

"Oh, you're just being a little smart ass, huh? You think it's funny to get rammed up the ass with a fake dick worn by a woman? Well, you just have your fun making your queer jokes, but remember I won't be giving my seat to any man that takes it in the ass." He snaps in my face before retreating to his seat. I can only hope the interaction was long enough to work.

"I'll remember that, Richard. I'll be seeing you soon. I have a date with a dick... A lady dick." I give him a sweet smile before exiting the chair and walking out of the room that holds nothing but bad memories. I'm ready to be back with the people I actually care about.

Seeing Winnie bouncing around and dancing in her seat makes my heart swell. It still amazes me how she can be so happy and free after the life we have had. I just hope she will always be a bright spot of sunshine in my life.

"How did it go?" She asks as I slide into my seat and crank the engine. I can feel her nervous eyes on my skin. I don't want to bring her into all this crap.

"It went fine. You want to stay at my apartment tonight? I'm going back to Clint’s if you would rather come there with me?" I ask her, trying to change the subject from the convo about Dad. I don't particularly want Winnie at Clint’s in case things get wild, but I also feel guilty about leaving her alone so much.

“Your place is fine. I might go out tonight with my friends anyway." She answers a little too quickly with a grin that has my brother senses tingling. I know when she is up to something. She had the same smile when she egged all the heads houses when she was 12. Thankfully, they could never prove it. I knew the truth, though.

"I'm going to get Augustine and Bastien to come stay with you. There have been some rival gangs spotted around the city, and I would feel better for you not to be alone." I say while turning the car in the direction of my apartment in the city. I do love Clint's house just for the fact I don't have to listen to all the city noise at night.


New Orleans is known for its uniqueness, and luxury, and that carries into my spacious condo that overlooks Lafayette Square. Richard insists on this obnoxiously large apartment. It might be big and beautiful, but every penny Richard puts into this place just reminds me of the leash he keeps bound to Winnie and my necks. I can certainly afford my own place, but the Heads have their reputation to uphold, and if that means they want to foot the bill on a home I rarely stay at, so be it. I’d much rather be on an overnight stakeout, or crashing on the yacht, or even staying at Clint’s than be here alone. It’s too much space for one person and brings back all the lonely nights growing up. They were not all bad. After Winnie came along, I had her to protect and love. So, naturally, I actually was grateful when Winnie moved in with me. She was safe with me. Sheltered from the streets, and more importantly, safe from our parents. I’ve been on my own for so long, sure I had The Sons of Fortune, and now Blue, but Winnie takes up space that only a little bitchy sister can.

Pulling into the luxury condominiums does make me look like a pretentious asshole, but at least the security I set up here is superb. I get the alert on my cell phone on our drive that my guest alarm code has been used to turn off the system. I look up to the rooftop and see that Bastien and Augustine are looking down at us from my rooftop terrace, having already let themselves into my apartment. Bastien is smoking a fucking cigarette, again. I swear to God if I’ve told him once I’ve told him a thousand times to not smoke around my property: my yacht- my apartment- my car- my sister- or my girl… fuck Blue is my girl.

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